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(Note: The plot of this story is connected to the previous story "Destined For Light" so if you care about plot in TF stories I advise you check that out first.)

Angemon grit his teeth as he parried another blow with his staff, growing more and more frustrated at how persistent his opponent was while narrowing his eyes beneath his helmet. He hadn't been having the best day to put it mildly, discovering the Digital World was in danger again proving to be a slippery slope that lead to unknown energy readings, being reunited with his partner before going after the energy readings, and then being ambushed by a Kuwagamon as Takeru fell to places unknown.

He was determined to follow him, but the opposing Digimon refused to give him the opportunity, hissing as it tackled into him, sending the angel Digimon flying through the opposing wall before crashing into another part of the strange underground network. Angemon used his staff to pull himself upwards, filled with fury as the Kuwagamon dived towards him.


The other Digimon was unprepared for the sudden attack, shrieking as it was engulfed by the golden light launched from his fist, its body looking almost glitched for a moment before it dissolved into data. Angemon was left gasping for breath, not wasting any time as he descended into the abyss, hoping he would be able to find and link up with his partner despite the different entrance he was taking, the oddly increased strength of the Digimon something that he would need to focus on another time.

It didn't take long before he reached the bottom, Angemon instinctively tightening his grip on his staff as he looked around, unsure what other threats lay in the darkness.

Luckily there weren't any in sight, unfortunately there wasn't any sign of Takeru either, just a barren temple, the once white stone faded from constant exposure to the elements. What Angemon did notice though were markings on the wall, depictions of eight Digivices surrounding Apocalymon and markings of Omnimon's head catching his eyes first.

The rest were more unfamiliar though, five Digieggs with unusual patterns, a large dragon Digimon he didn't recognise, even a cat like Digimon next to the outline of a human girl, and many more images that made no sense to him, with an illustration of four large Digimon above it all. While he was curious, he had no reason to stay if Takeru wasn't here, Angemon about to fly off before something caught his eye, something shining faintly in the light on an altar.

He floated towards it, shocked to see it looked like a Digivice, but it was seemingly a different model than the one he had seen before. The screen was smaller, making room for several extra buttons and a bright pink grip.

"A Digivice? What's this doing down here? Could this be what was reacting to Takeru's crest?"

While finding Takeru was obviously his main focus right now, there wouldn’t be any harm taking it so the others could have a closer look later, Angemon grabbing hold of it before preparing to fly off. He didn't get the chance to do so, the Digimon pausing as the Digivice's screen flared to life in response to his touch, various stings of data flashing rapidly that didn't make any sense to him.

It looked harmless though, Angemon not seeing a reason to be concerned until the screen suddenly burst with blinding pink light, the Digimon dropping it with a start and floating back cautiously. The presence of someone was all that was needed for the Digivice's systems to trigger, functions flaring to life that had laid dormant for years

The light was the trigger, and one touch was it all needed, Angemon having no idea that it had transmitted new data into him, programming that it would stop at nothing to fulfil its purpose. It was barely noticeable at first, a faint buzzing sensation darting over his flesh, a new program scanning his body from the inside, determining what it needed to change without him even noticing.

It had the side effect of removing any body hair that was below his eyes, the program burning it away in order to get a better reading of his body, already identifying countless traits that it would need to correct. It only took a few seconds for it to calculate a solution to handle it, the program starting the process immediately as Angemon shouted in shock.

Something was wrong, very wrong, the Digimon’s eyes widening beneath his helmet as unfamiliar data seeped from his body, coating his clothes and filling him with confusion.

”What the... where did this data come... FROM!?”

He cried out the last word, the data suddenly surging back into his clothes all at once, the program suddenly morphing into a powerful virus. His skintight outfit was getting tighter, shrinking rapidly as it pressed hard against his body, feeling incredibly uncomfortable as he shifted around.

Most unusual of all was the weird, sensual feeling that resulted from his every movement, his skin feeling uncharacteristically reactive as he was filled with confusion, the outfit slowly getting tighter. While this was certainly odd, Angemon didn’t see a reason to be concerned, the Digimon knowing his own strength, certain that some tight clothes wouldn’t be able to cause him any-



He screamed, his eyes wide in shock as the sickening sound echoed through the room, the pressure building on his body somehow becoming too much, his back suddenly forced into a beautiful curve. It shouldn’t have happened, there was no way it should have, Angemon suddenly finding the situation very serious as his wings twitched from the aftershocks of the impact.

