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Hey guys,

We will be leaving really early in the morning. The wind conditions will be extremely fair due to hurricane Phillipe passing further north.

By calculation, we should arrive within 4-5 days and the passage is just over 500NM.

As soon as we arrive we will let you know and we will also get the next episode rolling. 🙂

We are sending all of you lotsa love! 💛🧡💙

Enrique and Sarah

P.s. let's see who will catch the bigger fish 🐠 😜😜


Lily & Tan

Wow! Nice view! Yes Sarah, we do love that view and area as well! Good luck on the new path! And good luck with the biggest Fish! 🐠🐟🦈🐳

Sailing SV CUBA

Thank you so much you two lovelies! We finally arrived in Aruba after 8 days at sea and though we were welcomed to the island by a big thunderstorm⚡, had a very tricky approach to the customs dock and had a couple of grey hair popping up while trying to approach the anchorage, we couldn't be happier to be here 💃🌻🤗 -The lovely gentlemen from customs told us Aruba has great fishing grounds, so our competition only just started 😋🤪🐟🐡 - Sending you lotsa love and big 🤗🤗