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watch - https://od.lk/s/MF8yNzgzNzk5NDRf/Angel%203X01.m4v

download - https://od.lk/d/MF8yNzgzNzk5NDRf/Angel%203X01.m4v

I can't believe we're on season 3 already! I really enjoyed this first episode, but the only thing I can think about is the reveal at the end that Darla is pregnant! When did that happen?! How does that even work? Is it going to be like a vampire baby? So many questions! Also I loved getting more flashbacks and backstory for Angel!




Angel 1x22, even the first scene of Buffy 1x1, and now this... Man, that Darla really sure has a habit of showing up when we least expect her


Shock ending! Even after all these years, it's still shocking. Darla swallowed a frickin' basketball! I don't know where these writers get these crazy ideas.