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Hajime breathed a sigh of relief, darting behind the nearest door before turning as still as a statue, only hoping it would be enough to deter who was chasing him, the high-pitched grumbling sound confirming that who he was trying to avoid was much too close for comfort.

"Hajime! Come out already! You said you would help me test my new camera! Jeez, that boy is useless! One bad excuse and he's off! Good thing I'm not one to give up so easily!"

"Tell me about it..." he groaned internally, wishing he could tell Mahiru that it wasn't an excuse! He really had made plans with Chiaki on the same day as a mistake! He was just too afraid of what the photographer would do if he admitted that…

It took a few moments, but Mahiru finally seemed to leave after that, muttering about stupid boys as she stomped away. Hajime released a breath he didn't know he was holding and went to pull at the door, only realising where he was when he spotted a poster for some old 90s arcade game on the wall.

"Oh, good thing Chiaki keeps her door unlocked then... hey Chiaki?" he called, doing his best to travel between what looked like hundreds of cables spread across the floor like some kind of metallic jungle. If he hadn't already been here a bunch of times already, he was pretty sure he'd have fallen over at least ten times as he made his way to her favourite bean bag chair.

"Ok Chiaki, I'm here so let's..." he began, before blinking, the girl nowhere to be seen. "Chiaki?"

Was she out? But the door was unlocked! And there was no cutely snoring girl to be seen! Just her Switch laying on the floor before him, something she rarely was seen without. Unless she had a DS. Or Game Boy. Or was playing a board game. Or playing a home console...

"Ok, maybe seeing it like this isn't that weird... I wonder what she was playing on this?" he wondered aloud, lifting up the console and turning it on, thrust into a flurry of pixels as it loaded up an arcade game mid round. "Shit! W-wait, why won't it pause or anything!?"

The start and home menu buttons did nothing, Hajime barely avoided the barrel in the game in time as his panicked mind desperately attempted to figure out what to do. He couldn't mess up what Chiaki was doing on her Switch! She would be just as annoyed as Mahiru was with him then!

He didn’t have time to think about it in depth, pressing the jump button again as soon as he could to avoid the next attack, then moving his pixelated character to the side, assuming that the goal would naturally lay at the top of the screen. It was as he did so that his feet began to tingle, his toes curling as they began to compress in size, the broadness fading with each leap of the character as he was left with a set far daintier and delicate than before.

His shoes hung off them as he wriggled into the beanbag, the concern of where his friend could be starting to become overshadowed by his increasing focus on not messing up her play session. He managed to make it to the end after several close calls, only for the next level to start right away, with barely even a loading screen between them!

"I thought this game was old! How is it- s-shit!" he cursed, the character killed by a living fireball as heat washed down his form, the room suddenly far too hot as he shuddered, every hair on his body lost in a blazing inferno, leaving behind soft, supple flesh that was suddenly much more sensitive to the touch.

"Ngh... s-so hot... m-maybe I should put this down and o-open a window?" he thought aloud, his cock throbbing and tenting his pants, "Chiaki w-wouldn't hold it against me any-"


"HNGH!?" he cried, an arc of electricity rushing over his hands as they gripped the Switch tightly out of instinct, Hajime gaping in confusion as he struggled to let go. His hands tingled, the bones shrinking and slotting around, the broad fingers that struggled to fit the precise buttons compressed into beautifully dainty, elegant digits.

But Hajime didn't notice that, his attention remaining focused completely on the console, the game suddenly changing completely, what was once an arcade game now a racer, in the middle of a track no less!

"Woahwoahw-OHHHHHH~!" his expression of surprise turned to a yelp of bliss, another racer ramming into him in-game, in sync with a sudden buck forward, his spine permanently forced inwards with a definitive CRACK, his fingers spasming as more CPUs took their chance, two hitting his car on either side.


"MMMMMMMMMG-GAH~!" he let out a muffled cry, his gut bursting with untold delight as his bones were crushed into curves, the sensual shape he and so many others had secretly admired on the gamer girl now part of his own body.

His eyes spun out along with the kart, the colour of them lightening as the changes continued to avoid his notice, the boy truly at the mercy of the console, his nimble fingers desperately trying to get back control of the kart as he squirmed in conflicted bliss. It was hard to focus with his erect cock pounding in sync with his heartbeat, but he managed to boost ahead of the competition, his neck burning as he let out a high-pitched breath he didn't even realise he had been keeping in.

"M-maybe I should cut Chiaki some s-slack... it is easy to do that after all..." Hajime thought aloud, the sweet, dazed, and very much feminine voice of his friend leaving his lips instead of his own, "b-but I really should stop now! I'm not as good at these as her anyways so- a-ahhhhhhhhhhh~."

