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Hey lovely peeps!

We do not want to alarm you but the reason we have been a little late with our video is that recently things have been rather tumultuous.

As I am writing this, Kiki's condition has been slowly improving.

He had been feeling unwell since we left Aruba and we suspected a bad case of Gastritis. For that reason, we had already spoken to several doctors here in The Bahamas and also with his family doctor.

We did everything for his condition to improve but it just got worse within the past weeks.

He was then prescribed a treatment for infection with H. Pylori (called triple therapy). Those consist of 2 antibiotics, and one PPI (Clarithromycin, Metronidazole and Omeprazole).

But after only 4 days of taking these antibiotics, he felt a lot worse and we had to rush to the emergency in the middle of the night because he had trouble breathing and acute chest and stomach ache.

Fortunately, the results for his heart and lungs came back ok.

By now we are suspecting an adverse reaction to the antibiotics he had been given.

Because after some extensive research online we found out that this treatment can cause severe neurological adverse reactions such as anxiety, panic attacks, trouble breathing, and even hallucinations/psychotic episodes. 😱

The antibiotic treatment is now over and he is feeling a little better and most of the neurological symptoms are fading away.

But of course, I am keeping a keen eye on him, cooking only meals that will not upset his stomach and we are keeping his stress levels as low as possible.

Since Enrique is the main editor of our videos, we could not upload on time and there might be some glitches or errors in this week's episode. The poor thing has been up until 4 am, because he does love making and sharing our videos with you though.  💙💚🧡

I told him to go and sleep, but the man is stubborn haha!

We are just so glad, we were not out on the open seas when all this happened.

Once we have gotten through this, we are planning to compile a video about the dangers of taking antibiotics on an offshore-passage.

At the present we are in close contact with a wonderful paramedic called Jai, who is lives here in Eleuthera, and who has been incredibly kind to us by offering his direct contact, his car or a place in his house to stay, should we require any help at any time.

We are just so thankful for all of the love and care we received in the past few days.

We will continue to update you. Unfortunately, we were not able to inform you about all this earlier. We were going from hospital to hospital a few times and sometimes we spent the entire day to reach the closest clinic or pharmacy.

Enrique is a strong cookie and we will get through this!

We are so grateful to all of you for always being there for us.

You are our sailing family and we love you!

Big big hugs and 💙💚🧡 from us both - and the furry crew 🐱‍👤😺🌻




Mario Racicot

Never a dull moment on Cuba!!! Hope he feels stronger than ever after ❤️

Juan Sebastian Ceballos

Hello Kiki & Sarah! How is Kiki. Doing this days? Back to normal? Happy Friday to you out ther!