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I smiled weakly  as I walked through the halls of the convention, trying my best not to look too anxious. I'd been looking forward to the convention for weeks now, excited to see the various booths and fans of the various series I was interested in.

While I had never been good with crowds and unfamiliar places, something had pushed me to try going to one this time, even though there was something worrying me more. There was one series I wanted to visit more than anything, the MLP area. Truthfully, I wanted nothing more than to go through it and pick out some merch like everything else I'd been to today.

But I couldn't. I could handle people knowing I was a fan of the series online, but the idea of anyone in real life being aware just made me want to hide, even if it was a stranger I barely knew. The irrational fear of judgement filled me just by growing close to it, joined with more confident thoughts telling me to stop being ashamed of a series and characters I loved so much.

Finally, the stubbornness won out. I shivered slightly while heading down the mostly empty hall, my eyes sparkling in excitement at all the banners and art on display as I looked at it in awe.

"Wow... l-look at all this stuff! Even if I can't get anything... it's good enough just being here for a- shit!"

My eyes widened as I heard people approaching from around a corner, instinct forcing me to shoot behind the nearest curtain, hoping I would go unseen as I shivered nervously. I waited until the sounds passed, breathing a sigh of relief before groaning in annoyance.

"Or you could just act like Fluttershy. Why not? Way to go."

Cursing my own lack of confidence, I prepared to reemerge before something gleamed out of the corner of my eye, I turned and gasped in awe at what I saw. It was a tall, purple mirror, crafted in the shape of a horseshoe, decorated with shining pink jewels and curved metal arches. It was a perfect replica of the mirror from the Equestria Girl films! I was shocked someone had managed to make something so accurate. Everything about the replica made it look like it had been ripped right from the show itself.

I just had to get a closer look, my body shaking as I walked towards it, admiring my reflection as I smiled nervously. I'd loved what I had seen of those films just as much as the main series, even though I was admittedly surprised at first it wasn't an unconnected AU.

That only made me love it more though, adoring the stories, characters and even the simple enjoyment of them being humans, but especially Sunset. Everything from her arc, design, voice and personality made her one of the top choices for my favourite girl from the series in general. She even basically became the main character of them later on!

I sighed as I continued to stare into the mirror, unable to help part of me from wishfully yearning that the real world could be more like that. A world when friendship could truly be magic. Maybe then I'd be more confident when it comes to stuff like this in the first place.

I smiled a little at the thought, raising my hand towards the mirror wanting to touch the surface, some childish desire inside wanting to see what would happen if I did. It was stupid, but I didn't see any harm in doing it, certain I would be met with the feeling of hard glass.

I did not expect my hand to go right through it.

I blinked, uncertain what I was witnessing, briefly thinking I was just seeing things as the glass rippled like water. It took a few moments for it to set in what I was seeing was real, the realisation making me cry out in shock as I instinctively tried to pull my hand back out.

To my horror, it refused to budge, my eyes widening in shock as I tried over and over with all my strength, the mirror refusing to let go.

"W-what the fuck!? How... why... t-this has to be s-some kind of s-special effect right? P-PLEASE SOMEONE HE- AH!?"

A sudden pull cut off my cries, catching me completely off guard as I was sent flying through the mirror, cutting my cry of terror off mid-scream. Everything around me became one big blur, colours swirling as I fell into the vortex, my brain feeling like it had become trapped in a reality beyond my limited understanding, my body feeling like it was being torn apart by the harsh conditions of my surroundings.

Then as quickly as it started, it stopped, my body suddenly landing on solid stone as I groaned, shaking my head as my surroundings slowly came into focus. I didn't know what to say at first, lost for words at the sight I was met with, everything from the nearby building I knew as a high school, the square I was standing in, even the statue that was behind me making me more and more confused and panicked.

It all looked so real, but I knew it couldn't be, it all looked just like the movies! This was…

"The... human Equestria? I-I... what... h-how... the mirror a-actually..."

I turned around to the stone I had emerged from, instinct giving me towards it before I stopped myself at the last moment. While it was possible the portal would send me back to my world, it was just as likely to send me to the normal Equestria, and in the middle of Twilight's castle no less! Being stuck in an alternative world was one thing, but suddenly being turned into a different species altogether was another.

"B-but how else a-am I meant to g-get back!? How am I even here!? T-this is impossible!"

