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download - https://od.lk/d/MF8zMjY2MTM4OTRf/Vm%201X14.mp4

I enjoyed this episode! I like how they had a bunch of things Veronica was focusing on. The video we saw at the end has me so curious. Especially after Veronica gets the texts about the credit cards being used. Love that we got a new mystery added to the list! lol



Alexis Cardarella

The series is maybe the best I've seen at having multiple plots going on at the same time and it being cohesive. Leo's and Veronica's age gap isn't bad, but a) he does NOT look 20, lol, and 2) he's a cop lol

Loves Bitca

There's no reason to show the video to the police. She's already declared dead, and there's no investigation. There would only be reason to show the video to police if you needed to prove she had jumped and died.