”What just... is something here? Come out now! Or face my... AH!”

It was only a prelude to what was to come, the Digimon recoiling as another section of his bodysuit suddenly tightened further, hitting his body with the force of an Ultimate level’s attack. He could hear something crunch, the section of muscle it covered looking less outlined in the clothes despite them being even tighter, as if it had shrunk in size.

Before he could recover from the first blow, there was another, then another, Angemon suddenly hit with an assault of attacks from his own clothes, each one reverberating through his insides. Something about them was different to the other attacks he had been hit by, brushing against his pleasure receptors, sparking feelings that the Digimon had never experienced before.

They felt good, his gasps turning husky and sexual as he desperately clawed at his clothes, needing to get them off as he pulled and stretched at the fabric. It was no use, the material too strong to tear, Angemon groaning as he used all the strength he had, relieved as he felt the material start to give.

His victory was short lived though, the virus reacting violently to the attempt at resistance, Angemon crying out in shock as he thrashed wildly in the air. His strength was decreasing, the muscle in his arms wavering as he gasped in terror, the Digimon doing all he could to stop it. It was too late though, his arms no longer strong enough to remove his clothes, Angemon refusing to believe it as he continued to try regardless, gasping as he felt his physical ability drip away.

He was being drained, his strength fading as he cried out in denial and involuntary bliss, his body shaking as he flew around wildly, trying to find whatever was attacking him like this, oblivious at how close it really was.


Angemon’s attempt at fighting it backfired horribly, the light that was gathering around his left fist suddenly exploding, the Digimon yelping in shock as the recoil shot through his arm. His holy ring shattered like glass, the force echoing through his limb, his already weakened muscles left decimated by the attack, their large, imposing forms shrunken down into girly, powerless fat.

His exposed fingers twitched, their broadness another casualty of the attack, his hand as lithe and slender as his arm. He couldn’t help but let out a moan as he felt the cool air against the skin of his shoulder, shivering as it was hit by another blow of pleasure, the entire thing collapsing under an invisible weight.

The explosion of holy energy destroyed everything apart from his sleeve and the fabric covering his hand, but even that wasn’t completely unaffected, a bright pink bleeding in, flooding and overwhelming the white instantly. Even his attack had turned against him, Angemon gasping in shock at the sight of his unrecognisable arm, lost for words.

“H-how... why did... t-this isn’t... so what!? Just since my a-arm looks weaker doesn’t mean I can’t fight! HEAVEN’S KNUCOHHHHHHHH~!”

He punched forward, feeling the energy travelling towards his arm before screaming as he was hit by another blow from his outfit, striking him in his side. The energy spilled out of him, the Digimon screaming in confused bliss as the left side of his torso collapsed into a defined curve as he slammed into a wall.

He didn't understand why it felt so good, his strength slowly being drained away from him despite his best efforts to resist. It was almost comparable to reverting to an earlier form in the loosest sense, but whatever was happening now was far more drawn out, his form feeling like it was gradually being beaten down bit by bit.

He could hear the cracks and snaps as his frame was worn away by the invisible assault, crying out in confusion as each one brought pleasure with it, his height being reduced, feeling terrifyingly arousing as he bucked wildly.

Each one sent him slamming into a wall as his wings twitched from pleasure, the impact popping down his right shoulder to match its twin, the muscle in his arm crunched into oblivion. His shoulder pad and loin cloth were sent flying off, his sleeve disconnecting itself as the virus infected it with pink.

The hits kept coming, each one bringing his muscle closer to collapse, Angemon gasping as his twitching hand dropped his vanishing staff to the floor, a rare blush filling his features when he saw the bulge in his bodysuit. Angemon had never paid any attention to his cock before, but suddenly he couldn’t get enough of it, his hands twitching as he used every ounce of self-control not to make it worse for himself, confident in his victory over this, he’d beaten everything in his way before and refused to-



Something had burst in his stomach, one of his abs finally giving way to the intense squeezing, the powerful muscle that had been at its peak made delightfully slim and flat. The pleasure was too much, the Digimon having never felt anything quite like it as he let out a blubbering whimper, his body’s thrashing causing him to slam into a wall, his face tingling as holy and digital energy alike leaked from him like an open wound.

