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At this point in life, Jacob was finding himself increasingly convinced that his chance to find direction would never come.

He felt like he had spent all his life looking for it, taking every opportunity he thought was feasible to get what he wanted out of it but all of them failed miserably. From job opportunities, friendships, even romance, the boy felt like fate itself was against him, his mind constantly feeling it never truly belonged in his own skin, hating his own reflection, feeling pathetic for always clutching his soft scarf just to comfort himself, all of it adding together to severely damage his confidence.

It made him wonder why he even tried anymore, why he should even bother when he was seemingly cursed never to find happiness, sighing to himself as he left his latest attempt at getting a job, knowing that he had utterly blown it again. He knew that he should be more confident, but he had no reason for it, not when the purpose he desired would never come.

With no one to lift his spirits he groaned to himself while he headed down the street, feeling like everything was surrounded by a dark aura that sapped him of his hopes. It was the same story of failure every day, and Jacob was finally starting to accept it as the norm for him, realising that it was likely never going to change, not for trash like him.

He had never been the most confident to begin with, but the constant string of failure and drifting apart from friends had removed any he had, condemning him to this grey tilted nightmare of his life devoid of colour and enjoyment. Jacob kept telling himself it was fine, accepting that he would never break the chains surrounding him, trapping him in place as everyone around him moved onto bigger and brighter futures, even if he never believed it himself, it still helped a bit.

"Sigh... well, not much reason to be out today now. I'll just go home. May as well spend the rest of the day relaxing or som- huh?"

Something caught his eyes, something he had never seen before as his eyes widened, the boy suddenly shaken by some sort of sheer presence, a shiver going through him as he stared at the unusual sight. There was an angel on the opposite street. Not just someone beautiful, but an honest to goodness angel, six gorgeous wings flapping behind him, his body covered in a white bodysuit covered with blues and golds, the upper part of his face hidden behind a metal helmet, only showing well-chiselled cheekbones and a handsome jawline.

Long orange hair flowed behind him, looking almost unreal as it shined in the sunlight, but somehow all that paled in comparison to what had caught his attention to begin with. He couldn't describe it, but the angel was glowing, Jacob breathless as the sight sent colour bursting through his bubble of misery, flooding it with pure, unblemished white that he couldn't turn away from.

It was shining directly into his soul; everything about the angel looking unreal, a fantasy or dream brought into reality, and strangely no one else seemed to notice him, everyone walking past without saying a word. Could only he see him?

He looked around, double-checking that no one else was looking in the direction of the angel, realising that he really was the only one as he looked back, shocked to see the figure had disappeared just as suddenly, the colour going along with it.

"What the fuck... am I seeing things? But it felt so... ugh I need to get home..."

He dashed back home, doing his best to dismiss the weird life-like fantasy he had slipped into, and the weird feeling of hope and joy it had sparked. He especially ignored the aching need, knowing it would never be fulfilled.


Jacob made it home ten minutes later, relieved to finally have a chance to rest, feeling like he was slowly going insane throughout the entire journey home. He swore he caught flashes of white out of the corner of his eye several times over, each one far too fleeting to be real, the boy doing his best to ignore them, focused on getting some sleep and hopefully getting rid of these weird hallucinations for good.

Just being home again made him far more relaxed though, the man sighing in relief as he unlocked the door and slipped inside, relieved his day would finally slip back into normality. Such a notion was short lived though, Jacob almost passing out from shock when he saw the angel standing in his living area, a slightly curious expression on his face as the man cried out in shock.


"Oh, so you can see me. I thought you were looking at me earlier, but I wasn't certain. I'm not an expert on human customs, but I can imagine if I walked up to you on the street and checked there, it might have made you look slightly mad..."

"I-I... what the h-he-"

"I apologise for following you to your home like this, but I thought it best to ensure it was someplace where you wouldn't be seen by anyone else. But this is surprising. It's quite uncommon for humans to see holy Digimon like me. Usually, you would either have to be a human partner or someone of extreme faith for that to happen. And while I don't want to assume, it doesn't look like you fit into either of those..."

