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You didn't say a word as you walked home, the moonlight shining down on the empty street, the steady footsteps the only sound you could hear. The silence only reminded you just how long your other commitments had taken today, pretty much taking up every bit of time you had and leaving you utterly drained of energy.

It had felt like it would never end, but at least you could end the day with a night of relaxation back home, the thought of it having kept you going through the busy day. It had left you desperate to get home, just wanting to collapse somewhere and rest, groaning when you realised just how far away you were from home.

You were already at your wits end, and the distance you had left was too much to even consider, preparing to psyche up for the long journey until you noticed something out of the corner of your eye. It was an unassuming alleyway, one that would prove to be an effective shortcut back home, hopefully putting an end to your frustrations. Good thing too; you weren't sure how many more annoyances you could put up with today.

Not hesitating, you put your hands in your pockets and made your way through the darkness, not wanting to stay in the shady looking alley any longer than you had too. You were at least half way through when you felt it, a shift in the air making you shiver, almost making you feel like you were being watched.

You shook your head at the thought, you were clearly just being paranoid, after all, why would anyone be watching you? It's not like you were particularly important or anything. You instead focused on walking, your pace speeding up slightly from the illogical nervousness you were feeling.

It wasn’t long until you had almost reached the exit, breathing a sigh of relief as you saw your home in sight, letting down your guard as you stepped forward. The moment was broken instantly, a sound echoing behind you, only giving you the chance to yelp in shock before something hard hit the back of your head, your vision spinning as everything went dark.


You groaned, your eyelids fluttering as awareness slowly returned to you, thoughts of what had happened slowly slipping back into your dazed brain. It took you a few moments to properly recall what had happened, the realisation jolting you awake as your eyes shot open with a start.

For a moment, you were surrounded by almost total darkness, your eyes taking a few blinks to adjust to the lower lighting as you found yourself in an almost empty room. It was the most basic of living arrangements, only noticing a single chair and table in front of a mirror, along with the plain looking bed you were sitting on.

It only left you with more questions than answers, ones that would never come, whoever had captured you preferring to use actions over words, something you were about to discover as you stood up.

”Hello? Is anyone there?”

You were met with only silence, the lack of sound making you shiver, every instinct of your body on edge as a strange tingle shot through you. At first, you wrote it off as nerves, your clothes already feeling unusual against you, rubbing against your skin in ways that made your flesh and insides feel funny.

It was a pleasant feeling, one that made you almost tempted to shut your eyes and rest for a while, but the feeling of wrongness remained, your eyes narrowing as you headed to the door, blushing as your smooth skin brushed against soft fabric. You pulled at the handle, your fear and anger growing as the door refused to move no matter how much you tried, the door locked from the other side.

"Hey! What's going on? Let me out! Why are- ugh... why do my clothes feel so- WHAT THE FUCK!?"

As you looked down, you finally discovered what it was about your clothes that felt so off, the last of the grogginess fading as it fully hit you that you were wearing something completely different. Someone must have dressed you while you were unconscious, the explanation the only one that made sense for why you were suddenly wearing a sleeveless, short black dress and a set of much too tight high heels.

To make matters worse, it left most of your chest and the entirety of your legs exposed, the reason you were shivering so much becoming clear as you hugged yourself, your flesh somehow feeling much more exposed than usual to the cold winds. On a woman, this outfit would certainly make her look sexy, but you just felt ridiculous in it, only making you want to escape even more.

You gave the door another desperate pull, smiling for a second as you heard a CRACK, the assumption it had come from the door short lived as the force of it suddenly bounced through your body. You cried out in shock, your slim fingers twitching as the sudden surge sent you falling to the floor, spasming slightly as you discovered just how reactive your soft skin could be.

Every brush and rub felt like torture to you, teasing your nerves with sensual flashes of bliss, your cock stiffening as it tented the black material of the dress. You blushed in confusion, your other hand spasming and cracking too as the feeling of wrongness remained, finding yourself lost for words as you stared down at a set of girly, petite hands.

