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Today was a great day! Not because anything special happened. It was a great day because a few things worked out a little better than most other days.

It can be tricky to shuffle around all the daily things, especially so when you don't have a steady address or even know where you might be in a few days to come. The weather dictates where we will spend the night or if we even make it to the next safe anchorage on time.

There are just so many more things that are out of our control in this lifestyle than when we still lived on land. Even finding a supermarket for provisions here in Cape Verde can become a mission that may take up an entire day.

Yet, challenges can often help you see the little things in life more clearly.

So, securing our floating home in a sheltered bay after a long day battling through wind and waves feels like an immense accomplishment. Earlier it wasn’t even possible to stand below deck without firmly holding on, waves bashing against the hull pushing the boat violently from side to side. We had no time or free hands to prepare a proper meal. But then, just a few miles away from our next anchorage the howling wind disappeared, and the waves no longer made it impossible to go below deck. For once we made it to land while there was still enough light and just after a small stroll through the streets, we found everything we needed to prepare a nice dinner. But even better yet, one of the few little vendors in town still hadn’t sold the last ripe Papaya yet.

It might sound silly but after a long day at sea, a Papaya smoothie and a calm anchorage were all we could have wished for. But finding either was never anything we thought of being for granted. And we celebrated our little accomplishment though not much of it was really ever in our control.

So, never forget to celebrate those little things, even if it’s just a Papaya that no one else wanted! 😉



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