The angel tilted his head curiously, Jacob starting to regain the ability to form words as the bright white teased the edges of his vision with hints of wonderful colour. The man instantly buried any thoughts of how he looked even more cute and attractive up close like he always did with anything of that nature.

"H-hold up... what!? What the fuck is going on!? Holy D-Digimon? Angels? People not being able to see you? What does any of that even mean?"

"Ah yes... it makes sense you have some questions. Well, since you can see me, it won't hurt explaining things... I'm Angemon. A Digimon. Whereas most of us remain in our Digital World, the one who desires stability occasionally sends holy Digimon such as myself to your real world. Usually to ensure a proper balance between light and dark, eliminate rogue Digimon that seek to cause humans harm, or even our own leisure. Your world is far more peaceful than mine after all."

Angemon explained it all so simply, yet Jacob felt like his mind was spinning from the influx of information, the man sitting down as he tried to process it all, the Digimon deciding to wait until he had before dropping any more bombshells. For a moment he thought he must be going crazy, but strangely, despite all the logical cynicism in his brain telling him he must be imagining the whole thing, the way the light shined sparkled something inside that dared to hope.

"So... you're from another world? A... digital world? Other universes are real? And you're some kind of guardian?”

”Basically. I must say, you seem to be accepting this quite well. I had truthfully expected you to maybe pass out, or at least scream a bit.”

He blushed a bit at the statement, adjusting his scarf nervously as he somehow felt the caring gaze through that metal helmet, the feeling of it almost causing his breath to catch his throat.

”Y-yeah... honestly, part of me still doesn’t believe you. But I guess... I just know you're right. It’s childish really but...”

The angel laughed, the sound making him blush deeper, knowing it would be cheesy to describe it as heavenly, yet no other word was appropriate. Jacob was finding it was one of his new favourite sounds, more thoughts that he wanted to hide deep, deep inside him.

“How interesting. You really are a strange human. It pleases me that some humans are still open to concepts like this. Some of my allies do seem to complain about how narrow minded your species can be...”

”O-oh! Thanks? I guess? I suppose after everything, part of me just wants to believe in these things...”

He frowned at his words, the angel’s light starting to look more and more focused as Jacob’s heart beat faster than it ever had before.

”What do you mean everything? I can already see that your spirit is covered with an unnatural amount of negativity. But you don’t seem like a bad person. What’s the matter?”

“O-oh, yeah I might have some issues... but those aren’t important. I mean, you're a literal angel, Digimon, thing. I’m sure you have far more important things to worry about...”

”No. I insist. Life and happiness are the most important things of all. No matter how small they may seem. Getting rid of problems is the best way to ensure that.”

Oh god it was unfair just how perfect he was, the care in his words stronger than anything he heard in a while, Jacob unable to help everything slip out at once, even thoughts he never once would consider telling a soul until this moment.

"I feel directionless. Pointless, I feel like my life is going nowhere and I'm cursed never to find happiness. Friends. Lovers. I bury the parts of myself I don’t like, and can’t help but feel like some are so hidden I don’t even know they exist. I don't have anything. I feel like all colour is gone and that only changed when I saw you. You're bursting with it and I just met you but I'm so lonely I never want you to leave and take that away again."

The room fell into silence after that, both of them processing what was said until Jacob's face went red, hiding his mouth with his scarf as he fidgeted nervously, Angemon's expression unreadable as dread filled him, the man looking down in fear as he walked towards him.

"I-I'm sorry! Forget all that, it's not important. Y-you're an angel you must be bored hearing about things like that, I'm selfish for talking about myself ju-"


He did instantly, blushing at the authority in his voice as his hand gently cupped his chin, slowly guiding his vision upwards until he was staring at the Digimon, his heart beating even faster at the sheer amount of colour that looked to be radiating from him.

