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download - https://od.lk/d/MF8zMzMzMjY5MjFf/Firefly%201X01.mp4

Sorry this is getting posted so late. I had to record it later than usual and it obviously took longer to edit and stuff because its a long video lol But I loved it! Lots of good characters and interesting storylines. Also, a TON of familiar faces! There were so many actors from the shows that I've been watching so that was cool! Can't wait to watch the next episode!



Lime Pie

The Alliance captain that you thought you might have recognized was Andy Umberger, who played D’Hoffryn in Buffy and the doctor that could detach his body parts in Angel.

Thom Purdy

The Fed was played by Carlos Jacott, who played Ken in Buffy Season 3 episode 1 "Anne", and was in Angel Season 1 episode 7, "the Bachelor Party" as Doyle's wife's Fiance, Richard, who was going to eat Doyle's brains.