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Just like last month, there's another huge upload of content today! Fourteen brand new captions! Covering various different series, characters, and even kinks altogether! (Even if most of them are mtf still, lol.) There should be something for everyone. So I hope that everyone enjoys the variety!

Caption Text:

"Anotherrrrrrrrrrrr one! Come on! H-hic! I can go allllllllllll night!"

"Weiss!? Weiss is that you!?"

"Heh? Ugh go away kitty cat! I want my booze! You can haveeeeeeee ya autograph laterrrrrrrrr!"

"What are you- sniff UGH! W-Weiss are you drunk right now!? You stink of alcohol! How long have you been here!?"

"Hehehe... alllllllllllllll night long~! I just did my show so tonight's for celebrating! WHOOPPPPPPPP~!"

"Ugh, get off me! I need to get you back to Beacon... have you seen Ruby or Yang anywhere!? They were supposed to be here!"

"Ummmmmmmmmm who and who? W-who's Weiss anyways? That stuck up rich bitch? Pfff, why'd she be in a club? Ya sure you aren't drunk too?"

"What!? Weiss. What are you talking about!? It's clearly you! That's just hair dye! And I know the sound of my teammate’s voice!"

"Pfff, quit talking crazyyyyyyyyyyy... I need more beer! Hey bartender! Add it to my tab!"

"I'm not the crazy one here Weiss! You're coming with me!"

"You c-can't tell me what to- HIC~! D-do! I-I'm staying and-"

"Um, miss Hirori? Your card's been declined. I think you spent it all."

"Awwwwwwwwwwww mannnnnnnnnnn..."

"Wait. That's your Schnee credit card! Y-you... you spent all of your heiress money… o-on beer!?"

"What? T-that's my c-card hic~! S-silly! I can just m-make more playing m-music!"

"But you can't even carry a tune! T-that's it. You need to head back with me now. I don't like this. I don't like this at all. I don't see Ruby or Yang anywhere and this has White Fang written all- HNGH!?"

"Um? Oh heyyyyyyy Miltia! When did you get here?"

"Just now. Boss said he saw someone stirring up trouble. Torchwick wants a word with her."

"Huh? Oh is she a new act? Like my band and ummmmmmmm whatever those other two were called?"

"You could say that. Torchwick said something about streamers being a good source of funding for us both. Apparently if we clean kitty cat here up a bit, and get her to be a bit... less than clean on camera, we should be raking in cash."

"Ummmmmmmmmmmm h-hic! I don't r-really like, get it, but c-can I have more b-booze for doing such a good s-show?"

"Sure. On the house."

"Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~! H-hic~! T-tonight's f-for partying~! H-hic~! Happiness spiral here I come~!"



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