He gasped, his cock rising to full mast as it throbbed in approval, his body very clearly aware of the attractive, womanly voice, even if he wasn't. He hadn't felt so pent up in ages, Hajime's brain buzzing as he tried and failed to move his hands from the console, the fact he was in Chiaki's room strangely not feeling like an issue, h-he was so horny! It w-was too much! But the game! H-he couldn't- he couldn't just-


Hajimi gasped, spasming back as the game switched once more, the boy's brain buzzing with a pleasant fog as his eyes drooped lazily, his stamina falling slightly as he let out a cute yawn.

That moment of tiredness meant he had no chance to react to the next game, a round of Tetris that had already been filled with blocks, instinct guiding him to complete the lines set up for him, clearing them with a satisfying, wonderful sound. It wasn't just the blocks being cleared though, his height was similarly downsized to match, his legs losing it rapidly as his trousers hung off them, the muscle melting into slender, powerless fat that showed a distinct lack of exercise.

All that mass was bound to end up somewhere though, and whatever force was changing him deemed his thighs to be the ideal dumping ground for it all. He took in a sharp breath as the swelling began, Hajiki groaning and shuddering as he grinded the expanding thighs against his hard cock, pre-cum dripping down his feminised legs as his hips popped out, his lower body now baring a frighteningly strong resemblance to Chiaki's.

With his hands occupied, his fat pillowy thighs became the best method for self pleasure, squishing and rubbing wildly as he fell into relaxing, lazy bliss. His toes curled, his brain buzzed and thighs clenched, the constant pleasuring of himself causing his performance in the game to suffer, his thoughts scrambling as he was punished for the failures, the muscle in his arms decaying and breaking down until they were as slim and poorly built as his legs.

He was too addicted to the game to notice, the rest of the world slipping away as he fell into the rhythm, the desire to win, the simple enjoyment and so much more breaking through his more reasonable worries and concerns, Hajiki not even thinking it strange as the game switched once more.

He was customising a character in an MMO now, switching the bland, default male outfit into something cuter, more appealing, an outfit that was unmistakably him in comparison. Oversized trousers were switched out for a cute skirt, his own leg wear splitting in two as he changed it in game, the top becoming fluttery and cute, while the bottom became skintight stockings, his fat, jiggly thighs bulging out to sensually rub together.

Trainers were traded for pink pumps, Hajiki oblivious that he was remodelling his own outfit, boxers turning to pink panties, a matching bra appearing under his shifting shirt as he gasped happily. His concerns about messing up Chiaki's score were fading, in fact the concern that he might do worse was gone altogether, playing the game now unmistakably something he was doing because he wanted to, his grip on the controller relaxing at the realisation.

He shuddered, a soft, loose jacket slithering over him, comfortingly nestling over his shivering form, the familiar weight of a backpack strapping itself to his back as his eyes fluttered, the lashes extending as he yawned cutely.

"H-hey hey... my h-head... hard to? S-should I rest? Nah... I've almost... I'm almost... there?" he stammered out lazily, shuddering in conflict, every part of him turned girly and soft, the forming gamer girl finding himself lost in a maze of pink pleasure and gaming.

There was one last attempt to get up before the game swapped one more, turning into a quiz game, one that had just started a round of video game trivia.

Question 1: What is the name of the revision of the Game Boy Advance?

He blinked, his brows furrowing in thought, wouldn't something that's advanced already be a revision? Despite his confusion, an answer began to come to him, his brain struggling to focus as he tapped his chin with his tiny finger.

"Um... I know this! It's obvious... I think." he shuddered, his cock throbbing, those two words rewarding his brain with a shock of pure bliss, his body spasming in the process. It was coming into focus and so much more, pixels dancing in front of his shifting eyes as he wriggled into the beanbag, naturally sinking deeper into the cosy embrace.

"Oh... the Game Boy Advance SP!" He rolled his eyes, typing the answer and moving onto the next question. "Duh."

Question 2: Which of these Robot Masters is not from Mega Man 5?

"Charge Man, Star Man, Quick Man, or Wave Man?" he slowly slurred out, plump lips pouting as the answer evaded him once more, all this unimportant information clogging up his brain! He didn't need to know about this ordinary stuff, he needed game trivia! Facts! Techniques! What clothes were the most comfy to wear when all nighting on her MMOs! She never cared about movies and stuff, or how Hajime dressed, or that much about him in fact. Huh, why did she know this much about him anyw-

"Oh I know!" The answer cut her out of her thoughts, moving her away from any worries, Haiki not even realising a switch had been flicked in her brain in terms of how she viewed herself. "Quick Man obviously. These questions are... yawn... easyyyyyyyyyyy..."

Question 3: What is the third Nintendo home cons-

"Nintendo 64" she deadpanned, typing in the answer before the question could even finish, the lack of gaming experience she had been worried about moments ago now completely nonexistent. It wasn't even on her mind anymore; after all, she already knew all the questions this game could ask her!

