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Hey lovely people,

It's been a productive yet squally day. We had to take our genoa down to re-stitch it and like many things on a boat, it took longer than anticipated. 😅
And while many of you are probably preparing their dinner right now, we are anchored near a deserted island, stitching into the night with one torch and just darkness around us.

Oh, we are really hoping it is not gonna rain again! 😱😆

Hopefully, we will finish it by the morning and tomorrow will be a brighter day 🔆

Wishing you all a beautiful day!

Enrique aka The Master Stitcher and Sarah aka The Torch Bearer 🤣



Sailing SV CUBA

🤣 Years ago when I learned how to sew I would have neeever imagined that one day I'd be sewing at night, in the pitch-black, on deck of a sailboat 😋