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download - https://od.lk/d/MF8zMjkyMDQxMjlf/Angel%205X20.mp4

This was a fun episode! Loved that we got more flashbacks of Spike and Angel with Darla and Drusilla. It was also nice to see Andrew again (and kind of Buffy lol). Wish we would have actually gotten the flashback from the 50s because it looked really cool!




The only thing I'd change is when this episode aired in the season; at least the part with Spike and Angel in Italy. It's so at odds with where the story has been at the last couple of episodes, it's kind of too late for a wacky foreign caper, with Angel and Spike's comic bickering. It would have been better if that story had aired earlier, shortly after Spike became solid again; which would have been a better reason for Spike to stay in LA, if he'd gone to Italy chasing after Buffy, only for he and Angel to find out she'd moved on. Then have the story with Dana, the Slayer in the psych ward, in this episode; building on the tension of Angel and his team walking a morally gray, fine line; and Andrew's comment that their side no longer trusts Angel and company would have landed even harder.


My absolute favourite angel/spike interactions ever 😅