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"Blake? Blake!? Blakeeeeeeeee!? Are you there!?"

Ruby Rose pouted, grumbling to herself as she stomped through the Emerald Forest, her calls remaining unanswered as she sighed.

"At least I didn't attract an Ursa this time..."

It was honestly getting annoying; it felt like she had been searching for her teammate for hours now! It wasn't even the first time Blake had run off like this! Only this time it was less due to arguing and secrets revealed, and more one student breaking the unspoken rule of "never mention rumours related to the White Fang of any kind when in a thirty foot radius of Blake Belladonna".

It was because of that she ran off without another word, and almost a full day later had yet to return. In hindsight they really should have looked sooner, but Yang compared it to letting a cat out to prowl so it could calm down. Pretty mature from her considering the look of frustration she gave that student after mentioning the rumour in the first place, she must have really wanted that dance with Blake at the prom soon…

"Blake! Come on! I wanna go home already! I'm hungry... should have packed more cookies..." she whined to herself, not for the first time wondering just how accurate the report that said she had wandered into the Emerald Forest was. Between the three of them, they must have combed the whole area by now!

Considering the lack of scroll calls from her teammates, it was also safe to say they were having as much luck as her. On the bright side she didn't have to listen to Weiss whining. Huh, she wondered if that was why Yang suggested they split up in the first place...

"Blake! Please come out already! If you do... I’ll... um... buy you fish for a week!" she pleaded.

Once more, there was no answer but the birdsong.

"Two weeks?" Ruby added desperately, groaning at the lack of an answer as she stormed forwards and-


Promptly tripped right onto her face.

Ruby groaned, getting to her feet and brushing the dirt off her combat skirt, about to lament her struggles aloud when she noticed just what she had fallen over. Her eyes sparkled as she picked up Gambol Shroud, her teammate's weapon having been left abandoned in the forest clearing.

"Finally! So Blake did come through here!" Ruby exclaimed triumphantly, before pausing, "...and left her weapon. With no trace of her. After she went to find the White Fang. That's probably bad isn't it? I’d better call the others... they should know what to-"

Ruby never had the chance to finish her sentence, the girl suddenly lurching forward and clutching her stomach, breathing heavily, a blush filling her face as she shuddered in confusion. There was a strange feeling inside her, an alien pulsing rhythmically going through her body, making her hairs stand on end as she shivered.

"A-ah? Ohhhhhhhh... I f-feel funny..." Ruby blushed, her red panties suddenly soaked with fluids, "w-what... am I supposed to... WAH~!"

She cried out in a reluctant eagerness, her blush growing as the pulsing exploded, the world shrinking around her as Ruby's head throbbed in an almost pleasurable migraine. She squeaked, shaking her head as she stumbled back clumsily, swearing she could hear something about to rip, feeling constricted and caught.

Her thoughts ran wild. Was this a trap? Gosh dang it Weiss would have her head if it was!

But when she opened her eyes, Ruby found herself completely alone, the girl groaning in confusion as she clutched her head, the relentless pounding remaining as she panted for breath.

"H-hah~! T-then why is it s-so tight!?" she gasped in confusion.

She wasn't tied up or anything... it was her clothes! It was like someone had pressed a button to make them two sizes smaller. There were small tears near her knees, the leggings barely able to fully cover what was suddenly a set of longer, athletic, and sexy legs.

Ruby blushed at the thought alone, wishing she had a better word for the long, appealing legs, something about them seeming oddly familiar for some reason. She dismissed the thought, of course they looked familiar! They were her legs! Right?

"But they don't look right!" Ruby pouted, wincing through the headache, "I'm certain that I'm not imagining things! Like everything still looks too small! Did everything shrink?" she asked, before pausing, "o-or did I get bigger!?"

It seemed silly to say out loud, but the more she could think about it between the constant pounding of her head, the more it seemed like the only option. The rips in her leggings proved it! But what did it mean?