I muttered aloud to myself, clutching my head as I tried to think things logically, noticing a few of the students walking nearby looking at me in slight concern as they headed to school. As crazy as this was, I knew it wasn't a dream, everything feeling far too real to be imaginary, the possibility that I was somehow inside the world of an animated series making me both panicked and... excited?

The logical thing to do would be to try the portal again anyways, but this was a once in a lifetime event! It would be a waste not to look around here! Maybe even interact with the cast! The joyful way everyone seemed to be acting did suggest this was after the first movie at least, so everyone should be way friendlier with each other now!

"Well... Twilight did manage to attend the school just by walking in... so I guess I literally could just waltz in there."

I smiled nervously, excitement building in my core as my body tingled, a feeling I didn't find strange in the slightest as I joined the other students towards the school grounds, the sun beaming down on my flawless soft skin and filling me with pleasant heat.

It did make me worry a bit less though, calming down my anxious nerves as I followed the path to the entrance, hoping I wouldn't attract any attention on the way. Thankfully, all the other nearby students seemed to be extras I didn't care to remember, aside from Derpy, the cross eyed girl strangely waving at me friendlily.

I hesitantly gave one back, feeling a little hot as I wondered why she had done that. Was she just being friendly? Did I have a counterpart here somehow? Ugh, I had so many questions but no way of asking them without looking like I was crazy!

Maybe I would have been better off trying the portal again, even if I was surrounded by ponies, they were at least more used to crazy things like this!

"Hey! About time you showed up!"

A smug, girly and very familiar shout broke me out of my thoughts, freezing me to the spot as I turned to face the source. My mouth fell open, no amount of mental preparation made me ready to be face to face with one of the main characters of the series, especially her talking to me.

"I-I... h-huh? R-Rainbow? W-what's-"

I mentally cursed myself for my mess of a reply, Rainbow raising an eyebrow in confusion while putting a hand on her hip, clearly judging me while I tried to regain my bearings.

"You ok there Sunset? I mean, it's bad enough waiting for someone so long, let alone them coming out with whatever that was! What, did my awesomeness finally leave you speechless?"

I blushed, my shock somehow growing even stronger at what Rainbow was saying, all of my theories thrown off completely as I managed to stammer back an answer.

"S-Sunset? Are y-you... what?"

It took all my instincts not to look behind me to see if she was there, the alternative making no sense to me at all as Rainbow tilted her head in confusion.

"Yeah? That's your name? Man, what is with you today? Is this another magic thing or something?"

That confirmed it. The friendly wave from Derpy suddenly made so much more sense. Somehow, everyone in this world saw me as Sunset Shimmer. Something that made everything much more complicated. I wasn't really sure what to say at first. The sheer absurdity of it made me pause as Rainbow looked at me in concern. The idea of trying to explain everything to them all was definitely a lost cause now, trying to argue I wasn't the real Sunset was insane! That only left one other option. Acting like her.

"O-oh it's nothing Rainbow! I was up all night studying. So I'm a little bit out of it, sorry."

I prayed that I sounded enough like Sunset to avoid suspicion, Rainbow seeming to relax a little after the explanation.

"Ha! That makes sense... I think we have some tests coming up... not that I've been revising of course. Someone as cool as me is obviously going to ace everything! I mean, I'm not an egghead like you and Twilight."

I chuckled a little at her words, my disbelief slowly morphing into excitement as I realised I was actually talking to Rainbow Dash! How cool was that!? I could even talk to the other girls as well! I couldn't help but smile, quickly replying in a way that sounded Sunsetly enough.

"You can't get through life just by being awesome Rainbow. You sure you're not going to panic at the last minute and cram?"

"Watch me. And bold words from the girl that was practically unresponsive when I found her! If that's what studying does, then I’ll stick to my own things, thank you."

I blushed, shaking slightly as something strange built in my core, growing in response to being called a girl in a way that made my body tingle strangely. It was a nice feeling, one that made me cross my legs slightly while rubbing my arm instinctively.

"Heh, let's see you saying that when exams come up. Man, I'm so tired I think I forgot what my timetable even was for the day!"

I'd never been a good actor, so it was odd just how easy I found it to slip into something similar to how Sunset would act. I didn't stammer nervously, I spoke everything clearly and normally, something that I found quite impressive under the circumstances.