"Of course it's important. No matter if you think it's big or small. It's clearly eating away at your spirit. I wouldn't be surprised if your extreme need for any kind of hope is what allowed you to see me begin with. While I am not very used to human culture, I'll still help you in any way I can. I just wish..."

Angemon paused, a thoughtful look breaking across his face as he turned his head away, something appearing to come to mind as Jacob blinked in confusion.

"Unless I... no, but it would be too risky surely... has it even been done on a human before? Who knows what kind of effect it would have on..."

"Ehm? Angemon? W-what are you talking about? Is everything alright? D-did you think of something that w-would help me?"

The Digimon looked uncertain, though to what degree Jacob couldn't tell, his mask hiding most of his emotions as he seemed to weigh the pros and cons in his mind until finally sharing it with the boy below, seeming slightly embarrassed.

"Well... there's a certain process holy Digimon have... we can only do it once a lifetime, but we can transfer a portion of our power into another Digimon. Sometimes it causes them to digivolve into a form they desire. It's usually reserved for lifelong allies, apprentices, or lovers. But I haven't done it yet, and while it hasn't been done on a human before, there's nothing that says such a thing is impossible. "

Jacob gasped, his heart thumping faster in his chest at his words, a feeling of excitement filling him for the first time in years, Angemon's colours never brighter as he looked up with wide eyes. It was too good to be true, something from his wildest dreams, something that would finally take him away from his miserable life, his wonder and shock meaning he barely noticed his completely red face and embarrassment, sounding breathless when he finally answered.

"What? You can do that? Would you actually... do it on me? B-but you can only do it once! S-shouldn't you save it for someone more important? I just met you! I'm just some human!"

"I don't mind doing it on you at all. There's not many Digimon I'm close to anyways. I just don't know if it will be safe to try. Besides, you need my help. I'm not just going to turn away. It's your choice though. I'm unable to tell you what will happen for sure and once it's finished, it will be permanent. It's not something to take lightly. I understand if you don't want to take the-"

"I’ll do it. If you are really fine with giving it to me. I will."

This time it was Angemon's turn to be surprised, the Holy Digimon pausing in shock, Jacob's expression filled with determination, with no visible hesitation.

"What? Don't you need to think about this a bit more? This isn't a decision you should make lightly. After this, you will probably have to go to the Digital World with me. You need to-"

"I understand all that. But I want to do this. There's nothing for me here anyway. No matter what happens it has to be better than this. Just... please."

The Digimon was silent for a moment, the boy's heart thumping uncontrollably before he finally chuckled to himself in his smooth, perfect voice, concentrating for a moment. It took a few seconds for a ball of light to form in his hand, one that to Jacob looked to be made from the brightest colours in existence.

"You really are a strange human. Take it. The power should take care of the rest. No matter what happens, know that I'm here for you."

He nodded wordlessly, his body shaking as he walked forward and reached out his hands towards the sphere, stopping for a moment as fear stopped him in his tracks. It was enough for Jacob to almost reconsider, until he looked back up at Angemon, his eyes widening at the gentleness he felt from him, his soul never feeling more loved in his life.

It was enough for him to take the plunge, the man grabbing his future with both hands, the sphere wavering as soon as he touched it, stepping back as it was absorbed into his skin. He could feel it moving inside him, letting out a gasp of bliss as his body tingled from head to toe, the pleasant feeling washing over him like calming, peaceful waves.

"O-ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... this... this feels... a-ah~!”

Jacob had expected it to be overwhelming, but he never imagined it would feel good like this, unable to stop himself from gasping and moaning in front of the angel. The arousal he was feeling was being strengthened, his cock stiffening as the feeling blazed across his skin, tearing away body hair to leave flawless, smooth flesh behind.