His jaw was dislocated for a moment until it was forced back into place with a crack, the intimidating presence becoming nothing but a cute little point. Angemon could feel his face being attacked, but he was helpless to stop it, and it just felt so good, his cock starting to throb for reasons he couldn't understand as his lips swelled into kissable pillows.

The Digimon twitched as he shook his head in panic, trying to somehow shake away the force that was attacking it, an uncharacteristic squeak forced from his lips when his nose was crushed, leaving it utterly tiny. What could be seen of Angemon's face looked more cute than imposing now, especially with how unfitting the mask looked on him, confused moans spewing from his lips as he bucked into a wall, hitting it with less than half of what his maximum strength had been seconds before.

It made a crack right in his helmet, revealing a trace of what was beneath, a wide brown eye, the long eyelashes fluttering with every panicked blink. The mask had been made of the hardest of metals, but to the virus it was nothing, all of it crumbling away bit by bit to reveal his new shifting features.

His cheekbones were caving in, masculine forms crunching down into cute little arches, Angemon moaning in pure shock and bliss as he watched his mask break apart with widened, feminine eyes. It was gone in seconds, Angemon’s features left completely unrecognisable, his face now tiny, cute, and unmistakably girly as he whimpered to himself in confusion and shock.

He hugged himself from bliss, fighting to contain his power, his energy, all of it drawn away by an invisible black hole that was ravenous for his strength, nothing he could do being able to stop it. Even this attempt at fighting it backfired, another squeak forcing its way from his throat as something burst inside him, engulfing his neck and purging his Adam's Apple from the world.

Angemon was left gasping for breath, the sounds much higher pitched as he was briefly filled with confusion, his voice not sounding right.

"I-I...please... s-stop this at... my voice? It's... higher pitched again? At least something about this is normal..."

He was almost pleased that there was something familiar about the process, the voice sounding vaguely like one he had heard before, the Digimon unsure where as a look of frustration filled his features. It would have looked deadly on his old face, but now it looked cute if anything, the expression not threatening in the slightest.

There wasn't time for him to focus on it though, the Digimon squealing as his wings and cock twitched in unison, one of them burning with strange, pleasant feelings, the virus finally moving on to target one of the unneeded appendages. He didn't get a chance to prepare, only screaming as the twitching wing began to ram its way back inside him, the Digimon's entire body shaking as it thrust deeper and deeper.


He was falling, his other wings struggling to keep him airborne as it shrank more and more, each thrust making him buck as newly formed fat rushed into his chest, his pecs shrinking as his upper body lost all of its strength. The ground barely shook when he hit it, Angemon crying from the unimaginable bliss as he weakly pulled himself up, the metal balls that were in his outfit falling to the floor and dissolving into nothingness as he pathetically tried to pull himself away.

It was then that his wing fully rammed itself back inside him, the Digimon squealing in need as he experienced his first orgasm, digital and holy energy spurting from his shaft as he mindlessly grinded against the floor in desperate, unstoppable lust. His pecs were pushing out now, inflating into a set of small, perky breasts, tenting his still tightening shirt as he was filled with pleasure.

Angemon couldn't understand how two things so small could feel so amazingly good, his grinding filling his brain with bubbles of bliss as the fabric of his clothes softened, the top of his shirt turning bright pink. He really needed to stop, Angemon knowing that he was just making it worse for himself, but he was a slave to the lust, his mind starting to tingle as the bubbles brushed against his memories with corruptive edges.

He needed help and fast, Angemon growing more and more alarmed at how weak he was becoming, his body feeling even weaker than he did as a Tokomon. The holy energy couldn't stay inside him, the Digimon desperately trying to keep it all from pouring out as his tightening clothes continued to relentlessly squeeze his body.


Something was wrong, Angemon moaning in confusion as the mention of his partner sparkled new, confusing thoughts and emotions within. He thought he was being attacked by another virus at first, his face burning up, his heart beating like mad at the thought of Takeru, it was always him. Always him who protected her, understood her, lov-


It was the only sound he could make, the Digimon's arousal skyrocketing as he broke out of the weird thoughts with a start, his eyes wide with confusion. Those weren't his thoughts, Angemon moaning as the feeling in his brain started to get stronger, the virus washing over his thoughts one by one.