”W-what... what the fuck!? My hands! What the f-fuck happened to my- GAH~!?”

The sudden metamorphosis of your hands was only the start, the pleasure flowing through you, eliciting confused moans from your lips as you were blissfully unaware of how deep the change would go. It reduced you to a squirming, horny mess on the floor, your eyes spinning as your senses were overloaded with pleasure, your brain a mess of thoughts as you tried to process what was happening, swearing that the dress felt even tighter than before.

It was no illusion, the pressure building as you gasped for breath, watching in horror as the fabric squeezed your body like a tube of toothpaste. It was as strong as steel, the soft fabric proving to be too much for your bones and body, harsh snaps breaking any hope you had of this being just a dream as you were plunged into reality.

Your cock throbbed within the lacy prison as your sides were slowly pressed and shaped into curves, forms that certainly couldn't belong to anyone that wasn't a woman. The thought echoed through your mind, but it seemed ridiculous, impossible, your mind trying to deny the proof in front of you of what was somehow happening, your stomach churning at the mere idea.

It was moments later you discovered the sensations in your core were far more than fear, waves washing through them as you moaned softly, your eyelids fluttering as you found your vision framed by long, girly lashes. It felt like someone was massaging your insides, working away the aches and imperfections, any fat inside melting into formless hot goop and reducing it all into a lithe, slender core.

"A-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh~. I-I- o-ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh w-what's... n-nooooooooohhhhhhhhhh... d-dohhhhhhhhhhh~!"

You moaned in a daze, your hips bucking as your unnecessary mass was jettisoned all over the floorboards, your eyes rolling as the old, uninteresting shade of your pupils burnt red, sparkling with a confused, but reluctant enjoyment. The dress only seemed to get tighter from there, your body tingling and buzzing from euphoria as it fed off your masculine form like a parasite.

You pulled weakly at it, your brain fuzzing over as something suddenly seemed wrong, your long slender arms almost looking... alien? It was a strange thought, but it faded like a dream, your confused groan cracking like you were going through puberty again, the flowing fabric brushing against your legs as you spasmed and twitched.

"W-what's...h-hahppening~? M-my v-voice? O-oh fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk... I-I'm so... h-hot and h-hornyyyyyyyyyyyyy~."



You felt like you were burning up with a fever, something sliding down your throat as you let out a needy moan, your dress revealing inviting, slender shoulders as your brain fell deeper into the strange, inviting daze that was washing over your head. You really were horny though, feeling your cock pulse against your panties, a desire to escape bringing you onto your hands and knees as you desperately tried to get to your feet.

The dress stopped you, another surge of tightness striking from the shadows in the most vulnerable point it could find, your plumping lips forming a silent "O" as your knees wobbled from bliss. Your cock resisted against the sudden tightness, a little whimper slipping out before the panties beared down harder, your eyes watering as the intense bliss flooded your mind.

Your brain was lagging, your thoughts focusing on all the wrong things, confusion washing over you as the pressure sent a chunk of cock stabbing back inside you, the analogy making it throb as you came harder than ever before. You were putting your new feminine soprano to excellent use, drooling at the images sent into your mind by the comparisons, feeling the blade slowly draw back into its hilt.

You were cumming hard, thoughts of sharp, perfectly crafted metal filling you with intense, lustful need, your face turning red as you swore you could feel them cut away at your thoughts and memories. The pleasure was intense, yet it was washing over your body in gentle, blissful waves, softly tempting you towards something strange and new, but so inviting all the same.

Another buck shot through you, foreign instincts becoming your own as soft black hair fell over your eyes like a curtain. You were unsure if it was always that colour, but in this moment you simply didn't care, simply letting soft little grunts. You were cumming hard to thoughts of the sharp metal, feeling them tempt you deeper, old interests and memories fading as you fell, the alienness of it all sending another piece of your manhood back inside you.