His fingers spasmed from the sheer feeling of it, his body flooded with digital energy as he could somehow feel it supercharge every cell, his very DNA shifting to a new blueprint. Jacob’s legs wobbled, squeaking gasps slipping out as his body was hit with harsh cracks, forcing him down as his spine shattered, reprogrammed into an arch as his torso crunched.

It was so intense he almost collapsed, the man bracing himself as he lost his balance, the fall supriningsly never coming as his eyes fluttered open, blushing as he looked into Angemon's face of concern, feeling his breath on his face, his strong arms holding him in place and his own heart about to burst from his chest.

"Incredible... you're digivolving! Are you alright, though? It doesn't hurt, does it?"

Fuck, it wasn't fair how vulnerable he felt when he was so close, Jacob wishing more than anything his body acutally matched how he felt, his form tingling from bliss as the energy inside reacted to his desires.

"N-no, I'm o-ok! This f-feels, o-oh~! Really good! I-I didn't think it would feel this good! O-OH~! FUCK IT FEELING EVEN BETTER NOW~! W-WHAT'S HAPPENING~!?"

He squealed as his body caved in to his wants, his arms and legs shaking as muscle compressed itself, slenderizing into what looked to be lithe twigs, limbs with hidden power brewing beneath the surface as he moaned happily. It felt wonderful, the sexual pleasure only joined by a liberating, infectious joy, something inside him starting to be unearthed, his fully erect cock throbbing in desire as the inhuman strength was made his own.

"Your body is digivolving. Changing itself so it can handle my power. Don't panic. You're turning into the form your heart desires the most."

Now he felt even weaker in Angemon's embrace, Jacob gasping happily as his twitching hands popped and shrank, the broadness he always loathed becoming a thing of the past as perfect, slender fingers shook from the euphoric delight that raged in his soul. He didn't know what was happening for now, but his dull emotions were being demolished by fireworks of joy, each one sending bursts of colour dancing over his vision.

Part of him was scared like always, but a larger part of him just knew everything would be ok, knew he had nothing to fear if Angemon was here, his handsome face looking so concerned for him despite his insurance he was enjoying it, the sheer love almost making him cum as he let out a pleased buck. It was like his body was a perfect fit for the angel to hold, his back curved enough for his arm to slot in, his physical strength going down the drain as holy energy steadily filled his body in its place.

It was everything he had ever wanted, the promise that it would get even better making him shake in anticipation as a surge of energy shot through him, his face suddenly burning with pleasant tingling as he cooed in delight.


They were both surprised when his voice cracked, Jacob not even aware of the weight that had been building in his throat until the lump was dragged down with it, burnt away into nothingness, a similar feeling going on to engulf his face. The pleased gasps that followed were nothing like his old voice, the one that always felt wrong to him, like a stranger speaking his words for him, but now, the husky, higher pitched tone that remained sounded like it finally was coming directly from the soul.

He heard Angemon gasp as he slowly raised a dainty hand to his face, lost for words as tears gathered in his blueing eyes, his features falling apart like an old mask to reveal the true beauty beneath, his cheekbones, jaw and nose giving way and collapsing. He had always hidden that his old face had always felt like it had been put together wrong, only making the satisfying slots of everything being put into their proper places even more amazing.

Everything suddenly felt right, his lips swelling as he fully processed the womanly soprano was his own voice, that this softer, feminine face was now his. He thought about how he avoided his own reflection, how he hid the tingles of sadness being forced into boyish activities, how he buried thoughts of jealousy towards other girls he saw, telling himself it was just because they were happier than him, enlightenment hitting as the realisation clicked.

Then she laughed, the first sign of pure, unfocused happiness in months, the angelic sound making the other Digimon blush as she looked up at him with her wider eyes, tears of joy starting to slide down her face as they shone with happiness.

"You know in hindsight, this explains a lot."

For once Angemon didn't quite know what to say, his mouth open as he attempted to think of something, Jacob blushing as she squirmed in his grip, shaking in excitement as she felt the pleasure intensify, unable to help herself from thinking.

