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NOTE: End image is by Natsumera! Check out their art and patreon if you haven't already!                                    

I missed being a girl.

That was a strange thought for someone to have, let alone in the aftermath of playing a video game. Yet that was the one thought going through my head in the opening hours of Persona 4, even above most of the first impressions someone was expected to have. I'd jumped into the game far sooner than I intended, but in the aftermath of Persona 3, I'd honestly had little choice, my brain refusing to play anything else I had planned.

Like people on my server said, I was "Persona pilled".

I was enjoying what I was playing of the game so far, but I couldn't help but wish for something more, leaning back in my chair and sighing to myself. Was it really so weird to want to play as a girl in every game I played? For that to just feel... better?

But it was different from the last game. With Kotone. The pretty wild card of Persona 3, the girl I had spent almost 60 hours playing as in my first playthrough. It wasn't like Lumine, or female Pokemon trainers. For the first time, it didn't feel like I'd been playing a character.

It felt like I was her.

I almost blushed at the thought, back when I referred to her as "me" by mistake out loud, almost calling her that again in Discord instead of her name; it was as if my brain treated us as one and the same, despite all the differences between us. It made me love her all the more, to the point when I'd rank her higher than most of the other girls from the game.

I headcanoned so many traits of myself in her as I played the game that, along with the dialogue options and social links I put focus on, it was like I truly left my mark on my avatar.

But as I looked towards my recently acquired Aigis figure, arm outstretched towards me, a smile on her face, I wondered how much she had left a mark on me.

I'd liked Aigis before obviously! But I learned to love her even more through Kotone. Doing her social links in-game and discovering the depths of her character together, until she became one of the top contenders for the game's best girl. It was almost like I also fell in lov...

"Ok that might be going a bit far..." I chuckled to myself, yawning as I saved the game before turning the Switch off, "It's about time I head to bed anyways..."

I got to my feet, heading to the bathroom as I pondered what to do in the morning. Find some Kotone fanfics? Kotone art? Both of them were appealing options... not like I was obsessed or anything! I just had her on the brain that's all! There's nothing wrong with enjoying content of her!

I flicked on the light in the bathroom, going through everything on autopilot, brushing my teeth and washing my hands before reaching for the towel, my eyes instinctively glancing towards the mirror.

My brown eyes met red.

I almost dropped my toothbrush, stepping back in shock as my mouth fell open, frantically rubbing my eyes in an attempt to dispel the hallucination of what I was seeing. But no matter how long I stared at the mirror, what I was seeing didn't go away.

Kotone Shiomi continued to stare back, her face twisted into an identical state of shock.

"W-what... what the hell?" I muttered, holding a hand up to my face, watching as the girl in the mirror copied my action exactly, stroking her cheek with an expression of pure disbelief. I shivered, pulling a few faces, even copying a few poses from fanart I'd seen, even considering groping my chest before I shook my head.

No matter what I did, Kotone copied, as if she was my own reflection.

It wasn't just her that was different, the room she was in was too, the products reflected as makeup, a hair brush, nail varnish, even lipstick, all with what looked like Japanese writing on them. I was speechless. What was somebody supposed to say to this!? To seeing a Japanese girl in their reflection instead of their own?

My brain was screaming at me to look away already, to dismiss what must have been some kind of fantasy and move on with my life, but I couldn't bring myself to, not even for a moment, as if this wonderful sight would be taken away from me forever if I did anything more than blink.

It was surreal to see her. A real life Kotone, freed from the boundaries of the game's limited graphics.

She was just as pretty as I imagined.

I couldn't help but indulge in it, just for a little while. I struck a few more poses, fluttering my eyelashes and smiling wide, before giggling.

"Yomotsu Shikome~!" I said, forcing my pitch higher as I mimed shooting myself with an evoker, bursting into laughter afterwards. This was... this was nice. It felt so wonderful to just lose myself in pretending to be Kotone Shiomi.

Part of me wished I could see this every time I looked into the mirror.

But it had to come to an end I suppose, no matter how lifelike this was, it was still a fantasy. I sighed, brushing my long hair out of my eyes, only wishing I could stay here, even for a little while longer.

It was then I saw it. And my heart skipped a beat for the second time that night.

It was my hand, it... it...

"Um... what... w-why is it- o-oh~!" a high pitched voice that wasn't my own slipped free from my lips, my tiny, dainty, pretty hand flying up to cover my mouth in shock, the faint pink polish on each finger shining faintly under the bathroom light.

I knew that voice. For a moment I thought I must have imagined it. I mean... I'd been imitating it barely a minute ago! I had to make sure.

"H-hello?" I shuddered, my face red as Kotone's voice slipped from my own mouth, the faint taste of strawberry lipstick on my tongue as my heart skipped a beat.

