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I am very excited about starting this series with Carly. I know some of you are rolling your eyes at superhero stuff but it is fun and entertaining and I genuinely wanted to watch the next movie right after! Plus I loved seeing Captain JL Picard ❤️❤️

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[Full Reaction] X-Men (2000)


Dan M

Loved your reaction to this movie ladies. And I’m really glad that you enjoyed it and found yourselves totally invested. You both asked a lot of good and valid questions throughout the reaction, most of which will be answered as you move forward in the movie series. Mystique is played by Rebecca Romijn in the earlier movies. JLaw makes her debut as Mystique later in the series. You also asked how Magneto can float/fly. The most popular theory is that he uses the earth’s magnetic fields to levitate himself and then pushes against them to thrust himself in whatever direction to “fly”. Loved the fact that you wanted to get to X2 right away.


Both Cassie and Carly saw Patrick Stewart as Charles Xavier in the MCU Phase 4 movie "The Multiverse of Madness"


I like the realized world this film series eventually fully set up a lot, which I got more and more invested in, but I still view this movie as a first draft attempt to capture the world of X-Men. It world just never felt lived in, in this movie. It was only around The Last Stand, that I started to feel like the world they were in seemed like it's characters not longer felt like "action movie characters", and instead started to give performances. Hard for me to really describe. I feel like this first movie could've used 5 more rewrites to be excellent. Casting is ALMOST perfect, as well as most performances. I've felt this way since I first saw it in the 10th grade after being HEAVILY invested even to the point of crying at certain points during The Animated Series. Part's of it, specifically the design and direction of Sabertooth, as well as a few others, is just like Party City versions of characters. Will always hate his standard "lion roar", haha. I imagined there's a reason their looks change every movie. I always got the impression the filmmakers regretted some costumes/looks of some characters after every film. They were constantly evolving. This movie as well just has so many movie clichés and tropes which the comics didn't have. I also love Patrick as The Professor, especially later on in the series but the writing of his exposition and introductions of characters in this movie when Logan arrives at The Mansion are just so robotic and forced, which the movie itself pokes fun at, but that poking fun also just comes across as forced. Can't wait to watch you guys watch where this film series goes though. They certainly created a journey with the characters to be remembered. PS: Do Cassy and Carly remember seeing The Professor in that alternate reality in Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness? My guess is that's an alternate version, a variant of THIS movie's universe version of Charles.

Dustin Taylor

It's worth watching this entire series just to get to Logan.


Haha you guys didn't see Stan Lee as the Senator walked out of the ocean. Stan Lee, the co-creator of Marvel, makes an appearance in almost all Marvel movies.


Anna Paquin, who played Rogue, was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, father is Canadian, made her film debut in 'The Piano' with Holly Hunter, she became the second youngest ever to win an Oscar, Best Supporting Actress. She has done a lot of movies and tv shows, she's most famous for, besides this film series, is playing Sookie Stackhouse in HBO's 'True Blood'. Jennifer Lawrence was in the prequel movies, this is Rebecca Romijn-Stamos as Mystique.

Biajja Chiemara

Charles and Eric have a friendship, neither would see the other die and would actually protect each other... their friendship is deeper than that, they are like brothers. Magneto can fly because we all have trace metals in our bodies (iron, magnesium, zinc, etc) and he can manipulate metal and levitate it. Plus his shoes had metal soles on them to help with that process (in the context of this movie anyway). Wolverine actually had bone claws that the metal was grafted on (though there is a divergence in that part of his backstory where the weapon x program added his claws but comics prior to the movies detail that he had bone claws as part of his mutation along with his sense of smell).


Start with original 1968 Planet of the Apes! Knowone else ever does.

Clay F

React to these four: Planet of the Apes (1968) + the Matt Reeves trilogy (Rise, Dawn, and War). I would have preferred that over the X-Men movies (my personal preference). The vote was fairly close in the live poll. I am happy for those who wanted X-Men.