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Commissioned by @LApokolips




One of the best works yet 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾



Leon Alexander 9928

Thank you guys for your hard work This was perfect


Ya know, since y’all hadn’t posted anything here or on twitter for almost a full month I was starting to get a little worried… but then you guys just drop what is quite possibly the best comic you’ve made so far (absolutely the best macro/growth comic at least) completely out of the blue, so I guess y’all were just busy cookin’ lmao. I could talk about a lot of things: the solid pacing, the excellent initial growth sequence, all the extraordinarily hot imagery that makes basically every page have something on or about it that sets my entire body on fire (special shout-outs to pages 6, 7, 9, 12, 14, 15, 19, 20, 23, and 26 for being my personal highlights; especially page 14, holy fuck page 14 😳). But I think the best thing I can do to sing this comic’s praises is share a little personal anecdote: (*continued in replies*)


So I’ve been mainlining the new Elden Ring DLC since it came out, from morning to night, only taking breaks to eat or deal with important IRL responsibilities. I didn’t catch this post until right before I was about to go to sleep last night, but I still gave it a quick read before bed. What I saw in that quick read was SO FUCKING PEAK that it wormed it’s way into my brain while I fell asleep and I woke up feeling hyped as hell to give this a much more thorough re-reading; so the first thing I did was boot up my laptop as opposed to my PlayStation. In other words: this stupid, sexy comic was so goddamn good that it became the first non-adulting thing to pull me away from the new Elden Ring DLC; I honestly can’t think of higher praise for a fetish comic than that lol. Phenomenal work as always Shize!💕 Looking forward to whatever comes next! (Sorry for essay posting btw, lol.)


haha no worries at all, always fun reading through your comments! We'll be slow to upload these upcoming months probably since we're backed up with some big requests - we'll upload another comic soon and then we'll be working on two 30-40 page comics lol All spicy stuff though, so once that's all out it'll be nice to see ;)


Makes sense; I noticed those huge comms on the list last time I checked your carrd site. Always down to get a nice, big comic from you guys! Any chance you’d be willing to tease some details about the 30 – 40 pagers? Like are they macro or micro, are they fanart, if so for what what series, etc? If we’re gonna be waiting a while between content releases then a little bit of hype couldn’t hurt. (Also, I’m happy to hear you like reading my comments 🥰. Sometimes I worry I go kinda overboard with them, lol 😅.)


They're both shrinking related and cover a lot of different sizes, one has multi-size and a lot of feet focus, the other has a bit of everything. Both are from the same comic/series, so once that's all done there's going to be a massive comic uploaded (around 100 pages in total?) It's mainly FGO related ^


Geez, 100 fucking pages 👀💦… like I have some mini-series ideas that far surpass that in total page count, but they’d still be split up into individually commissioned 20 – 30 page chapters, not all at once like that. That is an absurd number of pages to take on at once; you guys are completely insane (compliment)! Still, good luck with that behemoth of a comm Shize; I’m looking forward to reading it! Also, please stay safe and don’t overwork yourselves, okay! ❤️


This commission is mini-series as well! It's multiple chapters that in total add up to over 100!