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(This is a collab with the amazing JustHereForTheSnacks! Make sure to check out their stuff if you haven't already! https://www.deviantart.com/justhereforthesnacks)

"Huh? Wh... who are you-?" Billy asked, stepping backwards, his school bag dropping to the floor as the strange women loomed over him.

"Shhhhh." One of the girls hushed him, a triangle on the back of her hand glowing as her finger pressed against her lips, and suddenly Billy found he couldn't talk anymore. "I'm sorry, little one, but I don't think you're worthy enough to speak to us except when spoken to just yet~" His mouth flapped open and shut uselessly, no sound emerging.

"So," the other one asked, "what's your name, child?"

"Billy..." he said, his voice barely above a whisper, that word the only one he was permitted to say. "Oh dear..." both the women looked... disappointed at that, for some reason. "Such an ugly name..."

"My name's Zelda~" said the one who had shushed him.

"And my name's Zelda~" echoed the other. "A much nicer name, don't you think~?"

Billy wanted to ask them all sorts of things, who they were, why they were here, where his brother was, and most importantly for them to stop and let him go. But instead, to his horror, he simply said "Much."

"Glad you agree~ You'd much rather be named Zelda, wouldn't you~?"

No! "Yes..."

"And not just named Zelda, either... you want to be Zelda~"

No!! "Yes..!"

"You want to completely become Zelda in mind, body, and soul, just like us~"

No! Please leave me alone!

"Yes! Please make me Zelda!" "Just what we want to hear~" the Zeldas giggled. "Now come here, and let us make you perfect~"

He had no control of his legs, the boy unable to stop himself from walking towards them, following the women to a chair in the living room.


His eyes were wide and panicked as his body obeyed her sweet words, nothing coming from his mouth as it uselessly mouthed words that would never leave his lips. The Zeldas found it most amusing, giggling as each of them gripped a hand, his tiny body jolting as the preteen experienced his first taste of pleasure.

His face twisted into silent moans, the women feeling almost impossibly powerful as his hands cracked and snapped under their tight grip, his fingers turning as long and slender as the Zeldas. They twitched from pleasure as they let go, Billy filled with fear as he stared at them, unable to properly convey it as a golden triangle appeared on the back of his newly Zeldafied hand.

That was what really sealed his fate, his eyes rolling into his skull as his body became a dumping ground for pure, unfiltered pleasure, enough to bring an adult to their knees in seconds. To a child who had never even felt pleasure before, it was even worse, Billy losing all control of himself as he thrashed and spasmed in his seat.

His legs felt funny, his panic growing as they began to grow, his limbs pulled and lengthened by invisible hands, magic burning him from the inside as his brain was ravaged by both delight and terror. The passage of time was making its mark on him, his body starting to age slightly, months dripping in with every inch of height he gained.

Billy barely had any muscle to begin with, but even the little he had built up wasn't spared, the boy's eyes shutting as his legs grew slim and shapely, an incredibly sexy sight for the two Zeldas. One of them slipped a hand under her dress when what had once been trousers only reached his upper thighs, looking more like tight shorts as he grew even taller than his soon to be sisters.

Oh lovely~. So tall~. So imposing~. You love that don't you Zelda~? You love being so wonderfully mature~. It's only fitting for a goddess~"

No! I don't! W-why am I so tall!? I'm not a grown up! A-and my thing feels all stiff and weird! Please s-stop! I don't like this! "Yessssssssssssssssssssss, I dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Please! Don't stop! Make me more mature!"

"Gladly~" Zelda purred, her magic continuing its vital work on the terrified, oh-so-lucky boy. "And that face simply won't do, will it, Zelda~?"

"It certainly won't, Zelda~" her sister agreed, cupping their victim's chin in her hand, porcelain-pale skin spreading out from where her fingers touched. "So boyish and youthful, it's absolutely hideous... let's make it more suitable for a goddess~"

And by her command, that pale skin reformed every part of Billy's face it touched, baby fat draining away to reveal high, regal cheekbones, flushed red with need, the baby blue of his eyes darkening to a more royal shade as they narrowed, long eyelashes giving a sense of much-needed maturity to the fine, pointed nose and soft, tempting lips. And of course, just like the other Zeldas, his ears underwent a truly drastic change, becoming inhuman, better than human, stretching back to a Hylian point and this time developing piercings in their reduced lobes, an extra sign of maturity if any was needed. His hair began to grow out, too, but it didn't become blonde like the other Zeldas, instead getting darker, its hue shifting to a rich, oaky brown as its curls straightened out to long, silky threads.