"M-maybe all the milk is finally paying off?" she suggested with a nervous giggle, deciding to reach for her scroll in her back pocket. Her teammates would know what to do! She just-


"Y-YOWL~!" Ruby shrieked out an animalistic cry of alarm, her head exploding with pleasured agony as she tripped over as her own spasming legs, all while her rear buzzed in bliss.

She wriggled on the grass, panting like she just ran a marathon, her eyes flashing between silver and amber like someone was turning a switch on and off. She clutched her head, making strange pleasured noises as an intense wriggling broke out within, bucking as two lumps ruffled against her messy strands.

But it was nothing compared to the pure pleasure raging in her ass, Ruby squeaking in incoherent delight as each forceful buck of her body seemed to make it feel increasingly bloated against her poor leggings. Tears started to form in her eyes, her breathing heavy as she heard the fabric begin to strain, it was growing! Her ass was getting bigger! It wouldn't stop getting bigger!

"N-NYOOOOOOO~! C-CAHHHHHHN'T T-TAKE ANYMOREEEEEEE~! TOO BIG, T-TOO THICK, T-TOO- purrrrrrrrrrr~!?" was she purring? Why was she purring? None of this made any sense! This pounding in her skull made it impossible to focus!




Ruby wailed in relief, shivering happily as the pushing in her head exploded outwards, blushing as she did her best to regain her composure. It was the most intense pleasure Ruby had ever experienced, the poor girl swearing she could feel some kind of... sensitive growths on her head.

She could investigate them later, blushing as she inspected the state of her ass, the sheer size of it having not just torn through her leggings but outright shredded them, the ripe, thick rear completely outlined in the back of her combat skirt. More changes were sure to come, she could feel them swirling in her core, the girl's breath hitching as the bone-crushing corset forced her stomach's curves to deepen sensually.

Ruby needed help and fast, her hand scrambling for her scroll once more, only to pull out nothing but broken electronics and cracked glass. She blushed, realising what must have broken it, instinctively grinding her fat ass in shame as her panicked mind attempted to figure out how she was supposed to contact her team now.

It was then she noticed something in the glass, blinking in confusion before widening her eyes at the sight she was met with. Her hair was down to her shoulders, the last traces of red flaking out of the locks, Ruby finding the more pressing concern was the two black cat ears sticking out of her head, twitching every few seconds from the pleasure. She looked like a Faunus version of herself!

"W-what's happening to me!?" she groaned, shaking her head in fear as she did her best to remain calm. Maybe... maybe this was the end of it?

Ruby really hoped it was. She wasn't sure how much more of this weird stuff she could take! She shuddered, carefully raising a hand to her head, her fluffy cat ears twitching in anticipation.

"N-nghhhhhhh... I f-feel so strange... ohhhhhhh I don't like this, I don't- YAHHHHHHHH~!!!!!! SO GOOD SO GOOD SO- NYA~!"

She screamed as soon as she touched the ear, bucking as her eyes widened from pure delight, kicking as Faunus pleasure rushed though her sensitive, curvy form. It felt like a heavy, pleasant fog was falling over her mind, dulling her senses, her flickering eyes settling on amber as she let out a breathless moan.


She groaned, the only reaction her confused brain could come up with. She was feeling really strange now, Ruby shuddering as her panties were thoroughly soaked, cupping a breast in confusion. What was happening to her!? This... this was... this had the White Fang written all over it!


The strange thought may as well have sent an electric shock blasting through her, the poor girl squirming on the floor as her ears twitched wildly, the small breast she was groping surging out into her hand. She couldn't think, her screaming face shifting as she pawed and kneaded at her inflating chest, the tiny b-cups soon straining hard against the tight dress. Ruby's ears were twitching, the girl helpless to scratch one while pleasuring her breast with the other.

"T-this feels too good! This feels too f-fudddddddddd-cking good~! How did I deal with having that bow on them all the time! Why does it have to feel so good when I let loose?"

