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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for the S4 key episodes, which will premiere shortly! The episodes in this video are:

  • EP02 - Family

  • EP 07 - Reunion

  • EP 11 - Data's Day

  • EP 21 - Drumhead



Ben Schwartz

i wonder, Cassie, if you still have all your research, notes, etc. from that oral history project you mentioned... any recordings? if it's still around, that stuff is pretty important, imo, and should be safeguarded for posterity.


Have you done the "borg" episodes yet?

Luke Godfrey

Finally got around to watching this reaction. Haven't seen this movie since I was a kid so I had no clue Nala was voice by the same actress who was in The Cutting Edge until I recognised her voice. I'm surprised Cassie didn't recognise her voice too.