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I can't help but compare this to Band of Brothers and Masters of the Air. It's not really fair, though, since those were mini-series with so much more time to develop the characters and their stories. But I still enjoyed getting to know the crew of the Memphis Belle and seeing them overcome challenges and support each other. And that landing had me STRESSED! I was on the edge of my seat for the whole last 30 minutes... Hope you enjoy!

Sorry I'm a little late this week! We had some family come into town which slowed things down a bit. True Romance will probably be up by tomorrow morning!

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[Full Reaction] Memphis Belle (1990)



Just for context, the poem Danny reads is "An Irish Airman Forsees His Death" written by W.B. Yeats about aerial fighting in the First World War where air combat was in it's terrible and bloody infancy (it's often forgotten that in percentage terms the attrition for aircrew in WW2 was less than that in WW1 where life expectancy was often measured in hours). Along with "High Flight" by John Gillespie Magee Jr. (A Canadian pilot of the Second World War) it is one of "those" verses aircrew even to this day know. In my opinion there's never been a truly "great" air warfare picture, they all have flaws, but Memphis Belle cracks along at a decent pace and maintains tension well. If you want a portrait of the WW1 experience I can very much recommend "Aces High", "The Blue Max" and "Dawn Patrol". Again, all have flaws, but they all give a feel of what it must've been like.

Brent Petty

No, they no longer make B-17s for the Air Force.

Lei Guo

Guys someone please explain to me why the reactions here are silent and blurry ?

David Collins

Because reproducing the full audio and/or video would be criminal copyright infringement.