You could hear parts of your face crunching, but that seemed so far away, clear fluid dripping down your legs as your nub of a cock spurted out more worthless seed. You didn't know what was happening, barely able to think as you lost yourself in a relaxing, overwhelming pleasure and force you couldn't even comprehend, letting out a happy whimper as the panties tightened one last time, your cock stabbing deep into your nethers.


"A-Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~. O-oh gawdddddddddddddddddddddddd~! F-fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk~! I-It's- g-gohneeeeeeeeeeee~..."

You were cumming, your brain trapped in an eternal orgasmic haze, the space between your thighs feeling wrong as they squished together. It would be pointless to carry on using a blunt, unpolished weapon, thoughts of blades persisting even with the loss of your own, your hand feeling the flat crotch in disbelief as if you expected to find something there.

You weren't even sure what you were looking for, the thought fading like a dream as your sexy, womanly features frowned. W-what was it again? It was at the tip of your tongue! For a moment you considered it was a cock, but that was silly, your thighs pressing together tighter as they buzzed with euphoria, wobbling as you got to your feet.

"Y-yeah... I'm a... g-girl? Wait h-how long was... no I-I a-always was? O-ohhhhhhhhhh my h-head... feels so s-strange and g-good and... ahhhhhhhhh fuck... s-swords... blades m-make me... h-horny? N-no need to s-stay... fohhhhhhhhhhh~. Assassins n-need to always... w-wait no I d-dohhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

It felt like you were running through heavy fog, losing sight of what was there and what wasn't before, scrambling your mind as your toes curled, your wobbling knees knocking together as something went crunch below. The feelings in your thighs demanded all of your attention, gasping as your hair brushed against your back, the pleasure forcing you to lean against the wall for support.

"A-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm~! O-oh gawddddddddddddddddddd~!!!!!!"

Your panties were soaked, the empty space between your legs finding itself filled with nothing but plush, womanly mass, your exploded thighs swelling with newfound femininity that made every cell of your body burn with ecstasy. Something inside you was desperate to hold on, but your mind simply had no idea what to focus on, one set of thoughts simply far clearer than the other.

You squeaked as another burst of pleasure hit, this time leaning against the wall from the impact, gasping and whining like a woman on the way to a climax. It was an odd connection for your mind to make when that was what you were, an intense buck filling the sides of your dress with wide hips that perfectly complemented your thighs, something a few targets had enjoyed staring at before you took care of business.

It was that thought that gave you the most pause, whimpering in conflict as you clutched your head, certain for a moment that you weren't an assassin, that you had some kind of normal job or profession. It was only for a second though, those thoughts dismissed almost as quickly as they appeared; you'd probably just gotten confused with the cover job at city hall.

The changes continued as you unknowingly brought an end to your own resistance, the feeling of unease strengthening as you were followed along until your new existence, your surroundings starting to feel more and more familiar as everything blurred around you. Your groggy instincts were certain something was off, even if you didn't know what. It couldn't be anything physical; you'd checked the room thoroughly as soon as you arrived after all. So then what was it!?

It felt like you were missing something obvious, yet try as you might, you couldn't figure out what it was, the tingling feelings in your back building a little as you ran through the mental fog.

”Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm~!!!!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh g-gawdddddddd~!!!!!!”

You pushed out your chest as an invisible force pressed into your back, sparks of bliss shooting through your veins as your nipples ached with rising ecstasy, your eyes clouded as your instincts seemed to slow down from pleasure. Your mind was feeling so strange, your eyes narrowing as you grinded your ass against the wall behind you, barely noticing the bits of pleasure dripping inside.

Had you been drugged or something? That was possible, you’d dealt with that before but it could be a bother. Nothing made sense anymore, pleasure was the only constant, the sensations in your ass tempting you to just stop worrying and enjoy what was happening, directing your thoughts towards the new.