It was in his head, it was in his head and it wouldn’t come out, the mental image he had of his partner corrupting, changing, growing into something more. He was cumming when it finished, drooling at the thought of the blonde teen that was filling his head, s-she needed him, needed him here right now, Takeru's smile making her knees wobble, her eyes wide, her lips parting as he leaned clos-


He really couldn't, screaming as he came out another load of energy, his memories growing fuzzy, his instincts sent into a confused mess as he started to see his partner in a whole new light. Suddenly the weakness didn't seem so bad, not when it meant Takeru could wrap his big arms around her, her body feeling so small, weak and protected in his loving embrace that she wanted to just sink into foreve-


He squealed, thrashing wildly as his abs were crunched even harder, his defenceless body not standing a chance as they were forcefully flattened, his muscles squished to oblivion as confusing thoughts continued to assault his mind. Nothing was making sense to him, the Digimon moaning in confusion as he felt his flat, slender core, his wings suddenly feeling strange, suddenly unfamiliar, w-why did she have wings? She was a human not a Digi-

"Noooooooooooooooo, a-am a Digimonnnnnnnnnnnnn... n-not rightttttttttttttt... w-who am... these thoughts are... so bright..."

His brain was being filled with a different kind of light, one that he was frighteningly familiar with as his earliest memories were rewritten, memories of growing up with a familiar boy finally making it all click into place.

"T-Taichi? W-why am I thinking of my brother while I'm doing this!? WAIT NO, OH FUCK, I-I'M BECOMING... I'M BECOMING... HIKARIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

His realisation only caused more memories to pour into his head, Angemon thrashing and spasming weakly as he tried to fight the approaching humanity, memories and knowledge of the real world outnumbering the digital as the other side of his stomach collapsed into a curve. He needed to hold on, needed to fight it for his partner, but even his motivations were being corrupted, thoughts of Takeru being turned against him to bring him deeper into the enticing corruption.

Arousal was a very different enemy from anything he had faced before, the Digimon finding he was quite unequipped to handle it as he continued to let out helpless whimpers, his power all but gone as he felt his digital nature fade from his mind. His love had never been stronger though, Angemon's eyes glazing over as his mind wandered to Takeru once more, what did he want m-more? Sure his Digimon partner was important obviously but when it came down to it he would always prefer having his girl, his Hikari, his girlfr-


His mind felt like it was breaking, the mental recoding happening too fast for him, relationships with Taichi and the other Digidestined becoming closer while ones with the other Digimon became more distant, with the exception of one. The pleasure made it all even harder to fight, his old data splattering onto the stone as cool air brushed against his legs, the fabric beneath his thighs all compressing itself into some plain socks and cute pink trainers.

What was left of his bodysuit was recoded right away, yellow infecting and bleaching the white as the soft material became tight, yellow shorts that hugged his flat lower body, the Digimon afraid and excited at the thought that it wouldn't stay that way for much longer. He couldn't understand how he was losing, what Hikari lacked in physical strength more than made up for when it came to the unstoppable force that was her mind.

A giggle slipped out despite his best efforts as his mind continued to be rewritten, views of past battles shifting to an outsider view, joined by even more conflicts he didn't recognise, alongside humans he didn't know. Hikari knew them though, another giggling moan slipping out as she remembered how silly Daisuke was trying to flirt with her at first, she wasn't interested, but she couldn't deny it was satisfying hearing him lust over her a-and it always made Takeru look so jealous~.

His cries sounded almost smug as another wing twitched and flapped, Angemon knowing it was about to go, his shifting mind screaming for very different reasons as the feathery appendage rammed itself into his back. It was eager to remove itself, half of it gone already, the wing wriggling as it shrunk, the Digimon feeling like something was thrusting into his brain over and over.

He was feeling less like himself every second, his wing fucking his carefree past into human normality, Angemon whimpering as his right thigh pushed out slightly with plush fat. It gently inflated as his wing buried itself in his back, the Digimon gasping as his right thigh slowly grew more and more plush, teasing his ball as everything felt like it was going to- going to-


It was ironic that the bond he had with his partner was sealing his fate, his description of the feelings rushing through him extremely fitting, his right ball rocketing back inside him as his wing was swallowed up in his back. His testicle’s inversion was popping more than just his cherry, Angemon’s body almost empty of its power, holy and digital energy having no place in a human as he hopelessly tried to hold on.

He foolishly thought of his partner in desperation, the Digimon realising his mistake as his heartbeat increased once more, his face all flushed, w-why did she just think of him being her partner? Sure they were going out now, but it felt so personal! Shouldn’t that be saved for... m-marriage..?

