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download - https://od.lk/d/MF8zMTU0MzkxODhf/Angel%204X22.mp4

What a finale! lol The ending was kind of bittersweet but I'm satisfied with it. I can't believe Cordelia isn't awake yet though?! She better wake up asap! I miss her. I'm really worried about Gun and what that big cat did to him. You just can't trust Wolfram and Hart. They're always up to something but I have no idea why they would want Angel to take over. I feel like they definitely have some kind of plan and that will probably be explored in season 5! I can't wait to see what next season will be like!



Cameron Rayburn

Wow, i never noticed but it seems wolfram and hart are still trying to kill Angel, they should have left out that Limo scene at the end of the episode where he's going to see Connor because it doesn't add anything or make sense, first the Limo is literally driving in the middle of the road and then when it's not in the middle it's in the wrong lane LMFAO what were they thinking

Patric Parton

It messes with me that they scrubbed Connor because Wesley wouldn’t remember taking him, getting his throat slit and splitting from the group

Nancy Toothaker

Yes, and if everything from the past few seasons was orchestrated by Jasmine to fulfill her plan, none of Cordy's growth as a character means anything. Lame.