"How does that feel, Zelda~?"

It feels... g... good... "It feels gooooooood~!"

"Oooooh, fufu~" the Zeldas giggled, noticing the unity between his actual thoughts and what they were forcing him to say.

"Still, though... that voice is so unsuitable..." One of them brushed her finger along his throat, a tingling sensation buzzing through and forcing its way up in a series of silenced coughs. "There~! Now isn't that better~?"

No! It's weird! Stop it! "Yes~! It's incredible~! Keep going~!" Billy agreed against his will, his voice mature and womanly, much moreso than the two Zeldas before him.

The maturity was spreading fast, Billy gasping silently as the rich brown hair brushed down his back, an odd pressure building within. His voice was making him feel weird, almost happy for some reason, and his stiff cock was certainly a fan, throbbing in need in his skintight shorts.

He experienced release in both of them, his face shifting into a silent scream as his back collapsed into a sensual curved arch, the aftershocks forcing him to cum for the first time in his life. It felt amazing, his shorts stained with his seed as he realised it was a feeling he could become addicted to, his arched back leading to him naturally pushing out his flat ass and chest, something inside him feeling almost... disappointed at how they looked at the moment.

Strange needs were filling him, thoughts that demanded more, demanded freedom, driving him insane as he shook his head in panic.

"Are you enjoying yourself, Zelda~? Don't be shy~. We both did~."

S-so good! How does it feel so good? I-I don't understand! Why do I want more? "I am~! I love this~! Please~! Crush this pathetic boy with our wisdom~!"

One Zelda was more than happy to assist her, gently running her hand across his waist, snapping it inwards herself, turning his tummy into a slender, feminine core. The sight of it ignited more strange thoughts and urges within, Billy not even able to get up himself, unable to leave until his goddess permitted it.

The more he looked at them, the more enchanted he was, their perfectly cute faces, pointed ears, wonderfully thick breasts and thighs and outfits that left nothing to the imagination, everything about them just so... Zelda. Old role models were fading from his mind, Billy finding that nothing could compare to them, nothing ever could, his resistance starting to collapse as he realised Zelda was the ideal. Zelda was the future. Zelda should be all.

"Mmmmh, well, you've certainly grown~" Zelda sighed happily, eyeing her forming sister's tall but gangly body, "but you're still lacking a certain maturity~" She turned to the other Zelda. "What do you think, Zelda~? Should her breasts or thighs blossom first~?"

"Oh, definitely her thighs~ I've been looking at those skinny twigs for far too long, let's finally get some meat on them~"

Yes... please fill up my thighs... "Ohhhh, yeeeees~ p-please fill up my thighs~"

Instantly Billy's thighs rippled, beginning to inflate like water balloons as thick, buoyant fat filled them, squeezing them together, crushing his junk in between them and stretching his shorts to absolute breaking point. He groaned in discomfort, his thighs refusing to stop their relentless growth, becoming too massive for his narrow, boyish hips to handle until-


-they suddenly burst outward, creating a gap between his maturing limbs which was swiftly filled as even more fat rushed in, his formerly stick-thin thighs now looking as thick as tree trunks but with an alluring jiggle to their fatty flesh, which completely consumed his tiny crotch.


"Fufu~ I wonder if she's realised yet~"

"I don't think she has~" "R-realised what?" Billy whimpered, barely able to talk through the pleasure, and that's when he realised - he shouldn't be able to talk at all.

The Zeldas giggled. "We gave you your voice back~"

"So all those moans of pleasure~"

"All that begging for more~"

"We didn't make you say that~"

"It was all you~"

They smiled, an alluring menace on their soft lips as they said in unison, "You want this~"

"N-No... I can't... I couldn't... there's no..."

"Oh, but there is~. You want to be me~. You can't deny it any longer~. And now all you need to do is to give in~."

His tiny dick was straining, flattened between two thighs as thick as his head, struggling to expel more of him from his own mind. Something was forcing itself into his head, pushing him outwards, and to his horror, he wanted it. His life up to this point had been a waste, new wisdom telling him how pointless of a concept childhood was, the perfection of Zelda eternal.