"I want to be pretty for him."

She cried out in delight, her body obeying her wants as her hair burnt with a literal pleasure, the holy energy flowing into it as a sunny blonde shined out from beneath the bland black she had hated so much, taking it over effortlessly. It flowed beautifully  down, pouring onto the ground like golden fluid from a goblet, some strands even covering her face as she giggled instinctively.

Jacob froze when Angemon brushed some hair out of her eyes, his blush even stronger as he finally managed to form some words as he smiled.

"It does, doesn't it? Your mind has been rejecting your body all this time. But now it finally has the ability to take action. Just keep letting it take hold of your form. Let it set your beauty free."

She was smiling too, her delight impossible to hold back as she cooed and moaned in bliss, feeling it all build on the sides of her stomach, gracefully collapsing and curving, her bones popping inwards to form them. She ran her hands down them, giggling in bliss as she felt just how curvy she was, the woman feeling bathed in colour and love as she squealed, feeling something spike into her chest.


Energy was pulsating inside her, surging into her chest alongside the fat in sync with her pounding heartbeat, the tents in her shirt quickly growing from bee stings to small mounds of mass. She barely noticed her orgasms, Angemon's face only getting redder from her cries as her breasts inflated outwards, the feeling of the sensitive flesh rubbing against the fabric nothing less than heavenly.

She never wanted them to stop growing, addicted to the feeling of them pushing out of her buried fantasy and into reality, her body emptying itself of its imperfections as digital energy programmed perfection into her, reusing what was flawed to create what she wanted the most. The fat from her stomach was a prime example, the useless mass forced out of her waist, only adding to the weight of her breasts.

The sheer intensity left her a gasping mess, her large c-cups feeling heavenly as she shut her eyes happily, leaning in closer to Angemon, so close she could hear the sound of his comforting hypnotic heartbeat. She felt safe, happy, at peace, her worries slipping away as she grinded her chest into the other Digimon while her thoughts sank into a pleasured daze.

"D-don't... go away... please... don't... I want you to s-see how pretty I am."

"Shhhhh. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. You're safe. Just let it happen"

She swore she was dreaming when his wings wrapped around her, the soft feathers feeling like a comforting blanket, protecting her from harm as her old clothes dissolved into nothingness, save for her long scarf. Even that was being changed though, the fabric softening even further as it lengthened rapidly, wrapping around her arms as it pooled on the ground, looking almost transparent as the ends were topped with wing like patterns, new clothes coming into existence all over.

Two high heeled boots formed first, one growing much longer as it climbed up her slender leg, holy energy tingling inside as it perfectly hugged her flesh, the only discomfort resolved instantly as her feet cracked down into dainty perfection. The unsightly bulge she had hated so much was covered next, the same white fabric keeping it at bay as it travelled up her curves, leaving her sexy tummy exposed for all to see.

She could barely stop herself from kicking as a golden bra cupped her new breasts, determined not to accidentally hurt her angel's wings, the appendages only growing tighter as something heavy started to form over the roof of her skull. The metal only grew from there, slowly spreading down to cover her face, a helmet just like Angemon's fully materialising.

Jacob blinked, surprised to find she could see through the hard steel, staring into Angemon's loving face as she found her heart beating for a much different reason. Her buried crush was blooming into full-on love, the need for him so strong, but for the first time attraction towards a man wasn't scaring her; it was something she wanted above all else, something she needed above all else.

They were slowly growing closer too, like two magnets being attached together, the masks touching as her tiny cock twitched in need. It was the only thing ruining the experience, the woman blushing as she let out a husky whisper, pressure starting to build in her back.

"C-can I ask you something, Angemon?"

"O-of course! Sorry I've been so silent it's just you look... beautiful."

She squealed from his words alone, her stupid little cock twitching and throbbing as she felt his hands wander slightly, one nestling on her thigh as she gave a smug grin.