I didn't even consider it might be anything more, even when my body’s tingling deepened, especially in my throat. It was easy to ignore though, and it felt more nice than anything, Rainbow smiling and rolling her eyes at my question.

"Wow, you really are out of it today huh? What, was I so cool I fried your tired brain even more or something?"

"Heh, in your dreams, Rainbow."

The tingling went into overdrive as she grabbed my hand, dragging me inside with a sudden pull so intense I heard an imaginary crack in my head, my slim shoulders and throat filled with the strange feelings the most as I swallowed a lump I hadn't even noticed.

“We have English together first. And while it's perfect for an egghead like you, it's going to be a snoozefest for me. You know, since we usually have Applejack to keep me company, but she's abandoned us again! I can't believe the school let her entire family have time off before the exams!"

"Pfff, sounds like you're jealous to me. It probably helps that she, you know, actually studies."

I laughed at the accusing look I could in return for my comment, unable to believe just how much fun I was having talking to Rainbow like this. It was a dream come true! And she looked, sounded, and acted just like I imagined! I was even better at this than I thought too, I could particularly hear Sunset saying these lines now!

I smiled confidently, walking alongside Rainbow though the hallways until we reached our destination, entering the class just on time. We sat down next to each other, relief filling me as I noticed a bag already next to my seat filled with school supplies and books with Sunset's name on it.

I guess this world wasn't entirely out to get me, at least giving me something to work with as I pulled out the stuff that looked like it would be important for the lesson. Luckily, it was exactly the same things everyone else seemed to be getting; it must have been a background detail in one of the films or something.

"Ugh, I just wish we could do something interesting in these classes! Why do we have to study these ancient books! I could totally ace a Daring Do test! But we're stuck with these old plays that just go. So. Slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww..."

"That's probably a bit too recent for the curriculum, Dash. Some things never change based on what world you're in, I suppose..."

"Are you kidding me? It was boring in Equestria too? Ugh and that's supposed to be all magic and cool and stuff!"

"O-oh right! Equestria, yeah... anyways we really should get started before the teacher says anything..."

I mentally cursed myself for my slip up, reminding myself that I would have been totally fucked if they thought I was literally anyone else. Rainbow seemed more annoyed about staying quiet than me, but she always got grouchy in this lesson anyways. Well, that's what I would assume at least...

Truthfully, I was barely paying attention to what was being taught, my brain still focused on processing that something as crazy as this was happening to me. Sure, the sensible thing would be to go back to the mirror, but how could I after all this! Besides, it wasn't like anything bad would happen if I stayed any longer!

That thought made my shoulder ache for a second, my shirt feeling a bit loose around that area as I adjusted it slightly. I did make sure to make the occasional note from Cheerilee's lecture on literature though, tingling in excitement when I noticed I was sat behind Octavia and Vinyl, the brown haired girl seeming to roll her eyes as she passed her notes to the girl that was not so subtly listening to music instead of actually paying attention.

I was so starstruck, I didn't even notice my writing speeding up slightly, the pen feeling more at home in my hand, almost like the excessive writing had changed its same to fit in my grip. I had no idea how close yet far I really was with the thought, my slim fingers tightly holding it as I wrote about the analysis of the book we were studying.

It was surprisingly interesting, the way people looked into books, characters and themes here was so different to back home. No one really tested anyone about literature analysis until way lat... no wait, what did I mean? Of course, it was part of education back home! I'd studied books in high school and everything!

"Man... guess I actually am a bit out of it..."

I muttered to myself as I continued to study, idly noticing I seemed to get some ink on my fingernails, making sure to remember to wipe it off later. I was oblivious that my slender fingers were now topped with black, punky nail varnish, or certain parts of my head feeling fuzzier than others, only enjoying the moment as I adjusted myself in my seat.

I only meant to do it and get more comfortable, but the seats here seemed to be the kind I refused to get along with, requiring almost constant readjustments to get myself fully comfortable. I shook my hips as I did so, not noticing the way each shake appeared more pronounced, only emphasising what was rapidly becoming a set of wide, feminine hips.

It made my pants feel rather tight, a small tear forming from such a drastic change in my skeleton, but that was all that I noticed aside from the pleasure that came with it. I wrote off my slight arousal from being around so many cute girls, unaware that it wasn't the end of the discomfort in my lower body.

