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Here’s something I don’t think really anybody has seen!

Back in 2001, premiere Doctor Who audio drama company Big Finish productions produced Dalek Empire: a massive (and very long) space opera featuring the full-on Dalek invasion of the universe, intrigue, fleet battles, psychological warfare and a rather gripping plot spanning hundreds of years. It was seriously great stuff that made the Daleks truly threatening again.

In 2010 I did an animated pitch for it which didn’t end up going anywhere. I can’t really show it to anyone since it’s using audio from Big Finish/Terry Nation estate property, but I can show it to you guys as long as you keep it to yourselves! As you can see, the animation is a bit wonky in places and it lacks the polish of my more recent stuff, but it’s an interesting “what if” nonetheless! I would seriously have loved to have seen the project come to fruition… animating all the space battles that you can’t really show in an audio play (for obvious reasons) would have been a lot of fun and the Daleks are menacing as all hell in the story. It really was Daleks done right.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed that look behind the scenes.

Cheerio for now,


PS – if this has peaked your interest in Dalek Empire, you can grab it here: https://www.bigfinish.com/ranges/v/dalek-empire

The releases are in reverse order, so you want to scroll down to the bottom and start with DALEK EMPIRE: INVASION OF THE DALEKS


Dalek Empire pitch 2010

Early test footage I did for a pitch to Big Finish productions back in 2010.





I'm not a huge Dr. Who fan, but I would watch a full length version of this.