You tried to focus on the other life. The one that was less exciting, less interesting. But it was simply too dull, nothing standing out enough to mention, everything dribbling out of your head as you moaned in need. Your ass was growing, inflating into a perfect peach that was completely outlined in the soft fabric of the dress, the growth unstoppable as your entire body shivered from pure delight.

It wouldn’t stop thickening, your assassin training ensuring you only gave quiet little squeaks and cries of enjoyment, wishing you had something to satisfy your urges. You might have been thinking of something else too, but that hardly seemed important; certainly you would have remembered it if it was.

Fuck right now, you were far too horny to care, drooling and gasping when you suddenly noticed something on the desk, a small pocket knife, shining in the light. It was unblemished, unmarked, a weapon filled with potential, the mere sight of it making you orgasm as the heat between your legs grew stronger.

You didn't think, only react, crying out desperately as you picked up the knife and thrust the hilt into your new opening, your eyes spinning as you fucked yourself with the weapon. Your brain was going weapon crazy, finding yourself growing utterly obsessed with sharp, pristine blades that were making your heart skip a beat, your massive ass jiggling with mass and it was filled to the brim.

It pleasurably squished against the wall, your cries growing louder as you fucked yourself with your makeshift didlo, your pitifully flat chest the last thing to go, every remaining bit of fat rushing in at once.

"A-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM~!!!!!!!! O-OH YES~! Y-yesssssssssssssssssssssss~!!!!!!!!!!!!! S-so bigggggggggggg~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

You didn't care what was real and what was fake anymore, simply savouring the pleasure as you bucked from delight, your chest expanding and inflating with tons of mass as it poured in uncontrollably. Your dress showed them off perfectly, revealing an enchanting amount of your plush cleavage, the increasing growth only making you thrust the hilt in deeper.

Your mind was being flooded with nonstop ecstasy, every part of your body alight as your nerves screamed happily, your chest ballooning out as you repeatedly stabbed into your needy pussy. You were orgasming non stop, your red eyes shining from concentrated bliss, riding the rapture as you fucked new, hardened instincts into your womanly body.

Everything merged within the pleasurable haze of your mind, time passing in a blur of delight as your hefty tits heaved with each breath. By the time you were finally satisfied, you had never felt more amazing, dropping the fluid soaked blade and gasping happily, your head a mess as you groaned to yourself.

Orgasmic aftershocks buzzed through your body as you staggered forward, that strange feeling in your head remaining, the feeling that something just wasn't quite right. It felt like the differences should be obvious, but try as you might, they were impossible to recall, leaving you even more confused as you stumbled towards the mirror.

Even the sight of your reflection was setting off alarm bells, everything from your shining red eyes, long black hair, bust and hip size making you confused. You nervously raised your hand, every trained instinct, every thought certain that something simply wasn't right, and you had no idea why.

The realisation was dawning now, about to hit you, the obvious problems breaking out of whatever mental blocks that had been placed on you lifting as-


Whatever you were thinking of slipped away as you blinked, the confused look on your face shifting to one of total seriousness, your thick thighs squishing together as you picked the phone off the desk. You knew what would be on it, of course, orders and information on your target for the day, locations, security details, all the usual data an assassin required before a hit.

It was rare you had to venture out of your home country for anything, but your employers had oddly insisted, at least coming up with a cover story not to arouse suspicion from your family or friends. You didn't question them directly; you had your orders, and if they were for the good of the country, there was no reason to question them any further.

That information was the last thing you were waiting for, any self consciousness about your figure fading, (which was quite ridiculous really, Loyld kept saying your figure was wonderful), as you slipped into your professional mindset. You opened the drawers, pulling out your weapons, drooling a little at their unsullied condition.

With no doubts in your mind, you calmly opened the door, your heels clacking as you headed to your destination, ready to exact justice for your country. A visit from the Thorn Princess really was an honour; you only hoped they would appreciate that while you got to work.


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