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Hello there!

I just finished the rough for the postcard, so here's a quick look at the work in progress. I may have gone a little over the top with the amount of characters, etc...

With pretty much anything I draw, almost as much time is spent on collecting reference images as it is actually drawing! It used to be quicker, but with Google image search getting worse every year it can be a bit time consuming to gather all the character drawings of all the different characters from several different games. But yes, I think I packed pretty much everyone in there, with slight design tweaks. With some nice cel shading it should hopefully look pretty good!

I wanted to get the village that's on the back of a giant turtle in there, but where to fit him in?? At least the giant eagle stage is there, and I'll airbrush some clouds in front of him to get the sense of scale.

Thanks as always to Maki for quality check and some anatomy fixes.

But yes, back to animating for me! It's getting really hot over here so I hope you're all keeping cool wherever you are.

Cheers for now!





The layout and design is fantastic. Great work. (Side note: I haven’t used Google for years. Bing and DuckDuckGo have been my search engines of choice depending on what I’m looking for.)


Yeah, I might have to try switching and see what happens. If it continues at the rate google image search will be unusable within a few years (it almost is now, for me).


Man I love this design 😍