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It's like I said in the last post, I did a bunch of posters and I must say I think I got really good at them all of a sudden! I think referencing has helped on these new posters, as I've taken to reviewing Nyantcha or ThiccWithaQ's art to see how he makes his drawings look so ball slappingly good. So with expression in mind and lots of effect work I went to work yesterday on these projects.

After all that I decided to do another comic page of my own, this time going over the time Uraraka was being used as a breeding slave for the Nomu. It feels a lot darker that I usually make for this kind of content but I think it has nice dramatic tension and character conflict for the two. Uraraka is still trying to grapple with the trauma of being gangraped and getting pregnant with a Nomu, and Toga is looking more villainous by the scene. Also I guess this technically makes both of them Milfs, so say what you want about that.

And last thing since I've only posted this on Twitter and I'm sure plenty of you have found me through Rule34 or other sites, my video comms are coming back online on Memorial Day Weekend. Check out the prices below. Slots for fuller animations like the ones you've always seen are going to be 6/6, and two of them is prefilled by Taimanin Momo and Pandaria. For simpler loop animations like the Shower Animation I just did, that's at 10/10 slots. Posters have unlimited slots. I won't accept any video comms unless they're requested on May 29th or later. And like last time they'll take a while to complete so stay patient.

And last bonus is that anyone in my $9 tier get's 10% off the commission price. Just putting that out there.

Either way, back to video making for me. I'll try to get one more video out before I go on vacation. Until then, enjoy the images!



Uraraka needs a break.


From the nomu rape, i mean.


Ochako is still in the process of getting used to her new life as a Nomu brood sow. She’ll probably learn to love it after five more pregnancies.


I did . It was so she could overcome her trauma. Plus those nomu's are sterile.


It was stated that she did it to overcome her fear.


This is correct. The problem is the Nomu sex reawoken her carnal desire for them. It's like she's trying to quit smoking and she got another puff. Now she's going to have withdrawal symptoms until her needs are met.


Would be best to be fucked by deku till those desire are gone.


Best would be doing it while using one for all full cowling.


If she isn't satisfied then, it would be impossible.


Uh huh, because Deku was totally engineered to push limits and satiate the animalistic sexual impulses of women.


You sound so dismayed, clearly you haven't discovered recreational sex yet.


And you have?


I do like them. It's not that i hate the way he put them. I know the reason why he makes those videos in that order. That comic is just from the time she was kidnapped. If you look on rule 34 you see what i mean.


Personally I love this and would love to see an animated version. But hey, that'll wait till slots are open someday and it coincides for when I have such funds available.