I wasn't sure why, but in the moments I wasn't taking notes, it felt like my pants were shrinking, the space that had been inside taken up by something else. It was a stupid thought really, even though my legs being pressed together was making it harder to focus by the minute.

It felt strangely erotic, my thighs feeling almost plush pressed against my cock, soft pillows that were tempting it with something I couldn't identify. The feelings were wonderful though, a few gasps slipping out unnoticed as I remained focused on my work, unable to help myself rubbing my legs together every once in a while, the cushions that only seemed to be getting bigger each time bringing my cock to a full erection in seconds.

God, I had no idea why I suddenly felt so good, my cock throbbing against soft, thick flesh as I quietly whimpered to myself, each twitch making my brain feel stranger. It was just a bit foggier by the time class finally ended, breathing a sigh of relief as I slipped all my books back into my bag, my body tingling with what must have been excitement as I looked towards Rainbow.

I rolled my eyes at the sight of her head slammed into the desk, looking like she'd lost the will to live from the amount of listening she had to do. I laughed fondly, poking her arm while smiling down at her.

"Don't worry, it's over now Rainbow. Come on, get up. We need to get to the next class!"

"It's too late for me now Sunset. Go on without me. My brain is about to-"

"Don't you have gym next?"

The girl shot up in a second, shoving everything into her bag and dashing out the door with a quick shout.

"Oh shit, I can't be late for that! Thanks Sunset, see you at lunch!"

I giggled, making my own way to the door as I entered the busy corridors once more heading off in a random direction with a pronounced sway of my hips. It came naturally, the movement not even something I noticed, my cock twitching in response to the pleasures that were filling me.

I hadn't realised something was wrong, that I suddenly knew Rainbow Dash's timetable for the day or that I had remembered my own things that certainly weren’t covered in the show or films. Something inside me was preventing me from noticing that my own thoughts were falling to the wayside.

For a moment though, I did wonder how I knew where I was going, did we see the maths classroom in any of the films? Wait... films? Something about that last thought seemed really wrong, a frown forming on my face as I tried to figure out what. I didn't get much of a chance to dwell on it, crying out as I stumbled over nothing, my feet suddenly feeling too small for my shoes as I steadied myself on a locker.

"Man, that was close... ugh, really should get my head out of the clouds..."

I set off after reprimanding myself, my hip swaying seeming much more confident as I stopped second guessing myself. Obviously I knew where the maths room was. I'd been going to Canterlot high for years now! How could I not know where I was going? I giggled to myself at the ridiculous thought, brushing some hair out of my eyes as I finally made it to my destination.

I was one of the first few students there, smiling friendly as I saw Fluttershy sat near the back, heading towards her and sitting down on the empty desk next to her.

"O-oh hello Sunset... i-is everything alright?"

For a moment, I found it surreal she was actually talking to me, something that was rather odd. She was one of my best friends right? W-well one of Sunset's... who everyone thought I was... so I guess I thought it would be odd if I showed it? Ugh, thinking about it was making my head hurt...

"I-I'm mostly ok... just got a killer headache. You know what Rainbow's like in English... and I spent all night studying too..."

"Oh you poor thing! Should we ask principal Celestia if you can get the rest of the day off?"

I gave a small smile as Fluttershy's face lit up with concern, idly messing with a red tinted brown strand as I answered.

"Nah, I'll be fine. I appreciate the concern though. It's going to take more than some w-weird headaches and strange thoughts to take down Sunset Shimmer though!"

I hadn't truly realised how strange some of my thoughts were until I said it out loud, my face turning to a frown as I wondered just what felt so odd to me. Something was wrong, I knew that much, but I didn't dwell on it, thinking it might be best to go and clear my head once class was over as the teacher walked in. It was much more hands off than English as was to be expected, the teacher just throwing us some textbooks to go through, my greening eyes narrowing in focus as I tried to rush through them. It went awfully of course, maths was always one of my worst subjects after all, so I wasn't sure just what I was-

I twitched at the thought, something down- my cock throbbing at the thought, somehow feeling even harder than it had English as I rolled it between my legs. Every throb felt like it was making the answers get clearer, pumping the relevant info directly into my brain as everything started to make more and more sense.

