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Good morning! Here's the full reaction to Indiana Jones, enjoy! Thanks for being here guys, I can't believe we're almost at 200 patrons. I can't thank you enough!

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[Full Reaction] Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)


Wesley White

hey, the reaction doesn't exist! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!! lol😂😂😂


Is there a working link to the full reaction?


I'm also hoping the links for this one will be fixed soon. I didn't catch these when you did them.


It now seems to be gone permanently :( any updated link?

Padraig Glennon

Wonderful Reaction video, Its nice to watch the full reaction. Streaming the movie seems to sync up better than DVD/Blu-ray. Either way its really cool to watch these movies again with P.I.B. 👌

Ramah Mustangs

The best thing about Popcorn in Bed is that it almost feels like watching an old familiar movie for the first time. This was another great reaction.

Nick Hook

When George Lucas and Steven Speilberg collaborate - good things happen. And, I'm such a fan of yours that I'm not going to point out the title mistake, because it's no biggie...but I'm also an annoying nerd so I did wind up doing that albeit passive aggressively..*ahem* On your way to 200, congrats.

Cassie Tremblay

😂 HAHAHA! Thanks for pointing that out, I'll stay true to the original title and not my made up one.


Just something you should know before watching the second movie! The second movie is set 1 year before the first movie. so Lost Ark is 1936 and Temple of Doom is 1935. alot of people get confused about it and it is no spoiler.


This trilogy is one of my favorites. Completely captivated my imagination when I was younger. It definitely helped develop my love for both film and history. Since no one has brought it up yet, I'd be happy to bring up some trivia. - The scene when Indy shoots the big swordsman in the market was not planned. There are a few versions of what happened. Either Harrison or the whole crew got food poisoning while filming the scene. It was going to be a big hand-to-hand fight, but Harrison wasn't up to it that day. He pulled out his gun and shot. The actor who played the Arab reacted to it. Good on him too! The completely adlibbed scene is now one of the most iconic Indy moments. Also rather keeping with his character too. - A second happy circumstance occurred when they were looking for a submarine for the film. As it happened, a German film crew was filming the movie 'Das Boat' in the area at the same time. A film which featured a real, fully functional submarine. Spielberg asked if they could borrow it for a few days and they were only too happy to oblige. There are many other stories surrounding this film. These are two of my favorites. Can't wait to share more! :-)

Thorsten Pontow

Unfortunatly the video cannot be loaded on Vimeo :-(

Cassie Tremblay

Hey Thorsten! Are you playing it through the embedded video here on Patreon? I don't think it works if you open it in a different window unfortunately. Let me know and I'll try to get it fixed for you ASAP.

Allen Bond

Great watching along! You might want to skip the fourth Indy movie.

Jacob Mai

A few other notable bits of trivia. John Rhys-Davies (Salah) had a lead role in a tv show called Sliders in the mid to late 90’s and in the Lord Of The Rings trilogy a few years later. Both are among my favorites. Harrison Ford had the third movie of the original trilogy of Star Wars come out at around the same time. Also, Indiana Jones is, from what I’ve heard, loosely based on a real life paleontologist from the 19 teens through the 30’s. His name was Roy Champman Andrews and he worked for the American Museum of Natural History. His is credited with finding the first dinosaur nesting ground and eggs. He had similar adventures and brushes with death as our dear Dr Jones. I can’t wait for you see the rest of the series.

salim alvarez

ove the original trilogy of indiana, but my favorite is the third... Indiana Jones and The last Crusade....Sean Connery definitely give some spice to that! love watching along with you all this content....only 2 movies left to be up to date!

Anakin Starkiller

I take it your going to watch all of them they are all good films in their own right . Even the fourth one is fun.

Be Kind

Glad you liked it. It is an 80’s classic. I do wish you’d look into the camera though so it’s more engaging rather than the monitor. I know it’s hard bc you can see yourself in the monitor so it feels like you’re talking to an actual person, but maybe put a Post-it on it as a reminder. Your reaction was nice though. Funny that you only knew Harrison as a grumpy old man. Definitely check out Spielberg’s catalogue: Jaws, Schindler’s List, The Color Purple, Close Encounters of the Third Kind ... Or for another great adventure movie, The Mummy from 1999 (NOT the Tom Cruise one). That’s a fun ride as well.

Be Kind

200 Patrons! Congratulations!!! 🎉🎇

Jay Kawala

A few comments on here skewering the fourth film... while I will admit it's not the best of them - in my opinion, the real dog is number two (Temple of Doom). In fact, Temple of Doom is so bad, I'd even recommend saving one's time, and skipping it entirely.