It was the final push that was needed, the concept of being a Digimon dribbling from her open mouth and onto the floor, Ange’s resistance losing itself in her daydream of her love. The acceptance of her humanity started a domino effect for her mind, the rest of it slowly falling to the light, to Hikari, the realisation alone making another one of her wings shiver as it sank into her back.

She shook from the pure pleasure of it all, her wing mushing itself into her other thigh, converting itself into thick, girly fat, straining against the tight material as it continued to grow. Her mind was being rewritten, the Digital World seeming much more unfamiliar now, much more exciting, his strict, serious nature unravelling into kind happiness mixed with smug teasing.

Ange cummed out more of her data as the wing finished slamming into her back, the three remaining ones flapping from bliss as her nerves were hacked with delight, Takeru the one thing on her mind as her thick thighs pleasurably squished together. She needed him, she needed him here right now, needed his presence, his love, the almost girl's eyes rolling into her skull as the virus engulfed her otherworldly hair with a ticklish tingling.

Giggles slipped from her lips as she felt butterflies in her chest, Ange smiling as she instinctively teased her cock with her slender fingers, the long, flowing hair starting to retreat back into her skull, going up and up as the unnatural orange darkened. Bit by bit, her hair was losing its otherworldly appearance, becoming a bit more ordinary, darkening to a beautiful brown that was the same colour as her cute wide eyes.

She cooed happily as it continued to shrink, shutting her eyes from bliss, the strands heavenly soft as they brushed against her cheeks, the sensations painting her brain pink with light as human concepts and ideas replaced in-depth instincts of survival in the Digital World. Her hair finally stopped shrinking after reaching just below her chin, left in an incredibly cute style, leaving her gasping and panting on the floor.

The virus moved onto her legs next, the powerless muscle within deflating like popped balloons as Angeri kicked weakly, her mind too occupied by her daydream to notice as her feet popped down within the trainers. She moaned out her lover's name as the bottoms of her feet curved into arches, fully losing herself to the lust as she imagined Takeru lovingly stroking her face. His touch was so gentle and faint as if he was afraid she would shatter like glass. Oh she loved how caring he was, how gentle he could be, it was too good, it was just too good, her body needed it, her soul desired it, and she was going to get it.


Cum wouldn't stop spurting from her shaft, the discharge impossible to hold back as her fourth wing started to drive and sink back into her back, flooding her brain with bliss, her body feeling like it was on fire with unmatched pleasure. It was focused within her ass, Angeri crying happily as she raised it upwards, fat gently sliding inside.

It was too slow, the wait torturous as her ass gradually inflated against her shorts, the tight fabric feeling like it was groping her growing behind as she began to thrust it towards the sky. The force of her moving body sent more of her flapping wing driving inside, letting more fat into her asscheeks as each push sent it surging outwards.

She wanted it to get bigger, no, she needed it, her wing more than eager to fulfil her wishes as it continued to stuff itself back inside her, its harsh thrusts so violent that it snapped her spine into an even deeper arch. It only made her push out her still growing ass further, every shape and curve of it almost completely visible in her shorts.

Angari's hips couldn't take it, the almost girl cumming out ones and zeros of her former code with a squeal as they burst apart with a deafening crack, pushing against her tight shorts. With a final push her fourth wing was erased, the almost girl moaning softly in delight as her bubble butt finished its growth, her mind giddy with love for her boyfriend as she was lost to her fantasy.


His love was filling her, the corrupted bond filling her with her older partner's needs and wants, moulding her to his liking, her eyes shining as even her age leaked out for him. Her adult-like body was losing its maturity and regaining youth, the last of the junk Digimon data spurting out as clear girlcum to bring her fully towards the human, her body regressing all the way down to 18.

There was barely anything that remained of the Digimon she had been, Ankari's mind going though its final corrections, her cock and wings twitching pathetically, excitedly waiting for their removal. The same bond she had been using to try and fight the changes was now making her want them to finish more than anything, the almost girl slipping a dainty hand into her tight shorts and cupping her cock.

She played with it, teased it, imagining it was Takeru's as she smiled in a pleasured daze, giggling as it spurted out more clear fluids, her remaining ball left hollowed and empty. Something so pointless was quickly removed by the virus, the invading program taking a wing along with it as it pulled both into her body with tendrils of corruptive data.