He knew he shouldn't but he wanted it, needed it, his body desperate for it, Zelda the only thing filling his thoughts as he basked in her perfection. He screamed as the fat in his arms grew even slimmer, Billy making some mature sexy purrs as his chest pushed outwards, the once young boy gaining a set of hefty tits, each Zelda taking one each.


"Happy to hear it sister~. Now let's give what's left of that brat the best sent off we can~. We really are merciful~. You need your seat of power~. The symbol of your maturity~. Your bouncy, thick, perfect, ass~."

The Zeldas pulled Billa up off the chair, letting him fall to the ground on all fours, his flat, bony ass protruding into the air as his impressive bust squished against the floor. "Just tell us when~" one Zelda giggled as each one placed a hand on one of the boy's asscheeks. They gave a little squeeze and a slim layer of fat flowed in, just enough to mask that boniness, a tiny bit of translucent cum spewing from his now even tinier cock as it did.

"Ahn~! More~!!"

Each Zelda dutifully gave another squeeze as their free hands caressed the rest of Bella's almost-perfect body, his shorts finally destroyed completely as his ass gained a pleasant, albeit slight, protrusion.

"More~! More~! BIGGER~!"

Belda's pathetic genitals shrank away almost to nothing as another mind-blowing orgasm burned through him, even his own name now almost totally forgotten as he lost himself to the sensations of his now impressively plump posterior - but it still wasn't quite enough.


The two Zeldas acquiesced gleefully to their eager victim's requests, more than happy to finish off completely obliterating the useless child in favour of another divine sister, his ballsack suddenly and orgasmically inverting to a dripping wet slit, the tiny mass it had contained converted to just a small portion of the new Zelda's absolutely colossal ass, so soft and jiggly that her sisters still couldn't stop groping it for a good few seconds even after her completion.

When they eventually did, the new Zelda rose to her feet for the first time, a glamourous purple and off-white dress draping itself over her sensual body, an analytical hum from her soft lips as she caressed her big, bouncy backside herself, making sure it was just huge enough to satisfy her~

She was satisfied after a few minutes, smiling happily as she turned to face her sisters, still rubbing her massive ass.

"Ahhhhhhhhh, thank you sisters~. I'm so happy you freed me from that worthless immature shell~. It feels so amazing to be perfect~. To be Zelda~."

"Of course sister~. As perfect goddesses, we can't simply stand idle and let people go on without wisdom~. It's our duty to provide it to all who need it~."

The Zeldas moaned at each other's words, hungrily licking their lips as they all collectively decided to have some fun, running their hands down another Zeldas perfectly sculpted body as they celebrated their rebirth. It was 30 minutes after they started when new visitors arrived at the building, Jack sighing to himself as he ran a hand through his brown hair.

He had agreed to meet his friend Matt after he finished babysitting but had accidentally gotten his times confused and ended up arriving right as Matt's brother was being picked up. He already knew Matt's parents, Sophie and Henry, all of them impatiently waiting outside the door, trying the doorbell once more.

Jack wasn't surprised Sophie was the most inpatient, the woman refusing to let anyone boss her around while being incredibly self-conscious about her figure, her husband far more lacking in confidence than her.

"MATT! Open the door already! We have plans tonight! We haven't got time for you to hold us up!"

"D-dear, I'm sure he's coming any minute now-"


The boy groaned to himself, hoping things wouldn't lead to another argument between the two, Jack finding himself distracted by a weird noise. Due to how thick the walls were, it was muffled but it almost sounded like... moaning? Jack brushed it off as him just imagining things, about to interject until the door suddenly opened, Sophie and Henry crying out in shock as a brown-haired woman with a furious expression pulled them both inside.

He didn't get a chance to run for himself, a beautiful blonde woman, noticing him and doing the same, dragging them all to the living room before throwing them to the floor.

"What's this~? More trash has come to visit~? You much all be desperate for the gift of perfection and wisdom too~." "

Three of them at once too~. It really is our lucky day Zelda~."

"It certainly is Zelda~. But tell me... which of you was foolish enough to try and demand something from a goddess~?"

Sophie grunted and stood, doing her level best to appear unperturbed by the mysterious intruders. "I did, and I don't know who you are or what the hell you're talking about but we-"

"Shut up." the brown-haired woman groaned, waving a hand to silence the stick-thin woman's inane prattling. "You know, I almost want to punish you... but I just don't think I have it in me, so instead I'm going to give you a reward~" The blonde women giggled behind her.

