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watch - https://od.lk/s/MF8yODE4NzE5MzNf/Btvs%206X06.m4v

download - https://od.lk/d/MF8yODE4NzE5MzNf/Btvs%206X06.m4v

Happy Halloween! I had no idea this was a Halloween episode but this ended up falling on the perfect day! I really enjoyed this episode too. It definitely felt like a Dawn centric episode which I'm happy about. I feel bad for her though. She had her first kiss ruined and had to kill a boy she liked. On the plus side, Buffy got a little break from all the suffering this episode lol That fight between Tara and Willow got kind of intense and now Willow has done a spell to make her forget it all?! That's only going to make things worse for her in the long run. Anyway, now I'm super nervous for the next episode.




Hey riley, do you know when you'll be posting the next buffy episode pls? :)

Charles Maxwell

can't view this on my pc through either chrome or firefox -- is there a workaround?