She proceeded to answer every question like a machine, typing each answer in seconds as every correct one rewarded her with a surge of bliss, the sensations rushing through her and flooding her body with delight. The first caused a hairclip to pop into existence, the second prompting the strands it was nestled in to begin to lighten, the next softening, the fourth prompting their gentle growth as they began to cascade downwards.

After that it became focused on her face, pleased gasps and groans slipping free as her masculine features were ironed down, softening into cute, appealing femininity.

She looked as cute as a button, her womanly, pretty features shining as Haiki giggled, her eyes sparkling as her chest began to tingle, then buzz with bliss.

"A-ah? Oh- um- gahhhhhhhhh f-fuckkkkkkkkk~. I feel like... l-levelling up? Y-yessssssssssssss moreeeeeeeeeee~..." she gurgled, her whole body shuddering as bountiful tits began to emerge, bouncing with mass as they expanded further with every passing second.

It was undoubtedly an upgrade, more and more mass surging behind them every second, pushing her chest into noticeable lumps, then small cushions, then full on beach balls as they utterly filled her adorable pink bra. They rose and fell with every breath, invitingly outlined in the shirt, sending sweet, rewarding pleasure flowing through her veins as her cock throbbed in overwhelming approval.

They were huge, easily one of the biggest sets of boobs in the school, but Hiaiki found herself not caring about that, more concerned with the questions before her, each answer disrupting more and more of her former identity with increasing amounts of knowledge that could only belong to the Ultimate Gamer herself.

Even she couldn't help herself from being a little smug and pleased about her constant success, a small smile twitching onto her face as she wriggled her rear into her beanbag, her hands clutching the controller like her life depended on it. It was then that the game swapped yet again, the almost-girl reacting in confusion as she tilted her head, finding a... dating sim game?

"Um... I... oh..." she blushed, her confidence in her ability shattered as she found herself with very little idea what to do. "H-how does romance work again?"

It was a strange question, one that was almost just as odd to admit, s-she knew a bit right? She thought she did at least, but knowledge linked to that was slipping away like air from a popped balloon. It was... when two people liked each other a lot? But how were you supposed to tell? Hajime got all red when she asked and-

"I don't... g-get? A-ah~! O-oh~! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm H-Hajime~!? B-but wasn't- NOOOOOOOOOH~!" She came so close to breaking free from her trance, but the return of the pleasure put a stop to it, cHaiki feeling something deep in her brain starting to shift. She clutched her head tight, grinding her rear into the beanbag, confusion and concern fading as her expanding rear grew bigger and bigger, packed to the brim with thiccness as she unknowingly spiralled deeper into her new self.

"B-but I'm- I was supposed- A-AH~!" She bucked, feeling harsh tugs on her shaft as her eyes spiralled, Chaiki realising too late that something was fading, too concerned with her gaming to realise this sense of self's game was about to end hard. She struggled, her breasts bouncing, ass jiggling, everything bursting with red hot bliss, the idea of being Hajime fading, being a boy accepted as simply being too confused with the games when she played as a male character.

It all came to a head as her panties relentlessly tightened, her cock unable to endure the focused assault of delight, chunk after chunk of it slipping into her forming flower. Each bit that slid in was another level up of bliss, the sheer intensity of it utterly rocking her world, making it clear who she was. Who she had always been!

"G-GAH~! HNGH~! NGH~! YESSSSSS I'M CHIAKIIIII~!" she cried, her cock bursting back into her with gusto as her class was changed, every part of her irreversibly altered into her new gamer girl self. For a moment she was left gasping, her eyes glazed over as awareness slowly returned to her, a new context dribbling into her mind as she stared down at the dating game in annoyance.

"It's no use... I still don't know how this works! Stupid..." she grumbled with a pout, turning off the game and finally getting to her feet. It was no use! Not even video games could save her! She wanted to get closer to Hajime, but she knew he didn't want to hear about how Hydrocity Zone Act 2 was the best song in music history!

“I thought this game would at least have a tutorial or something! I’m desperate for any help I can get here!” She crossed her arms, similarly embarrassed that it took her this long in general to realise what she was feeling in the first place.

It was a common issue for her honestly; she was far too used to thinking in video game terms rather than actual emotions too, it was a miracle that she had figured out what romantic attraction felt like! But being aware of a crush and knowing how to act on it were proving to be two very different things… ugh she would take 100% completing Super Mario Sunshine over this!

Although... maybe she was over-worrying? She did always seem to get on with Hajime perfectly despite their different interests. So maybe she just needed to go and see him and tell him how she really felt!

"I’d better go and find him then! Before anyone else does. I like it more when our conversations are two player co-op rather than a group session... I wonder where he is?" Chiaki thought aloud as she left her room, before smiling as she set off in search of the boy she wanted to be with the most. He was never too hard to find after all!


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