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Hey lovely peeps!

We got amazing news! Christmas came early this year and we just received a big box from Santa,  a.k.a Our Patreon Mike Taylor...wohooo!!! 🥳🥳

This is going to change everything! Guys, we have been struggling to upload our videos since we started our channel. Basically, we have been running Sailing SV CUBA with 10GB and appalling upload speeds. 😅

That means just looking for the music, which we absolutely love, has been a waiting game each week. And by now our mobile phone has been up the mast more often than the two of us in an attempt to reach more signal. 🤪

But all that will soon be a thing of the past and we will be able to add more updates and clips without stopping everything we do each time. 💪

Needless to say: We are doing a little happy dance right now!

Big big hugs and lotsa love, 🤗⛵🥰🧡

Kiki and Salsa



Juan Sebastian Ceballos

Wow! I did not know you have Starlink! Yes hats off to Mike ..Claus!