It was strange, I was certain maths was one of my weak points before, but I was breezing through these answers like they were nothing! I smiled, not noticing that I was forgetting about going back to the portal, addicted to the sensation of my increasing IQ as science, maths and even magic itself became simple to understand.

The idea of not knowing any of that soon faded though, all of the complex equations and fantastic knowledge becoming second nature to me. It was all obvious to know considering my past teachings and studying after all. I pressed my thighs together, gasping a little as the surges of pleasure rushed through my body, my cock rapidly leaking pre cum all over my pants. It was growing harder for me to stay focused on the lesson in front of me, my legs buzzing from bliss as I crossed them together.

They almost felt slimmer in my pants, the fabric having a loose hold of them, the muscle condensing into toned, feminine shapes. They were a perfect complement for my impressive hipline and thighs, my figure almost looking like a supermodel’s as I smiled. I felt wonderful, like every instinct inside me was roasting under a warm delight that put my muscles at rest, easing me into relaxation as my feminised legs crossed under my desk.

I was slowly being eased into a new existence, oblivious to how my entire existence was adjusting to the new world, making me almost utterly unrecognisable. Not that I noticed any of this, or cared really. I was more concerned about taking pride in my work, the maths simple as usual~. It didn’t make me any less smug that I had almost definitely nailed the test though, a smile on my face as I messed with a strand of hair that was looking much more red than brown.

There was a tingle in my rear but it was barely noticeable, only preparing it for what was to come later as the bell rang harshly. I hummed to myself, my brain naturally being filled with songs from the... films?

“Ugh why am I thinking of movies so much today? Especially when it’s music from the band! Why in Celesta would those be in any films?”

I met with Fluttershy at the doorway, happy to be in each other’s company for a moment as we headed towards the lunch hall. I still felt like something was off, but for the life of me, I had no clue what it could be, especially when I was doing the same things as any other day. After all, what could have been different? Guess it was because Applejack wasn’t here...

The peace of the moment didn’t last through, a familiar over dramatic gasp piercing through the hallway as me and Fluttershy jumped in shock.


We turned around right as Rarity ran towards us, looking incredibly stressed as she stared at me in shock.

“Ehhhh... hi Rarity? Something wrong?”

It seemed to be the wrong choice of words, Rarity’s eyes twitching in disbelief as I got the impression she would explode at a moment's notice.

“What’s wrong!? Darling, how on earth could you ask me that! This is the worst. Possible. Thing! What you're wearing is simply... well it’s atrocious! Why on earth did you think it was a good idea to hear something as bland and insulting to fashion as that!?”

I blinked, looking down at my clothes in confusion, suddenly noticing it wasn't something I usually wore to school. They looked fine I supposed, but I must have thrown them on in a hurry, I think I even forgot my bra. Part of me noticed they even looked like boys' clothes, something that made my face scrunch up in disgust. Had they been left over at my place back when me and Flash were a thing? God I hoped not... that would be gross.

“I-I... don’t know a-actually... I was in a rush this morning so... guess I threw on the first thing I could find...”

“That certainly would explain it, dear. But I’m afraid you can’t go around school looking like that any longer! Follow me right now, darling. Luckily I have some clothes in storage that are just your style.”

I didn't exactly have a say in the matter, crying out in surprise as Rarity grabbed me by the arm and dragged me away, Fluttershy watching in surprise as I was pulled all the way to the Drama classrooms.

"Rarity? Is any of this really necessary? I can just get something else on when I get home!"

"Nonsense darling! We need to get you into something new as soon as possible!"

I groaned, knowing there was really no way of stopping Rarity once she got into a mood like this, other than letting her have her way, something that Applejack could more than attest to by now. I gasped as she pulled open the door, revealing hundreds of costumes and outfits, various different styles all lined up and ready to try. I stayed still while she pulled me towards a changing booth, shutting the curtain and leaving me alone as she ran off in excitement.

"Stay right there darling! I have the perfect outfit in mind!"

"R-right... if you... s-say so..."

Something was wrong. I didn't know what, but I somehow just knew that something wasn't right, something in my brain desperately insisting it even when everything was normal. I was no closer to figuring out what though, getting to work removing the boring clothes, shivering despite the incredible heat that was washing over my insides.

"U-uh... is it h-hot in here? When d-did... a-ah..."