I looked down at my other hand, it too fully feminised, a wiggle of my delicate fingers confirming it was indeed my own, just attached to an unfitting male arm. I stuck my tongue out at the sight in disgust, instead focusing on the wonderfully soft texture of my hands, even the pretty varnish on the tips... it looked... it looked...

"Perfect…” I muttered, suddenly remembering what I had done before noticing my new hands, frantically running my hands though soft, orange strands, feeling it tied into a bun at the back as my knees went weak from delight, my body shuddering as I savoured the ecstasy I was experiencing.

W-when... how long had I looked like this? I couldn't actually be changing right? That didn't happen in real life! This was a dream! It had to be! There was no way this was real!

I tried to tell myself that, but I certainly didn't believe it, a smile still on my face even as I shook from fear, staring into the reflection in front of me, Kotone smiling back with her red eyes shining in joy. I could feel my face buzzing, moaning softly in that perfect, girly voice, hearing the little pleasant pops as my features realigned, my facial features rebuilding from the ground up to match the blueprint of my reflection.

I imagined that it would hurt, but despite the harshness of the sounds, I felt nothing but bliss, smiling as my eyelashes fluttered like the reflection, my red eyes shining happily as I shuddered in delight. My nose, jaw, and cheekbones seemed to eagerly melt into their new forms, the Kotone in the mirror feeling her face in shock, all while I felt exact copies of them in reality.

"Oh g-god... I'm t-turning into Kotone! I-I... oh it feels so good~! W-why does it feel so good~!? This isn't normal. I... hehe... really need to look away~!" I tried to say in concern, something that was not very apparent from the wide smile still on my face.

I should be looking away. But I couldn't. Despite the fear... I didn't want to. I couldn't bear the thought of moving my head, trapped in a stalemate as both sides of me raged in conflict, all while I gasped and giggled, almost addicted to the constant exposure to my new voice.

Honestly, hearing it so much was making me hard, my cock throbbing in my panties. It must be tenting my skirt by now...

Wait. What?

I afforded a half glance towards, squeaking in surprise as I suddenly became all too aware of various alien sensations at once. The feeling of feet stuffed in too tight pumps and white stockings, the sensation of a pink bra and panties forced onto a body that didn't yet fit them, and most importantly, the light swishing from a tiny, feminine skirt.

"E-eep~!” I squeaked adorably, pulling down my new skirt to better disguise my erection, "w-when did..? H-how long have I- n-ngh... oh... oh m-my..."

It was then I became aware of a new feeling, the sensation of possessing perfectly soft skin, and most importantly, how it felt brushing against my new uniform.

"H-hahhhhhhhhhh~” I panted, my eyes glazing over for a moment as precum began to drip to the floor, every little shiver and shake bringing forth even more addictive sensations, "s-soooooo... goodddddddd~."

I could feel the roots of pleasure dig deep into my arms, wriggling as they engraved themselves into that useless, annoying mass, and then it began to suck, my squeaks of hiccuping bliss echoing through the room as I bucked in sync with each one. My arms were deflating, finally being corrected to match my slender, pretty hands, hands that were currently exploring the new slender limbs with barely contained happiness.

I  let out a breath I didn't even realise I had been holding, my shoulders visibly lowering as a gentle push forced them down into less imposing, feminine forms. My uniform was certainly a better fit now, but the fear remained, something inside starting to feel on edge. Something about this... well everything about it was odd! But something was wrong! If only I could figure out what...

"It's just like the time that Shadow split us up in the hotel… Is something influencing how I think? I need to..."

I froze, the look of confusion on my face instantly turning to one of shock and horror.

“H-hang on, what... what did I just say!?"

Did I just... act like something that happened to Kotone actually happened to me? No, that was silly! It was like how I used to call her "me" by mistake! Nothing more than that! I tried to laugh to myself at the thought, unable to help my shivering from continuing as I thought back to prove myself right.

I remembered starting the game, watching as Kotone moved into the dorms, settling into school, becoming part of SEEs as I lead my first exploration of Tartarus, climbing floor after floor, defeating shadow after shadow! Then I had to balance clubs and friends with preparing for the full moon because of…

I gasped, staggering back as I fully processed what had just happened. There was no way! Right?

"M-my mind! I-it's changing how I think! N-no! Get out!" I pleaded in between my eager, happy cries, hugging myself as my cock throbbed in approval, my seed splattering to the floor as I let out a constant chain of girly cries, "k-kyah~!"