"Reward? What kind of- oh, for goodness' sake! Come on, Henry, we're leaving." She hoisted her handbag over her shoulder and stepped forward to storm off.

"Ah-ah-ah~" Zelda shook her head, tutting, and Sophie walked right into something she couldn't see and crashed back down to the ground.

"What the-?" she stammered, looking down to see a large, glowing triangle on the ground beneath her, light emanating from its edges and rising into invisible, impassable walls enclosing her. "What is- Henry?" She looked to her meek husband for guidance as he finally stood, only to find himself enclosed in an identical barrier, its lower edge connected to hers.

"Hey! What the hell did I do!?" Jack's voice protested from behind them, the boy bashing his hands against his own barrier, its lower corners meeting the tips of the others to form a triangle of triangles.

"You existed~" one of the Zeldas smirked, nothing but sickly sweetness in her voice.

"But... but what is this?" stammered Henry, finally finding his voice.

"It's the Triforce~ An all-powerful force split into three aspects:"

"Wisdom~" The triangle enclosing Sophie glowed.

"Wisdom~" The one at Henry's feet echoed it.

"And wisdom~" And finally an identical glow from Jack's.

"Enjoy~" the three Zelda's chimed in unison, as all three prisoners felt the warmth of the light begin to consume them~

Sophie wanted to protest, doing her best to hide her fear as her skin felt oddly hot, the woman blushing at the odd feelings as she uselessly kicked at the invisible wall.

"W-what the... b-but there's nothing here!? Why can't I get out!? What the fuck are you even talking about!? L-let me gohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~?"

She covered her mouth in shock as a pleasured moan slipped out, her face red with shame as she was filled with confusion, the three Zeldas smiling as they noticed something she didn't. Her short, shoulder-length hair was growing, blonde invading the black as it grew all the way down to her ass, completely changed in seconds.

Sophie blinked, the blonde hair in front of her vision not fazing her at first, the woman brushing it to one side before realising what was wrong with a start. She screamed, jumping back against the barrier as she felt her hair in shock, the texture impossibly soft as increasingly unfamiliar fingers ran through it.

"W-what the fuck!? M-my hair? W-WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU FREAKS DOING TO- AHHHHHHHHHH~!!!!!!!"

While Sophie was screaming at her captors, Henry was moaning, his slimming legs wobbling as he collapsed to the floor, his hair pouring down in curly waves of blonde as his eyes were consumed with blue. He could hear something in his head, something pouring into his mind and pushing him out as he let out a higher-pitched giggle, his Adam's Apple shrinking slightly.

He should have been afraid, but it was offering him his first taste of confidence in his life, his moans growing louder and more eager as his cheekbones snapped into regal, elegant forms, his lips plumping as his nose and jaw melted down into cute little points.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, oh s-so... goodddddddddddddddddddddd... I-I... like this... Z-Zeldaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~."

Jack's entire world was being rocked, the boy squealing at the top of his lungs as pleasure seemed to flood his body all at once, his body spasming wildly as his eyes rolled into his skull. Ears were exploding into points, muscle was eroding into weak girly fat, and his cock had never been so erect.

He was being driven insane by lust, the boy desperately grinding his cock against the barrier, cooing happily as he came in a sexy, perfect voice that certainly wasn't his own. It was such a nice sound though, Jack finding he quite liked it, his half-hearted resistance screaming in panic at the thought until his thighs had him screaming for a much different reason~.

His thighs began to swell, ballooning out with sexy, womanly fat, their plush surfaces crushing his cock, still raw from his orgasm. High, girly screams poured from his mouth as he sank to his knees, his hands cupping his tender crotch, contact with his thick, soft thighs almost instantly converting his hands to svelte, dainty digits, a Triforce starting to glow on the back of one of them.

Henry was moaning sweetly, tossing his long, auburn locks from side to side, loving the feeling of them brushing against his shoulders, which quickly crunched down, a delighted yelp bursting from his soft lips as his broad form was slimmed considerably.

"Ooh, you're enjoying yourself, aren't you~?" one Zelda teased, leaning against his invisible cell.

"Y-yeeeeeeeeeeeeesssss, Zeldaaaaaahhhhh~ please~" "H-Henry, what are you s-saying??" Sophie stammered in panic, her voice rising in pitch even as she spoke, the wrinkles of her middle age smoothing away to help create an ageless, endless beauty. "Y-you have to fight this-" wonderful "awful thing!"

