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Veronica Mars will be up later!

download - https://od.lk/d/MF8zMzQzNDU2NjZf/Dollhouse%202X10.mp4

We finally got to learn so much about the attic! I'm so happy we got all the information this episode. It was really cool too. Having them jump around to everyone's minds and seeing their nightmares was my favorite part. Also that twist with Adele?! I didn't see that coming at all lol




We've had Good Adelle, we've had Bad Adelle, and now we have her figuring out the Bad Adelle makes the best Good Adelle. Final form achieved.

Lime Pie

The guy that Boyd turned into was the guy that kidnapped Eleanor Penn (Echo’s personality in the first episode) as a kid. I don’t think anything we saw in Echo’s mind was from Caroline’s childhood because the only memory of Caroline that Echo has been imprinted with was Bennett’s memory of Caroline leaving her.