I was struggling to distinguish between fact and fiction, my memories of the game shifting as the screen that separated me from it faded. I could remember the smell of each room, the little details on my desk, the little actions everyone made that the cutscenes couldn't show. There was nothing in the way of me and my f-friends now-

"No! They a-aren't my friends! T-they’re Kotone's! It's not my life! I-it's a game!" I tried to remind myself, clutching tight to the memories of my ordinary life before they were lost in the sea of Personas and Velvet Room and Social Links and gear and and and-

I screamed, hugging myself tighter as my stomach bubbled, compressing into a slender, curvy core as fat was stripped away, the useless mass purged and cummed all over the floor. I was hiccuping in panicked, overjoyed delight as the fat was relocated, all of it surging into my rear at once.

There were no words to describe the heights of ecstasy I reached as my ass burst with soft, perfect fat, the appealing cake peeking out of the fluttery skirt from just how short it was. I gasped for breath, clutching the sink as I was further consumed by my new reflection, Kotone's beautiful, panicked face staring back at me, offering no answers.

I needed to stop this! Before it was too late! It would be easy! I just had to look away! Then this would stop! That's all I had to do!

"Why can't I do it!? Why!? I d-don't want to be Kotone~! I have a life! I can't throw it all away! I can't leave it all behind~! I-I... I-I..."

"Do not be scared, Kotone-san. All is alright."

I almost forgot how to breathe, my body freezing as my eyes became locked on the mirror; more specifically, on the girl that was suddenly reflected standing behind me, her blue eyes shining in joy as she smiled warmly.

I was speechless, the sight of her making my heart beat faster, suddenly remembering being hugged in the forest, the blonde's growth into becoming more and more human, the terror in my heart when I found her damaged body, and the sweet nothings only we would know behind the doors of her room.

I thought of all of that and more. But there was one thought above all else, one that made me feel like I might melt any moment.

She was even more beautiful than I ever imagined.

"A-Aigis?" I gasped, my face red as I shuddered, stammering as she smiled knowingly, "h-how... w-where? I d-don't-"

"Hello Kotone. I missed you."

Her words made me weak at the knees, my heart pounding harder than it ever had before, w-what... what was this feeling? I wanted to sink into her embrace, forget all my worries and simply... be.

It was wonderful, soothing, yet so terrifying. My body shuddered as I moved a hand behind me, not feeling any part of her despite Aigis’s presence in the mirror. She couldn't be real. She wasn't real! She was just a character! But I could hear her voice so clearly…

"D-don't… don't call me that!" I managed to force out, shaking my head as I did my best to not sink into the sight of those gorgeous eyes.

"Whyever not? That is your name. It wouldn't be proper to refer to you as anything else, Kotone-san~."

S-she had to stop calling me that. She had to stop right now. It was making my heart do backflips! I c-couldn't take it! I shook, gasping as I suddenly became aware of the wide hips pushing out my skirt, and the tiny toes curling inside my shoes.

"No! A-Aigis, I'm not- I'm not- I'm not Kotone! You have to understand! T-this is a mistake!" I pleaded, each word a struggle to force out as I shuddered in confused delight.

"Kotone? You need to calm down. Think about this clearly for me. Who else could you be~?"

I tripped over my words, watching as Aigis stepped towards my reflection, gasping as an arm wrapped around my waist, a cold, slender limb that had come from seemingly nowhere. B-but she wasn't there! She wasn't- wasn't real! I was shrinking in her grip, moaning as my outfit finally fit my lithe frame, looking much more at home on my feminine figure.

"B-but... but..." I stuttered, my cock throbbing as sensually inflating thighs brushed against it, tears sliding down my face as I not only struggled with the soft pleasure, but the concept of what was reality and fiction. "Y-you're not... r-real... it's just... a game... j-just a... not real!"

"Interesting. You talk with such certainty Kotone. But my internal systems can clearly tell that you are lying. I'm surprised you forgot that there's no use lying to me."

"I-I'm not lying!" I begged, feeling my legs shiver, losing their unnecessary mass as they were slimmed down into perfect feminine forms, "I-I'm just a normal boy! I'm not K-Kotone! I-I don't want to be Kotone!"

"Why do you keep saying things you don't believe, dear?" asked Aigis, her voice whispering into my ear as she gently stroked my face, "you can't fool me. And I am quite certain you can't fool yourself~."

My cock throbbed harder than ever, bucking in my girlfriend's grip as I panted like some kind of animal in heat, blushing as each inhale began to add another serving of fat to my growing breasts. They bounced invitingly, my brain pounding, I didn't know who I was, I didn't know what my life was! Both sets were a mess. Was I Kotone? Was Aigis my girlfriend or my waifu? I-I... I didn't know!

"B-b-but... I'm not! I-I'm certain I'm not!"

"How would you classify being someone, Kotone-San?"