Thorsten Pontow

I opened it as always directly here on patreon. Other videos can be opened like Private Ryan. But others like Band Of Brothers Part 2 can't. Very strange. Maybe its not allowd for Europe :-) Congratulations for reaching 200 patreons.

Thorsten Pontow

It works when starting Patreon on Chrome Browser not through Android App. Strange because it worked earlier. But ok now!!!


This may my favorite reaction from you so far. Watching you genuinely smile, giggle, gasp to a movie that had such an impact on me as a kid made my month. I was born in the 80s and my ma owned a video store so I watch a lot of movies as a kid. I know it may sound silly saying it now, but back then Harrison Ford was an action hero to me. At the time, Harrison Ford was both Indiana Jones *and* Han Solo. There really wasn't anyone much cooler than that to me! As a kid I totally idolized him and wanted to be an archeologist SO bad! Steven Spielberg was inspired by b-movies and he and lucas just wanted to make a fun movie after star wars. This series hits everything like that for me. I know the 2nd isn't everyone's favorite(I still like it), but they will all hold a special place in my heart. They are fun, exciting, full of adventure with a bit of romance, he fights nazis, and travels all over the world. What's not to like! Thank you so much for the react! This really made me wicked happy watching with everyone!

Cassie Tremblay

This has been one of my favorites as well! I realized after I said I've only seen HF in The Morning Show that he was in Star Wars, which I've also never seen but I know people probably laugh that I don't know him from Indiana and Star Wars. I really feel like nostalgia is so much of loving a movie, peoples memories of how they were introduced to it, or what it meant to them when they first saw it! How cool your mom owned a video store! I can't wait to watch the next ones!

Cassie Tremblay

Yes, good advice, I feel like I don't want to miss anything by looking away but get that it would feel more connecting to look at the camera. Ok I haven't seen any of those you listed, I didn't know he was in Schindlers List, I have been really missing out on some HF apparently! Thanks for the suggestions, can't wait!

Cassie Tremblay

Thank you so much, that is so nice to hear :) I can't wait for the 3rd one, it comes so highly reccommneded!

Cassie Tremblay

I love hearing stuff like this after watching the movie, thanks for sharing! I can't believe the bit about Indy shooting the swordsman, that is so funny, poor guy probably thought he was going to get a lot more screentime though haha.

Be Kind

Oh, no. HF is not in any of those movies I listed. They are films directed by Steven Spielberg, and they’re amazing! You haven’t seen any? Oh, my. I hope Jaws is on the next poll then. Schlinder’s and Purple, you need to be in the mood for. They’re heavy hitters. The Mummy is not Spielberg but super-fun. An adventure, like Raiders. For HF, I like Witness, What Lies Beneath, Presumed Innocent and Six Days, Seven Nights.

Logan Sandoval

Wait...you haven't seen Harrison Ford in the Original Starwars Trilogy!? D:


The scene in the bazaar where Indy faces off against the big guy with the sword and Indy just shoots him? Harrison Ford was super hung over that day on set plus it was extremely hot. Pulling the gun and shooting was an adlib so he could get out of the sun.


The link doesn't work for me for some reason?

Cassie Tremblay

Hmm, are you using chrome? I think it will only work if you watch the embedded version here on Patreon. Let me know if you still can't get it to work!


I have tried opening the link on the vimeo app and in chrome. It just tells me the video cannot be found. I am using the Patreon app on my phone, is there much difference on a computer? My first time on Patreon haha so there may also be some human error perhaps


Oh, if I open the patreon post itself in chrome it seems to play the imbedded video. Strange, but at least it works. Thank you for reply all the same.☺️


Thank you very much😊


I think you would enjoy The Mummy 1999 release, has a similar adventure vibe.

Groovy Reacts

Some people are saying don't see the second one or fourth. But they are all worth seeing at least once. The second one is the one i seen first so i have a soft spot for it. The 4th one is the worst one but still fun. It stars Cate Blanchett who you just seen in Lord of the Rings as Galadriel, playing the main villain. What you may not know is they are making a 5th Indiana Jones movie. I'm not sure how far along they are. I hope it's good.

Morning Featherheart

Temple and Crusade are really great. One reactor even said that Crusade was the most "Indiana Jones" of all three of them, and I kind of agreed. My recent rewatch of Temple was the first I'd seen since I was little. It's actually more frightening than I knew of with the dark theological implications. It does, however, fit right in to the whole mood and feel of the trilogy. I still hadn't seen Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - no desire to, really.


Do you recognize Gimli?


videos dead...fix it ben!!!

Jon Johns

Here's the link to the reaction: https://vimeo.com/530196142/1222f8acac


vimeo - "Video does not exist". Help, looking fwd to full reaction.