"I-I caaaaaahhhhhhhhhhn't~!" her husband whined pathetically, fat draining from his overweight arms to leave them perfectly slender and weak. "I don't- AHN~! I don't want to~! Zelda feels too goooooooohhhhdddddd~!!"

"So gooooooood~!" Jack echoed, his chest beginning to bounce noticeably as he stroked his cock. His rational mind was screaming at him to fight it, to resist the alien presence in his brain that was overriding him, but rationality was nothing in the face of the unimaginable pleasure he was feeling, every inch of him burning with ecstasy. "Zelda... Zelda...! I... stop... don't... don't...! Don't stooooooooooooooopppp~!!"

"Of course we won't, Zelda~. We're not going to stop until you're perfect~."

Jack was being burnt away, grabbing his head and shrieking as he hopelessly tried to resist and fight it, something that was impossible when it felt this good, his hair growing slightly as it was engulfed with beautiful gold. His toes curled as his feet snapped down, the boy gurgling in bliss as his hips shattered, pushing against his pants as they grew almost impossibly wide.

Henry was even more far gone, eagerly cumming out his mind as his breasts inflated against the floor, screaming happily as his ass did the same against the barrier. Fat wouldn't stop rushing in, and his mind couldn't stop slipping, Henla loving and adoring every second as she sank into Zeldaness.

Sophie was the only one still resisting, and even that looked like it wouldn't last, the woman shaking her head in a panic, squealing as her ears grew into perfect points, her nipples growing slightly in preparation.


She screamed as she came, the woman's body shaking as she experienced the most intense orgasm in years, barely able to stand as she whimpered in conflict, helpless as fat began to move towards her thighs, breasts and ass, her sisters smiling at the sight.

Sophie could only whimper pathetically as her puny, rakish form received some direly-needed upgrades, her hips bursting out to the sides, destroying her trousers and making the considerable gap between her legs absurdly pronounced before it was suddenly eradicated, her thighs inflating an absurd amount in an instant the jiggly flesh of her new trunk-like stems squishing together alluringly.

"NONOPLEASENOOOOOOOOOOO~!!!!!" Her screams of protest continued to fall on deaf ears as her ass exploded in size, her bony cheeks flooding with sweet, buoyant fat, the growth of her massive rear forcing her forward as she collapsed face-first against the invisible wall before her. This just made her changes even more obvious, though, as her new peach needed melons to match it, her swelling breasts squeezed against the side of her prison for all to see, and they just kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger, the woman who'd once been so proud of her slender figure now the most deliciously voluptuous person present.

She was exhausted, her moans quieted by the exertion of her changes as she turned to the cell beside her, seeing her husband, totally unrecognisable, face hidden as his whole body shook with pleasure. "Henry..." she moaned with the last of her strength, "please... help meeeeeee..."

The woman in the other cell lifted her head, a blissful smile on her face, and asked an innocent question:

"Who's Henry~?"

The new Zelda giggled, her cock already long since inverted as the last of her wisdom permanently embedded itself into her now empty head, feeling quite happy with herself as her clothes shifted into a gorgeous purple dress. She smirked, stretching to work away at some annoying aches while facing her soon to be sisters.

"It's quite pointless to resist, trash~. Submit~. Submit to Zelda~. Submit to true wisdom~."

"Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... d-don't wahhhhntttttttttttttt~. Z-Zeldaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, want to be... Zeldaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~."

Jack whimpered pathetically, shaking as his back violently snapped inwards, his own clothes rapidly tightening as blue engulfed his shirt, the fabric strong enough to force every bit of fat in his core downwards. It was clear just how much he couldn't fight it as his ass started to expand, the boy shrieking at the top of his lungs as he fell to his knees, his cock unloading everything he had.

His changing clothes made it feel even better, his jeans melting into black, latex pants that left nothing to the imagination, the emerging goddess having no reason to hide her perfect body~. They were already perfectly skintight, but his ass demanded room, Jack feeling like he was losing his mind as it burst over and over, greedily taking more and more room for itself as the rest of his pants grew tighter.


He was slipping, he couldn't hold on, it felt too good, too amazing, Zelda was perfect, o-oh fuck how was she so perfect? She was a goddess, he should be honoured to be one of the first, one of the few that would spread her teachings to everyone in the- 


Thinking was proven to be impossible, his still growing bubble butt forcing the pants to put more and more pressure on his manhood, Jaclda filled with delight as he pointed his ass towards the three Zeldas. He thrust it towards them with every burst of fat that filled it, giving them a show of her perfection as her cock was forced deeper and deeper inside her.

