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Hello, hello! And a very happy Lent to everyone observing it!

Here's a couple of previously posted shots, but with an engine room/reactor shot I just finished. You know how I like animating machinery and pistons clunking into place.

Also, Producer Maki has been working on directing the trailer for the film, and that's looking pretty tasty. So we'll have that to show you soon. It's looking pretty spooky, to be honest!

- Paul

PS - Here's a nice big .psd of the panning shot. Could make a nice background if you want to use it!


Otaking Pre Scene9 Shot0 to Scene9 Shot2



She tries to kill the bug by remotely crashing the ship into an asteroid!!!?? This film is looking SOOO GREAT! Really looking forward for the trailer!


Machinery and clunking is what I'm here for!