Ankari felt like she was being fucked, or at least how she imagined it, her body thrashing around like a rag doll as both edged closer towards her, sure to vanish any second. They were being given the best send-off imaginable though, the raw pleasure flooding her mind with light, memories of Hikarigaoka, a vast dark ocean, countless adventures destroying dark towers and exploring giant buildings making her brain fit to burst.

There were only the tiniest traces left of Angemon within her mind, parts that could have fought back, but they didn't, its entire being utterly loving and accepting its fate, having no will or heart to fight it as it excitedly begged to break up. It was the reminder of her bonds and friends that did it, her friendship with two groups of Digidestined, her own Digimon partner, and the one who stood by her side through it all and would only continue to.

She screamed as loud as she could as her ball shot inside her, estrogen pumping through her body as tears of bliss dripped to the floor, Aikari barely getting a second to recover before she was wailing as her wing slammed into her back. It was too much for her to cope with, her body going limp aside from an occasional twitch of pleasure, only her cock and a single wing remaining.

Both were on their way out though, the almost girl only able to whimper as she felt them both wriggle in bliss, desperate to reduce themselves into nothing. The virus was pulling them both inside, her shrinking cock enjoying one final orgasm as she imagined her boyfriend thrusting into her desperate pussy.


She squeaked with each thrust, the light in her mind settling, her body feeling better than ever, both unnecessary parts of her almost gone, leaving her so close to completion. After what felt like an eternity they were reduced to tiny little nubs, both working their way inside her, the tight shorts giving them the push her cock needed for it to finally pop~!

Her body was too exhausted to give an intense reaction, Hikari giving two little squeaks as both retreated back inside her where they belonged, the new girl laying still for a few minutes as awareness dribbled back like gentle rain. She groaned as the pleasure finally started to die down, slowly getting to her feet and stretching as she looked around in confusion.

”Huh? W-wasn’t I just in my room? How did I... AH! A-and why am I w-wearing this!?”

She crossed her legs while blushing in embarrassment, Hikari having no idea why she was wearing this outfit again, the clothes feeling even tighter on her older body. Hikari hoped to find something nearby that would explain why, only spotting her D3 a short distance away, the girl cautiously grabbed hold of it before continuing to explore the unusual ruins.

The girl had no idea that the answer for her clothes’ appearance was literally in her hand, the D3 having recoded her outfit to match the data it had on the end result, Hikari slipping it into her pocket as she admired the familiar markings on the walls, a small smile on her face as she reflected on what they showed.

Wow... who made all this? There's so many markings here! All stuff that’s happened before too! I’ll have to tell the others about this!”

She was ashamed that she had masturbated in it, blushing as she went to use her D3 once more, raising an eyebrow in curiosity as she heard something behind her. The girl turned around with a start, relieved to see the familiar forms of Kabuterimon and Angewomon land in the ruins, the feeling turning to utter shock when she saw who was with them, her words dying in her throat.

“Ok, this is where the energy reading that Takeru was following ends. We need to all stay alert. Judging by the tremors we felt on the way, it’s possible that there's a hostile Digimon down here! And after everything we need to be ready for... anything...”

Izumi paused as he finally noticed the shocked silence, his eyes widening as he saw the older Hikari standing a short distance away, staring in surprise at her younger self. The three watched as they blinked at each other, tilting their heads in unison with identical looks of confusion.

”Huh... is this girl related to you Hikari? I haven’t seen her around before...”

Angewomon finally broke the silence, the Digimon just as confused as everyone else as both Hikaris looked to her.

”I don’t think I have a sister... Mom and Taichi never mentioned one before... but something about her is familiar...”

“W-well, I... this is... this can’t be... w-what year is it?”

Hikari squeaked out her words, flushing in shock and embarrassment as her younger self blinked in surprise. Izumi's eyes widened as he realised what the girl was implying, frantically typing something into his laptop.

”Huh? It’s 2000? Why do you-”

”Oh god you can’t be serious... I’M IN THE PAST!?”

Angewomon’s mouth fell open in shock, the younger Hikari looking just as surprised at this development as her older self. Koushiro didn’t show his shock out loud, instead focusing on finishing preparing the communication program Gennai had set up for them before they went out to search for the others.

”Guys? Can you hear me? We may have a pro-“

”We have a problem! A very weird problem! We followed Taichi’s readings and found... well... me. An older me. From the future.”

