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There is nothing that beats a surprise find.

This one may not be so obvious at first. But if you look more closely, you will see the fossilised remains of a huge brain coral that may have well been even bigger than me.
When alive, these corals can consist of millions of tiny polyps that build these massive calcium structures. And to reach this size, it can take up to 900 years!

This one grew here several million years ago when this part of the island was still submerged in shallow caribbean waters.

Yet most parts of Aruba do not quite resemble a typical tropical island dotted with palm trees. Instead, the rocky ground, relentless trade winds, and dry climate have given the look of a high terrain desert. Instead of swaying palm trees, cacti forests guard the sides of roads.

And while any lush landscape has its obvious allure, it's this kind of arid, bare scenery that draws me in the most.
This part of Aruba is truly a raw canvas carved and sculpted by the vast expanse of time.

I have no words that can express how lucky I feel to have experienced some of Aruba's true hidden beauty.

~ Salsa

12.558829,-69.987478 💛🧡💚
