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I wanted to give you a quick update about what's going on and why I didn't post that often. Well for the past 5 days I've been really sick. It's probably covid again so I only got out of bed to walk my dog. I had plans for photoshoots but unfortunately I didn't have the energy at all. I am feeling much better now and hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to go for a walk to the forest and take some photos that I've planned. 

But the thing I am mostly excited is that next week I am going to the sea for a couple of days. I haven't been there in over 10 years so I cannot wait!

I am planning to create a lot there because that's why I am comming. You can ecpect seeing me dancing around the fire on a beach (I want to make a big bonfire in the evening) and photos of beautiful sunsets and sunrises (hopefully!)

Anyway, thank you for still being here and supporting me and I honestly wish you all the best! Take care you guys and see you in my next post soon <3

Love, Erinthul.




Feel better soon darling! You feeling the best is more important than anything 🖤

Jon Wilbert

Please feel better!