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Hello all!

You're quite literally paying my rent and grocery costs and enabling me to survive, so I'm extremely grateful and want to reassure you that your cash is being well spent.

So, with that in mind, it's survey time!

How would you like to be updated on the film's progress? My current plan is to show you full scenes when they are completed (complete with SFX and music), but this takes a while (it takes about a month to do a minute of footage, and the current battle scene I'm working on is about 3 minutes long. But almost finished now). Then you can give feedback and critique on things that I can change or improve before "the public" see it.

Alternatively, I can show you individual shots which will be super quick and frequent, but they'll be short and out of order, with no music and SFX, so less exciting and harder to critique as they'll be out of context

What do you think? Obviously I'd prefer to blow your mind with a completed scene, but I totally understand if it's taking too long and you'd prefer to see stuff quicker.

Here's a poll!




"No reason to rush perfection", couldn't have written it better myself.


I voted for #2, but we get the weekly streams so, kinda the same thing?