My body was heating up, literally. The warmth oddly only seemed to build as I removed each bit of clothing one by one, exposing my body to the hungry magic of the world. My skin tingled as it was roasted with bliss, my pale skin tone becoming a thing of the past as splash's of a healthy, prominent tan broke out all over my flesh, slowly spreading across it like a virus.

The feeling was nothing compared to what was happening in my hair though, each strand feeling like it was trapped in an inferno, burning with the intensity of Celesta's newly raised sun. It made me hard, my legs shaking as I gasped and squirmed. The brown was being burnt away, the heat dying my strands with beautiful, bright shades of oranges and yellows, the tough texture melting into irresistible softness, the waverly hairs cascading downwards like the falling sun.


My eyelashes fluttered, my features shifting as I whimpered in confusion, my face feeling like it was compressing in on itself into a tighter, sexy, package. I nervously grabbed a chunk of my hair, my green eyes shining as I wondered what was going on. Was I just being paranoid? This w-was my hair right? But I r-remember it being... someone else's? Well, that's silly, who else would have this? Not like Twilight’s a redhead or-


Oh shit, oh fuck, why did that make me feel even better, I-I just came f-fuck! Why did I just fucking c-cum!? Oh god my body is so soft, and small, and sexy and f-feels so fucking-

"Sunset? Is everything alright in there, dear?"

I jumped from Rarity's voice, my exposed cock harder than ever as I blushed at the now cum stained pile of boy clothes in the corner.

"I-I'm alright! I just s-shivered! It’s just a little bit cold here!"

"Oh good. Now then darling, you simply must try these on! I got some ideas from this Japanese thing Fluttershy showed me and had to make something! Trust me, it's going to look marvellous!"

I pulled my hand out of the curtain, hearing her excited squee as she passed me the outfit, which was unsurprisingly exactly my kind of clothes. I quickly set to work getting changed, my unease growing as I brushed my long red hair to the side, my thighs pressing against my erect shaft as I felt my brain was on the cusp of a major realisation.

It felt so close, yet so distant to me, annoyingly just out of reach as I slowly slipped on the clothes, starting with the pink spaghetti top, a smile filling my features when I noticed Rarity had even added the symbol of my cutie mark onto it. My stomach gurgled strangely as I started to put on my jacket, my cock throbbing from the familiar weight of it and my hair, my body feeling prickly with pleasure as I gasped happily.

I wasn't certain just why the feelings were building in my core, but when it felt as good as this, it was hard to bring myself to fully care, feeling like the wonderfully soft fabric was gently massaging everything away. My comparison was much more spot on than I knew, the shirt squeezing and burning away my tummy, removing the mass it saw as unnecessary, as it brought it all the way down into a tight, sexy core.

I clicked on the choker with shaking hands, my face fighting not to show just how pleasured I was when I pulled up the skintight black shorts, trapping my cock in a prison of black latex and thick, feminine fat. I already felt like I might cum at any moment, with no idea why, the tight orange skirt I slipped on over the shorts doing little to hide the obvious bulge.

The feelings only grew more intense from there, my nipples aching as violent blasts of bliss teased my insides, the conspicuous space in the front of my shirt decreasing somewhat as my chest swelled with mass. My cock throbbed non stop as small breasts formed, my shaft soaked with pre cum as the beginnings of my impressive bust gently rose and fell with my every pleasured breath.

"Man... I-I feel really g-good! S-shit... so h-horny? Why a-am... I have t-to be m-missing something r-right?"

I whispered to myself nervously, not even the rocking punky high heels I had slipped on helping me feel that much better, shaking as my nipples rubbed against my shirt. Part of my jacket slid down my arm as I whimpered happily, my brain spinning as I turned to the mirror, raising a hand to my face as I studied my reflection curiously.

I wasn't sure why it seemed so off, it was my reflection after all. Everything was normal, the same tanned skin, lack of muscle, slim shoulders, sexy face and long red hair that always had. Like always, I was staring into the reflection of Sunset Shimmers

Then it hit me.

My mouth fell open, my eyes wide in shock and terror as the feeling of unease blossomed into full on terror, every ounce of my self control stopping me from screaming at the top of my lungs as I gaped in shock. My reflection wasn't me anymore, barely anything was.

"This isn't happening. This isn't fucking happening. This is not fucking happening! O-oh god even my v-voice? How l-long... w-when?"