"Oh, I bet you say that to all the Holy Digimon~. B-but I wanted to know... w-what am I b-becoming?"

He smiled in response, his strong wings and body feeling as powerful as she wanted as they felt the breath on each other's faces, growing ever closer by the minute.

"You're becoming an Angewomon. They’re counterparts to HolyAngemon. But god, you truly are so beautiful..."

She squealed out when the Digimon squeezed her thigh, fat rushing in and rocking her world as energy surged within, but that was nothing compared to the pleasure going through her brain, the wonderful name bouncing through it and making her giddy with delight. That was her name now, she was certain about that, even loving the way it sounded on Angemon's lips.

Her other thigh wasn't left out of the action for long, another squeeze guiding the surges of mass inside as she gasped and bucked, savouring the sensual growth as they teased her worthless balls.

"God, I love how you say my name. A-and you said this process was sometimes reserved for l-lovAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~!!!!!!!!!"

Angewomon could feel the strength behind his squeezes, the fat that filled them just as powerful as her balls were crushed back into her with wet, pleasurable slurps, purified, clear fluids dripping from her shaft, her body shaking from the sheer love she was feeling as Angemon whispered his reply.

"It is. I don't want to rush into things. But perhaps you would-"

"Oh shut up and kiss me."

He didn't need to be told twice, their lips meeting as they gave in to their mutual lust, both moaning happily as their hands eagerly explored the perfect sculptures that were each other's bodies. She was in heaven, she just had to be, the perfection so overwhelming she briefly wondered if she was dreaming before the pleasure snapped her back to reality, the love of her life finally setting her free from the last shackle of masculinity.

He was making all her dreams come true, her deepest, most hidden desires brought to life in the most pleasurable way possible, her little rod about to be slain at last by her handsome saviour, her thighs already hard at work removing it. Chunks of it were slipping away inside her, her pleasure and joy the highest they had ever been as she saw her lover's hand grow closer, screaming her approval into his mouth.

It only needed a push, her body taking care of the rest as the energy and pleasure inside her burst all at once, flooding every muscle and cell with godly ecstasy as the unspeakable thing fully sank into her new pussy. She cried from her joy, cumming from the pure bliss, kissing Angemon even harder while the feelings in her back built more every second, something wriggling beneath her flesh, desperate to escape.

Both Digimon didn't know when Angewomon had stood up for herself, or when they had collapsed into a mess on the couch, far too concerned with showing their love to care, the woman moaning into her lover's mouth in delight. She bucked against him as her ass exploded with mass, squishing into the seat as a tsunami of fat rushed in at once, her rear thickening rapidly for her lover.

Angemon was far more focused on coaxing out what was in her back, the last piece of perfection that needed to burst from the cocoon, his gentle rubbing making her shriek as two massive things erupted outwards. Digital energy surged through new connections and muscles as her two newly grown wings flapped from delight, even the simple act of moving them was nothing less than amazing.

Her fear was discarded now, only the wonder and joy remaining, Angewomon never having felt so free before, free from the expectations placed on her, free from what others would think of her, and soaring away from her pointless mess of a life into the happiness she had always yearned for. The first two wings were only the beginning, the two angels pulling away as she was reduced to a squeaking mess, feeling wing after wing emerge from her back.

Each one was coated with perfectly soft feathers, the texture as flawless as her partner’s, the three new wings coiling with the other Digimon’s in loving union as she wailed happily.


They were accompanied by a surge of divine euphoria, bringing intense orgasms with them, clear fluids spurting down her lithe legs as her mind was flooded with pure love, the emotion stronger than anything she had ever felt before. She eagerly screamed as each one grew, letting them grow unchallenged, her strong wings something else for Angemon to pleasure, his own interlocking with them as all seven on her back twitched from the unfiltered euphoria of the holy energy engraving itself into her soul, her harmonic cries an angelic chorus that signalled the death of one existence and the birth of something far greater.