”There’s more? We found Angewomon down here and she said the same thing. No sign of Takeru or Angemon anywhere though...”

Hikari was almost overwhelmed listening to the sounds of her younger friends' voices, at least relieved to hear that her partner was here with her. The younger version of herself seemed to notice her discomfort, looking up at her with a curious, caring expression.

”Are you ok? You look a bit upset...”

”Oh, I-I’m fine! Thank you. Just a little... surprised. Wait, so if this is 2000... is this when we used our crests to repair the damage Apocalymon left behind?”

”Yeah! We were just going to do that before big brother and Takeru went to check the weird energy readings that we picked up! They were meant to come back ages ago so we split up to look for them.”

It was strange to say, but Hikari could see why the others had always said she was such a cute kid now, her smile and eagerness making the older girl smile. Angewomon didn’t seem as open though, the girl giggling at the feeling of the past version of her partner glaring at her through her mask.

”How do we know you're really Hikari? You could be some Digimon trick or something.”

”Before I went back to the real world the first time, I gave you my whistle without telling anyone. We knew we would meet again even back then. And ever since then, you keep it hidden outside the town in the desert where you met Wizardmon.”

The Digimon flinched in surprise, Hikari smiling at her blushing partner before suddenly going bright red herself, realising it was possible she had been so engrossed in her masturbation that she hadn’t even noticed travelling through time. To make matters worse, it seemed her perception was something she had had even when she was a child, her younger self's eyes shining with curiosity as she innocently asked.

"Hmmmmmmmmmm, why are you so red?”

"H-huh? What do you mean?"

Oh no, this was not happening, her younger self was not making the face she used to do before teasing someone. She was not going to get teased by her past self, she refused to believe this was happening.

"Yeah, you're all red! Did you get embarrassed about something? What happened? I want to know!"

"I-I... ummmmm... well.. it's..."

She couldn't explain this, not only would she rather die than admit what she was doing, but she refused to even consider having to explain sex to a young child, especially when that child was her! She had to think of something fast, relieved to see that Izumi and his partner were calling them over, Hikari squeaking out the first thing that came to mind as she ran to meet them, her face completely red.



Hours later, Hikari blushed to herself, sat next to Sora back at Gennai’s house, Angewomon drinking some tea as they watched the younger Digidestined discuss between themselves. It had been an eventful journey on the way back, and what they had uncovered when they arrived didn’t make things much better.

Following Izumi’s instructions, Joe had taken back some of the computers where they had found Sora with them for him to analyse, relieved to discover that it included a visual recording of everything that had happened inside. Koushiro had gone to watch it, the other children watching and blushing at the audio while Izumi grew increasingly red until shutting the laptop before it had even finished, and telling them all what had happened himself.

I can’t believe my data travelled through time and got dumped into Taichi’s body… a-and then it… well…

“Turned him into you? Yeah, it’s hard to believe. I don’t think I would have believed it if there wasn’t literal video proof of yours. Well, if it helps, judging by the sounds we did hear-”


The girl giggled at how utterly ashamed her friend looked, her face as red as her hair as Hikari smiled at her partner.

“Why do you think we were sent back here Hikari? I can’t seem to remember why right now…”

“I don’t know Angewomon… last thing I remember was us enjoying the school festival… everything else after that is all fuzzy… and who knows why? I’d forgotten all about the damage to reality Apocalymon caused… combined with our distortions in our own time… since the ones in this time period affected time, they must have linked together somehow. We must have gotten caught up in some intense ones… it’s a miracle our data and Digivices survived it. We’re lucky that Takeru and Angemon were nearby...”

She blushed, the idea of a younger Takeru becoming her seeming ridiculous, but Izumi’s theory was the only one that made sense, the disappearance of them both combined with them appearing clearly not a coincidence. Judging from the readings they had taken in the caverns, a future Digimon had travelled back with them, thankfully already defeated by Angemon by the time they arrived, but not before separating him from Takeru.

Then, while searching for each other, they came across the crest and Digivice that their data had been stored in, and indirectly became the new hosts for it. Luckily, the simplicity of the situation meant the others could actually do something about it, Mimi sighing to herself as she watched Izumi type away.

“Are you done yet? Gennai said we haven’t got much time until we have to restore the Digital World! We can’t afford to wait so long!”

“Almost done… almost… EUREKA!”