I was freaking out, especially when I realised how I'd been acting over the day, breathing heavily as I blushed, feeling one of my breasts and gasping happily. F-for hours I... I wasn't m-me anymore! I w-was Sunset! I acted exactly like her! I-I barely knew anything was wrong for Celesta's sake!

"I'm turning into a girl. I'm t-turning into S-Sunset! But I'm not Sunset! I'm... I'm..."

My blood ran cold. My eyes somehow growing even wider as my cock involuntary twitched from bliss.

"Nononononono! My n-name! What's my name? I'm S-Sunset! No, I can't be S-Sunset! Sunset isn't real! Fuckfuckfuck! H-how much of m-me is left now!?"

I had to get out of here. I had to go to the portal and fucking leave now. Even the risk of me going to Equestria was worth it if it stopped this! The only thing that made it all worse was just how everything felt, every part of my body feeling so right and real... apart from that throbbing thing in my pants... what was that any-

"NO! I-I'm a man! I'm n-not a girl! I'm not a s-sexy pretty p-pony girl! F-fuck~!"

It was getting hard to think, Sunset's thoughts often disrupting my thoughts, my body shivering as I awkwardly exited the booth, trying not to look as frightened as I felt Rarity's keen eyes on me.

"Oh yes! You look perfect, darling! Honestly, this outfit is so much more you! Oh I can't wait to show the other girls! Come on now, dear!"

Without another word, she dashed from the classroom, likely heading to the cafeteria as I sighed in relief, barely managing to resist the natural Sunset response inside as I was forced to remind myself of who I really was. I took a moment to compose myself before slowly walking forwards, already mentally preparing the fastest route to the portal.

Thankfully, there wouldn't be anything else that would pop up anytime soon, meaning I should be safe after all, my fear dying down a little. It was only a short moment of calm, the door suddenly opening, my head turning towards it with a start, ready to come up with an excuse for why I had to leave the room as soon as...


Dark purple sparkly eyes stared at me from above a pair of glasses.


My face was red. My heart was thumping like crazy. My eyes wide as I simply stared at every inch of the purple haired girl. Twilight Sparkle. I'd been looking forward to seeing her before I noticed this was happening to me, but now, my breath was caught in my throat, my body having no idea how to react to her sudden appearance.

Since in that moment, both parts of me realised I had never seen anything or anyone more beautiful than Twilight Sparkle.

Oh no.

"Oh there you are Sunset! Fluttershy told me Rarity dragged you in here. Good thing too, I would have been looking all over for you otherwise!"

Her eyelashes fluttered at me, my body frozen to the spot. My brain crashed, unable to form the right words as my mouth fell open. She was beautiful. She was so beautiful without even trying. I'd been thinking that for so long. Since I first laid eyes on her right before the Friendship Games. The princess Twilight was always pretty, but this Twilight? M-my Twilight? She was perfect. She was smart, caring, and she understood me better than anyone ever could.

I'd never been more attracted to someone in my life, my face completely red, a voice inside me screaming, begging me to run away and save myself. Thoughts that were slowly making less and less sense to me.

"Sunset? Are you alright?"

She tilted her head in adorable curiously, my heart skipping a beat as I quickly replied.

"I-I'm fine! Utterly fine T-Twilight! Why w-wouldn't I b-be... a-ah~!"

Something was feeling wonderful in my ass, my body shivering instinctively as fat piled inside, my shorts becoming even more of a tighter fit as my thickening rear greedily started taking all the room for itself. T-the leather was bearing down on my cock, tears forming in my eyes as my bulge throbbed and thrashed like a trapped animal, cum spurting free as I cried out in delight.


Twilight ran over to me, holding me steady, her soft hand suddenly in my own, a confused whimper slipping past as I felt a part of my cock slip into me. I was a mess, my brain torn between a love stricken teenage girl and a terrified man, both switching back and forth as I lay in her arms. It was only made worse once we both seemed to realise where one of her hands was, my cock giving a happy throb as we both went red.

She didn't move her hand from my massive, outlined ass though.

"T-thanks Twilight... I-I'm... heh... not f-fully with it t-today..."

I tried to get back up, shaking and spasming as I suddenly collapsed against her, her breasts going squish against my chest, a chest that was slowly getting more sensitive.