She just needed one more now, one final wing that would finish her rebirth and signal her completion, a sign of her archangel status as a perfect level, as a Digimon, as the woman she always was deep inside. It was straining, pushing at her flesh in a desperate attempt to break free, still needing a push to reach the freedom it wanted so badly.

Her perfect angel was the one who finally gave her it, slamming their lips back together in an explosion of passion, a surge of rapture bursting through her body. It gave her final wing the gentle shove it needed, the entire thing bursting out at once as she melted into her lover's embrace, finally complete.


She wailed in delight as the orgasmic aftershocks finally started to calm down, leaving her gasping beneath the taller angel, unable to help herself from being close to him. Angemon smiled, holding his lover close, nothing needing to be said for the moment as they simply laid close together, even their hearts beating in unison.

They didn’t know how long they laid there, Angewomon finding that human concepts like time seemed so far away now, the responsibilities she had now far greater but somehow feeling so much smaller than what kept her down in the past. It could have been minutes, hours, even days before they finally stood back up, Angewomon blushing as she almost lost balance on her high heels, the other Digimon helping her stay standing as she blushed intensely.

“I-I... wow. That was...”

”Lost for words? Don’t worry, I’m not sure if any would do it justice Angewomon. But if I had to pick one, I think wow covers it perfectly~.”

Angewomon definitely agreed, smiling as she pressed against her partner's muscular form, never happier before she shakily stepped away, not an ounce of doubt within as  she posed for her lover.

”Yeah. Wow. Just... I can’t believe this is me. It feels like a dream. But I’m... really a woman. And... beautiful~.”

“And an angel. I’m surprised you’re not more fazed by that, love~. But judging by the lack of complaints, I’m assuming you don’t mind?”

”Oh not at all, darling~. I don’t mind at all~. Those old human problems and worries seem so small now and I feel so strong and perfect, oh it’s just amazing~! This is the best thing that’s ever happened to me~!”

Angemon laughed fondly, the bulge in the bodysuit not going unnoticed by the archangel, the two of them growing closer once more.

”You really were an unusual human, love. A handsome human to be sure. But you make for a far more beautiful angel~.”

”Giggle~. So does that make me a strange angel now?"

"I believe it does. While we should go back to the Digital World soon, there’s no reason we can’t have some more... time to get to know each other first~."

They grinded against each other, Angewomon’s horniness returning in full force as she felt his hard shaft pressing against the soft flesh of her thigh.

“Ohhhhhh~. I’d be happy to, darling~. Aren't angels meant to be free of sin through~? Or are Holy Digimon looser with things like that~?”

“Hm, how about I show you~? I would love to- ugh! S-show... oh~! H-how much I- GAH~!"

Angewomon smiled, playfully teasing the Digimon with carefully timed movements, causing his throbbing cock to rub and brush against her curvy, sexy body, sure to drive him even crazier with need as he gasped in desperation.

"Enough talk, darling~. Actions speak louder than words~. Let's show each other just how much love we have to give~"

They kissed hungrily, the divine make out session that followed putting all of Angewomon's fantasies to shame, the best experience to end her old life and world on. They showed their love in every way possible for hours on end, only stopping once they were satisfied, laying on the floor in each other's arms and wings, silently listening to the gentle sound of their partner’s breathing.

Even now, Angewomon was still overwhelmed at all that had happened, finally emerging from her shell of a life into the beautiful butterfly that was always buried within, all thanks to the love of her life. The days ahead would certainly be challenging and exciting, a whole new Digital World that she would need to make her home in and adapt to, but with Angemon by her side she knew in her heart that everything would be ok. The archangel blushed at the thought, nuzzling into the larger Digimon's chest, her mind and body feeling more at peace than ever before, a simple fact repeating through her head that she couldn't help but smile at as she drifted off to sleep in her partner's embrace.

She was finally who she was meant to be.


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