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download - https://od.lk/d/MF8zMDg0ODYwNThf/Btvs%207X12.mp4

I'm going to keep this short because I have to leave but I really enjoyed this episode! I'm happy we got another Dawn centric episode and I feel like she got some good character development. Also, that talk between Xander and her at the end was so sweet. It made me emotional lol



Nancy Toothaker

I love that you're such a cheerleader for Dawn and that Andrew makes you laugh like he does me


Honestly, I don't like this episode. Xander's speech is rhetorical nonsense. It made absolutely no sense for Dawn to abruptly stop fighting, to hand things off to someone is only a **Potential** Slayer. Amanda has no innate fighting background, enhanced agility or strength. That's kind of why the Potentials have been brought to Sunnydale, because a lot of them (including ones who had years of training under the Council) had been brutally murdered. Dawn was holding her own, doing exactly what Buffy, Will, et al have been doing this whole time. Frankly the fake out generally annoys me, because at the start of this season the show had FINALLY started integrating Dawn with the rest of the Scoobies and developing her character. And when the Potentials showed up that all came to a screeching halt. Her turning out to be a Potential might have been convenient, but at least it would have put her back into the main storyline. We did NOT need another Potential. There are too many characters as it is. Xander's speech was basically the writers patting themselves on the back for sidelining Dawn and making it part of the story.


Plus, Xander has very little excuse to be part of all this after all this time and no develop better fighting skills. Wesley could kick his ass now. Meanwhile Dawn was already training at the start of season 7, she held her own against the Bringers when they came for Spike a few episodes back; in addition to kicking ass in this season. There's zero reason for her to not be training now, regardless of whether she's a Potential or not; and especially because, if she's going to be around and not know how to defend herself or others, she's a liability.