"Sunset, what’s wrong? You’re way more than just out with it! You can tell me these things! We're friends!"

I gasped, feeling my chest inflate like balloons against Twilight's, my identity somehow feeling like it was in ruins while also being horribly clear. My cock spurted out the last of my masculinity, Twilight's bust infectious in its perfection, while my tits rapidly expanded.

It felt like I was in a dream, and Twilight was waking me up, the parts of me that were desperately begging me to get back to the portal feeling less and less real by the second. It was the way she was looking at me, her eyes shining and sparkling with concern, worry and... l-love? For me?

"N-no! Not for... for S-Sunset! Not..."

I muttered incoherently to myself, Twilight holding me close as I gasped and squirmed, my empty cock feeling undeniably wrong on my body. I was scared, my mind flashing in and out between thoughts, none of them understanding.

"T-Twilight! I don't- my past i-it's- I don't know what it is! It's fading... b-but what if it takes over? W-what if... I don't..."

I paused, feeling Twilight's hands tightly gripping my arms, staring at me with complete seriousness.

"Sunset! Your past can't hurt you! It's gone now!"

"B-but... I... n-need..."

I was slipping, falling, feeling my cock start to slither back inside me, the intense pleasure forcing me to whimper slightly as Twilight continued.

"You fell Sunset. You fell so far but you still got back up! You got up and rose higher than any of us! You saved me! You've saved all the girls! You're my hero! My... e-everything... so please. Don't think about stuff like that."

We could feel our breaths on each other's faces, leaning in so close, the worries and anxieties in my mind fading away like the bad dream they were.

"I-I... your r-right... I… think… I... o-oh fuck Twilight... you're so... beautiful."

She turned even redder at my words, our bodies shivering in pure desire, my instincts trying so hard to hold myself back, to stay in the false life that was trying so hard to insist it was the real one. My cock had the right idea though, chunks of it eagerly pounding into my pussy, memories of my old boring life blossoming into fantastical, otherworldly environments.

"O-oh, I'm not that b-beautiful! Don't be silly! Your way hotter than me anyways! I-I mean, not that-"

"I love you."

It slipped out, the phrase that was flooding my brain finally said out loud as Twilight went silent with shock, my arms moving behind her back until I could hold back no more. Slowly, I leaned in close, the doubt holding me back fading for good, the chains of the past breaking away as something inside screamed and begged for me to stop before it was-

Our lips met.

Something popped.

And the panicked whispering in my mind finally went silent.

"Mmmmmmm... T-Twilight~."

"O-ohhhhhhhhhhhhh... Sunset... I-I... oh yessssssssssssssssssssss~."

We moaned when we pulled away to breathe, but one taste was nowhere close to satisfying our desires, the two of us set on kissing as hard and often as we always imagined. Her lips were soft, gentle, coated with a small layer of lipstick, her skin soft, and her muffled moans utterly adorable.

The rest of the world may as well have not existed to us both in those moments, nothing else mattering as we wrapped arms and legs around our bodies, bringing our flat crotches together as our busts pleasurably squished. I was in heaven, kissing the love of my life, everything combining in a single, beautiful moment that stretched across eternally.

Every part of it was flawless, the feeling of her pressed against me, the way our hair dangled towards the floor, the sensation of her thick thighs above mine and... wait a minute. I opened my eyes for a moment, giggling as soon as I noticed the pink, sparkly aura around us.

"My my~. Someone's excited~."

"E-eep! I didn't mean..."

Twilight adorably blushed once she realised what had happened, the two of us suspended above the ground upside down, a confident smirk forming as I kissed my shy little girlfriend.

"Don't worry about it. It's cute~. I need to add this to my research! Who'd have thought getting turned on would impact magic~?"

Aw, now she looked even more embarrassed; adorable. We kept kissing for now though, happy to let our feelings be known at last, and enjoying it way too much to stop. The others will love to hear about this later, but for now, only Twilight mattered to me.

It's strange, but I had the strangest feeling that I'd been worried about something before now, but whatever it was I couldn't recall at all anymore. I wasn't complaining though, smiling confidently as I simply carried on living my life free from the past, whatever I was before, or whatever I did just didn’t matter to me in these perfect moments.

Because if my friends had taught me anything, it was that the past would never define Sunset Shimmer.


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