Something about her voice sounded strange. Was it strained from all the shouting? It was deeper, more sensual. Was she turning into a grown up? She licked her plumper lips, running a very wrong-looking hand over her face, growing increasingly concerned once she came to a very obvious conclusion.

"It's not my face! It's not- I'm not turning into a Faunus version of myself! I-I'm turning into another- KYAH~!" The encore of her breasts’ expansion cut her off, Ruby letting out a pleased scream as they tore through the front of her outfit, bouncing invitingly as the air brushed against them.

She squeaked in embarrassment, a feeling that only grew stronger as her hands instinctively set about massaging the thick dough of her new fat tits, a purr escaping from her lips despite her best efforts to contain it. It felt good, each little bounce and movement adding to the pool of bliss that was filling her, the edges of her brain buzzing happily as strange thoughts wriggled their way into her head.

Her poor huntress uniform was fit to burst from the mature beauty blossoming within, Ruby feeling like a mother would when dressed in their old school uniform. She felt too good, her brain spinning with constant thoughts of the White Fang.

What were they going to do next!? They had to have something planned! They were dragging the name of Faunus everywhere though the mud! What was Adam doing? Nobody could stop them but her! Why did her stupid partner not realiz-

BLAKEEEEE~!?" Ruby suddenly cried, her eyes wide as everything slid into horrific clarity, the cat ears, the hair, her voice! She was turning into Blake! These were Blake's thoughts! D-does that mean she was getting Blake's memories too!? But... but then what was going to happen to her!?

"I-is it going to erase me!? No! I don't- but I like being me!" Blake's pessimism made her fear the worst, the girl groaning as her panicked mind attempted to focus, the invading Blake unravelling Ruby as if she was a ball of string.

She shuddered, her face starting to naturally twitch into a neutral expression, gagging on the taste of cookies in her throat. Ugh, why hadn't she packed fish today!? She wasn't a kid anymore! Speaking of, why was she dressed like this? Ruby would kill her if she saw her!


She blushed, a pleasant heat flooding her lower body as she found the arousal returning with a vengeance, the poor girl's eyes widening as her brain was suddenly bombarded with images that awoke a whole slew of confusing feelings. It was Yang. Yang winking at her. Doing those cheesy pick up lines. What she looked like just after a workout, with the sweat running down her abs and the way her breasts bounced oh so-

"GAH~!? Y-YAHHHHHHHHHHNNG~!?" she moaned, breathing heavily, "I-I'M HORNY FOR- Y-YAHHHHHH~!"

It shouldn't have felt so good to admit it, Rlaky yowling in delight as she convulsed from the wonderful feelings, her heart pounding as she drooled for thoughts of her former sister. It was using her love for Yang against her, twisting her feelings into ones an introvert like Ruby had never dealt with before.

She was so caught up in the rush she didn't even notice two pools of goo starting to seep from her dropped weapon, the heavy black substance washing over her shivering body as it consumed her clothes, the white section ripping off her signature cape and setting to work while the black took care of the rest. Only her arms and head went uncovered, the rest of her coated with black, the gooey substance rippling before it hardened into bone-crushing latex.

It was somehow even tighter than her old clothes had been on her, Rlaky finding it hard to breathe for a moment, blushing as it pressed hard against every curve and dip of her form. It was almost wedged into her pussy, her eyes fluttering as she felt truly exposed, never admitting out loud just how amazing it felt to wear something like this.

It was just a side effect that it left nothing to the imagination! It was just an old White Fang infiltration outfit! I-it wasn't like she chose it on purpose since it hugged so much of her body! Since Yang could see her in it and all...

"H-hnghhhhhh... Y-Yahhhhhhhhng~" she moaned, smugly rubbing her thighs together as they bulged outwards, her hips cracking and crunching as they widened. They were almost impossibly wide, just like how this body was almost perfectly sexy, Rlake obsessed with it as she ran her hands down her curves and groped her most sensitive areas.

