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Just like last month, there's another huge upload of content today! Fourteen brand new captions! Covering various different series, characters, and even kinks altogether! (Even if most of them are mtf still, lol.) There should be something for everyone. So I hope that everyone enjoys the variety!

Caption Text:

"Ok J-Jamie you're really starting to concern me!" you began shuddering, the blue-haired girl on your couch giving a small grin as she unwrapped an expensive bass. "You said you would turn back by now!"

"Hm?" she commented, yellow eyes looking at you with a piercing disinterest. "You keep going on about that. It's getting annoying."

"I-I'm serious! The TF remote was a cool gift at first! I've used it on and off for a bit and it was pretty cool! But you have to change back eventually! You have a life to live! You can't just pretend to be this anime girl for the rest of it!"

"Like I said. Annoying," she sighed, "your not the boss of me. And if I want to use the pay from work before I leave on expensive basses, CDs and memorabilia, that's my choice."

"YOU PUT THAT ASIDE FOR FOOD THOUGH!" you cried, snatching the remote off your friend's desk. "That's it! You've clearly ignored the warnings and stayed like this too long and it's starting to affect your mind!"

You pressed the undo button, Ryo tilting her head as, to your confusion, absolutely nothing happened. You kept pressing it, even as the girl got up and walked towards you, looking up with a small grin.

"W-why isn't it working!? This is supposed to be reversible!"

"Not if you selected the permanent option." Ryo stated smugly. "Which I did. Days ago."

"You did what!?" you gaped, dropping the remote from shock as Ryo caught it. "You're joking! N-nobody would be crazy enough to do that! It was a glitch anyways! Y-you said you recalled it!"

"I lied and I'm a weirdo. So of course I'm into it. I was too excited at the thought. Oh, it feels even better when it's permanent. Every change is just... well, there's no use describing it. How about you tell me?" she stated, suddenly zapping you before you could react.

You knew it was permanent, the familiar pleasant feelings having been amplified to reach unrivalled levels of ecstasy, breasts erupting from your chest as you came hard. Your whole body shuddered as you hopelessly attempted to fight it, a short-lived struggle that ended with your ass thickening, a wet POP and a nervous squeak as you were sealed in body and soul.

"KYA~! E-EEK~!? UM~!? GAH~! R-Ryoooooooooooohhhhhhh~? W-what were we doing again~?"

"Band bonding. Now get on the bed."




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