The boy shot up with a start, the sudden movement causing Mimi to cry out in shock and fall over Palmon as he ran over to the future Hikari and Angewomon, oblivious to the girl's annoyed grumbles behind him.

“Ok, I’ll explain this quickly. But sorry Sora, but I can’t do anything to help you. Your data got merged with the clone Nanomon made that got drawn into the same hub your data ended up in, so I can’t separate it to send it back to your own time. But if I use previous data I have recorded from Angemon and Takeru, I can use it to send your data back into the future and revert your bodies here and now back to normal! But we can only try this now! We won’t be able to do this again after restoring the Digital World.”

Hikari smiled at the news, Angewomon nodding in agreement as they both turned towards Sora, the girl’s face still red as she stammered.

“G-go ahead! You know the others will worry! I’ll be fine here.”

“Ok Sora… do it Izumi!”

The boy set to work activating the program, Mimi, Yamato, and the others watching as he finally prepared to push the enter key before he was cut off with a shout.

“Wait, Koushiro-han! You might want to check that again!”

He raised an eyebrow at his Digimon partner before looking back at the screen, instantly noticing the obvious mistake as he laughed nervously, the others glaring at him as soon as they noticed.

“Oops… guess I was in such a hurry I accidentally set Hikari to revert into Angemon and Angewomon to revert into Takeru after the data left… m-my mistake! I don’t even need to say how that clearly didn’t happen...”

“Giggle~! How silly of you Koushiro! It’s a good thing you have us looking out for you huh~?”

Hikari giggled at the small flush on the boy's face from Mimi’s words, sharing a knowing look with her younger self before waving as Izumi fixed the mistake and pressed enter. They waited, all of them holding their breath for a good 30 seconds until… until…

“Yeah, nothing’s happening Koushiro. Are you sure you set it up right?”

Both Soras gave him a disapproving stare as the younger version crossed her arms, Izumi frantically looking through the settings and attempting to start it several times over. The result was always the same though, nothing happening as Hikari blinked in surprise, the other Digidesined looking just as confused.

“Huh… it’s not working? That’s… weird. Everything seems to be fine… I guess your data must be too attached to your new bodies?”

“Looks like we’ll both be here a bit longer than we expected Hikari…”

“Yeah, just a bit…”


Hikari was still processing the revelation even after the restoration of the Digital World was complete, the group all collectively relieved that they had managed it even when down two unique crests, the Digimental of Light managing to do most of the heavy lifting in its place. Still, her, Sora, and Angewomon were unsure just what to do now, her partner at least able to remain in the Digital World without issue. Thankfully, Hikari’s younger self had sweetly said that she and Sora could stay at her place for the time being.

The entire situation was surreal, but there wasn’t much to do other than adapt, the girl smiling as she accepted Izumi’s excited offer to analyse her D3 later, while Mimi and Sora both questioned her blushing friend about the future. They may be different, but she was surrounded by people that cared about her just like always, and with Angewomon by her side, she really did feel like she could handle anything this change would bring.

She smiled at her thoughts, looking around the room to see if everyone had gathered what they needed, paying no attention to the faint glow of Izumi’s laptop. It was Joe who noticed it first, the boy going to turn it off before pausing as he saw what was on it.

“Ehhhhhhh, Koushiro? Were these readings here before?”

“Huh? What readings… wait let me see that!”

Izumi dashed towards the laptop, the other Digidestined following him as he zoomed in on what Joe had seen on the Digital World map. There were two new energy readings on File Island, identified by the program as two humans.

“Oh no… that surrounding data is the same as the Digimon’s readings from where we found Hikari and Angewomon! Two people must have gotten caught in a distortion seconds before we closed them on our end and got stranded in the past too!”

“W-what!? But won’t they just be data looking for hosts like Sora, Hikari and Angewomon?”

“No! The distortion was the same kind that Digimon travelled through, Yamato! According to these readings, their bodies are still intact!“

The group descended into an awkward silence, all of the Digidestined looking horrified that they had indirectly caused people to get stuck in the past before dashing from the room, already calling their partners for help as they set off to find whoever had landed in the world. Hikari meanwhile just blinked in surprise, Sora looking similarly baffled, the two of them leaning towards the laptop, staring at the orange and yellow dots that were flashing on the screen and the newly analysed crest data that had appeared.

For a moment, they didn’t say a word, processing what they were seeing until they slowly turned towards each other and simply smiled.

Maybe they wouldn’t be so alone after all.


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