"W-what?" I gasped, staring into my reflection with wide, panicked eyes, "b-by being them! A-and I know! I know I-I'm not-"

"Kotone Shiomi. My purpose. To be her, one would have to experience many things. They would have to have joined SEEs. To awaken their Persona. Plan their time to properly explore Taratus and balance their social links. To have the determination to stop Nyx, even when all hope was lost. And... they'd get to know me. They would listen to me, and show me what my purpose could be. Through it all, they would smile, and never let the mood go down.

She smiled, staring into my reflection’s eyes as I shuddered, my heart only pounding faster as she continued, "but... you have done all that, haven't you? You claim it was a game. but you did all of those things. You were smiling, planning, and leading us to victory. You met with me each day and helped me find my place. You... fell for me too."

She leaned in.

"So tell me. What part of that doesn't  sound like Shiomi Kotone? If you experienced that, then surely... "

I wasn't listening anymore. My breath hitched, my eyes wide, all protests dying in my throat as the meaning of her words became clear, my heart beating at what felt like a hundred miles per hour. I couldn't speak, only gape at what Aigis had presented to me, unable to look away from my reflection which, for the first time, did something of its own accord.

I was mouthing three simple words, I could see it in the mirror, and I could read the lips perfectly.

"I am thou."

"T-thou a-art I~!" I gasped desperately, shuddering as Aigis hugged me tighter, my brain feeling like it was on the verge of collapsing. I-it made sense. Oh god it all made sense! I-I did experience all that! I was the one who did it all! I selected each attack, each dialogue option, all of it! But it wasn't selecting, I remembered the split second decisions, the bonds, m-my friends!

"A-Aigis~! Oh god~! I'm- I'm remembering~!" I cried in delight, my body spasming from the raw sensations, my cock seconds away from complete collapse.

I should have been more scared, or at least concerned, but I was smiling, blushing even. It was almost embarrassing for Aigis to see me like this. I felt like I was floating on air, my heart swelling in joy just from being close to her. I wanted her to embrace me! To hug and kiss and love me and never never never let go!

The confusion between identities was fading. In fact it seemed silly to even worry! Why worry about if I was Kotone or not? There was never a difference in the first place! I couldn't stop smiling, gasping out giggles as my cock started to strain, Aigis holding me tight as I shook from barely contained delight.

"I knew you could do it! I'm so proud of you! You can do it Kotone!"

Her words spurred me on, my cock barely holding on, surely seconds away from inverting completely, and I wanted it. I wanted it badly. I wanted to take hold of what I thought was a fantasy and never let go now that I knew the truth.

No matter what way I looked at it, I was Shiomi Kotone.

Part of me knew what was happening could never be undone, that there would be no going back from what I was about to do. That I was sealing myself into this new self.

I didn't hesitate for a second, turning around on the spot in unison with the final POP, and staring into the eyes of the girl that I loved more than anything, our lips meeting in a passionate display of love.

I was always Kotone.

I don't know how long I stood there, kissing my girlfriend's lips as long as I could, whatever was worrying me fading away completely, never to return. But I felt good. Happy. The happiest I'd felt in ages, even! I wasn't sure why, but everything from the top of my head to the tip of my toes just buzzed in delight.

Unfortunately, I had to pull away eventually, gasping for breath as Aigis smiled, a blush of her own on her face.

"It's times like this I'm almost jealous you don't need to breathe..."

"I suppose it does have its perks. Welcome back, Kotone."

Back? Oh yeah I suppose I did go away... for some reason? I didn't remember... but it was after Nyx right? Wait, but did that happen in this world? I knew for sure that I was eighteen so some stuff must have been different, plus Aigis would have been sadder if.... ugh, did this even make any sense?

"Oh well, there's no point overthinking things!" I smiled, posing slightly as my heart pounded, "Thank you Aigis. I... missed you too."

I smiled teasingly, my words causing an even deeper blush to appear on Aigis’s face as she clutched it with a hand. "O-oh dear... you seem to be making my systems overheat..."

"I'm very good at that! It's part of my charm, you know?"

"I-indeed..." my poor girlfriend smiled, "nevertheless... we do need to sleep now. We have a busy day of school tomorrow. Now that you are back after you vanished defeating Nyx, I am able to fully devote myself to more normal matters."

Ah, so that's what happened! Strange, hearing that made me feel oddly relieved... I guess there was a worst case scenario I was forgetting about? I dismissed the thoughts, instead nodding as I followed Aigis to the dorms upstairs, smiling all the way.

The next day, I was still smiling, holding my girlfriend's hand tight as I walked towards the familiar school, my mind at ease.

Parts of it were still fuzzy; I sometimes remembered things looking like a video game for some reason, but I think that should go away with time. But I didn't need to worry. As I shared a loving glance with Aigis, I felt that deep in my heart, I knew all I needed to know.

My name is Shiomi Kotone.

I love my friends.

I love my girlfriend.

And I love being a girl.


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