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Hello, one and all. I hope you're all staying hydrated!

Here's one of two absurdly large images for you all this fine summer. As appreciation for those who opted in to 10+ tier, this Dirty Pair pic will be flying across the seas to you in physical postcard form! Stick it on your fridge, send it to a friend, etc. If you haven't filled in your address on your Patreon profile, now is the time! And I mean that to each of you, as a select number of these images will be raffled in the future to ship to all tiers 7+ and under! 

Hope you're enjoying the sun's oppressive rays of death, and I'll see you soon if I don't cook alive in my room first!


PS: please find attached the .psd file below if you want to go rummaging through my layers.




Looks excellent Ota


Any chance for a hi rez digital version?


If you save the image or the .psd file, it's a pretty big 6000 x 2667 pixel resolution. -PJ