Her calls for help sounded more like mating cries now, the idea of having a sister feeling increasingly alien, all while the idea of having a girlfriend grew more and more appealing.

"No... have... have? I... u-ugh... c-can't?" she began, before shrieking as the tight pants pressed harder against her pussy, the pleasure drowning out the hesitation as with a final horny squeal and surge of her thighs, Ruby's red aura turned pure black, the team leader utterly assimilated into her mature teammate.

Blake blinked, groaning as she got to her feet, her heels clacking against the grass as she wondered what she had been doing. She'd been... looking for the White Fang right? She thought?

"Then why am I in the forest?" she muttered, pulling her jacket off the ground, swearing part of it looked red for a moment as she threw it over her arms, dismissing it as a trick of the light. It draped down her body, tightly hugging her hips and curves, Blake barely taking any notice as she pulled up the zipper.


"Hmm?" Blake looked down, blushing once she realised what the issue was, her ears drooping in embarrassment, "oh. I-it doesn't zip all the way up..."

It took her a few tries (and many deep breaths) before she finally managed to zip it all the way up, the blush remaining on her face as she felt her hefty breasts press tightly against the jacket. She couldn't lie and say the bodysuit didn't feel pleasant. But something about the situation still felt off to her, her hardened instincts certain that she didn't have all the information she needed, though whatever she lacked continued to elude her.

She fell to her knees in thought, groaning in frustration. It was on the tip of her tongue! Ugh, now she wished she had brought a book with her to help her relax...

A sound from the bushes soon broke Blake from her thoughts, the Faunus looking up just as a very familiar girl emerged into the cleaning, the usually confident blonde blushing as soon as she laid eyes on her.

"Yang? What are you doing here?"

"Blake!" Yang managed to say, doing her very best not to stare at her partner as she got to her feet, brushing her hair to one side before placing a hand on her very wide hip, "there you are! We've been looking everywhere for you!"

"I told you I can handle the White Fang myself!" she grumbled, "how did you even find me?"

"By accident. One of the students said they saw you running in here. Then Ruby's scroll went offline a few minutes ago. I was heading to the last place I saw her thinking she got attacked by Grimm when I ran into you. Have you seen her anywhere?"

"Not since I got here. Strange. Should we go and look for her?"

"You read my mind! Come on, let's... hang on." Yang paused, quickly answering her ringing scroll, "hey Weiss, what's up?"

"Weiss here. I just found the dolt. She was making a racket hanging out of a tree, she must have found where Blake was camping out. When I found her she was patting her head and squeaking, then passed out as soon as I called her name! Wonder where she got the new clothes from though… I'll take her back to the school and meet you there."

"Huh. Wonder what got her spooked. Well I found Blake at least, so... mission complete?"

"I suppose... I'll see you both at the school. Weiss out."

Yang hung up her scroll, smiling at her teammate, "well all's well that ends well! Come on, let's get back. Though I have to ask... what's with the getup and haircut? Not that it doesn't look nice! It looks great! I just... um..."

"White Fang infiltration gear." Blake answered quickly, Yang raising an eyebrow as she watched the Faunus’s ears twitch nervously.

"Infiltration into what? Junior’s club?"

"Very funny," Blake rolled her eyes, "there is something that's bothering me though... some kind of feeling I can't place."


"I don't know... it's kinda like... a feeling. A feeling that before you found me I was... someone else? When I think back it's like trying to remember a dream, but in the dream I was just... different. I think I liked it at the time and I was... scared? I feel fine now though..."

Yang blinked.

"Yeah, you really need to go to the dance with me. You've been working too hard again if you're thinking things like that."

"Perhaps." Blake smirked after a pause, dismissing the thought altogether as she headed back to Beacon alongside her partner, ready to resume her life.



So comms are open again?