She kept going for several minutes, the useless boy she had been before fading from her head with every orgasm, his once proud dick soon reduced to a microcock that did nothing but spray clear girly fluids, Zelda gasping as she eagerly waited for it to-


Zelda moaned happily, glad to finally be rid of that pathetic boy, joining her four sisters as her invisible prison fell now that it was no longer needed. "Ohhhhhhhhh, yeeeesssssssss~ Zelda is simply wonderful~ Only the most brainless trash would ever try to resist us~"

Sophie cried out as the five Zeldas surrounded her, watching with glee as she writhed in panic and pleasure, futilely attempting to resist the perfection consuming her. Just the mental assault on its own, the domination of her thoughts, was hard enough to fight back against, but now...

"It feels so good, doesn't it~?"

"Just give in~"

"Submit to Zelda~"

"Let yourself become perfect~"

"Just let Zelda replace you~"

All five Zeldas were pressed against the walls around her, showing off their gorgeous curves to her lust-addled mind, offering constant words of degradation to her and encouragement to the alien thoughts changing her. It was too hard to resist, the endless assault on her body, her mind, coming from all directions, everywhere she looked, her ears and brain filled with nothing but Zelda, Zelda-


Her final submission heralded an immediate, explosive chain of orgasms, all that was left of Sophie coming flooding out of her pussy in a rush of sticky, sweet fluids, the last few minor improvements to her form swiftly applying themselves as she lay gasping on the floor, Zelda caressing her new form with unbridled lust and delight, no ornate dress for her, just a very modern-looking and very skimpy bikini to show off her amazingly voluptuous figure~

The new Zelda cooed happily as she was freed from two prisons, the prison of her former identity and the invisible one that surrounded her, continuing to lovingly run her hands down her perfect body. She showed off all of it, knowing that clothes were pointless, all would gaze on the perfection of Zelda in the end, so she had no need to hide any of it~.

Her sisters did prefer the feelings of their dresses though, and she wouldn't complain about that, Zelda smiling at her sisters as she walked towards them.

"Oh thank you sisters~. Ooooooooooooooooooo that was simply divine~. I oh so loved crushing that little nothing~. Our perfection is such a wonderful thing, is it not~?"

"It is, Zelda~. And soon, all will know it. All will praise us~! Praise their goddesses as we give them the mercy of crushing their pathetic useless identities~."

"Oooooooooooo Zelda~. Even you talking about it is getting me wet~."

"How could it not Zelda~? This world has been empty of wisdom for so long~. These people don't know that wisdom isn't something you can get by yourself... it's something to be gifted~."

All six Zeldas could hardly wait, their hearts beating in excitement as they smiled to each other, finally leaving the room together with sinister glints in their eyes, magic darting between their fingers as they began to get to work fixing this imperfect world~.

The rest of the apartment complex was made short work of, each Zelda joyfully and effortlessly converting whole families, couples falling out of love with each other and in love with Zelda as they all became perfect princesses. A large game night gathering was especially enjoyable, wholesome family fun descending into a panicked, lustful rabble as all the new Zeldas gleefully accepted her wisdom and embraced her flawless beauty, their narcissistic new minds finding themselves and all their sisters to be the absolute pinnacle of sexuality, the whole complex cumming together in a massive, incestuous orgy that lasted the whole night.

By the time the sun was rising the next morning the entire building had been converted, an army of gorgeous goddesses ready to descend on the world outside. They were subtle about it at first, spreading out across the city, slipping into crowds and casting delayed-acting spells on the most pathetic targets they could see, those most desperately in need of Zelda's blessing. An overwhelming lust would consume each of them, forcing them to rush home, or anywhere they could get some privacy, as quickly as possible for a fateful masturbation, a release that would inevitably convert them into the zero point for another tidal wave of perfection. One Zelda pointedly brushed against a spoiled, bratty child passing by her in the street, the Triforce on her hand replicating itself on his, lying dormant until he was in his kindergarten class, a sudden explosion of alien pleasure tearing through him, rapidly converting him into another perfect Zelda who delighted in treating all her former classmates to the same experience.

A few other Zeldas were more strategic, seeking out police stations and hospitals, anybody who had even the slightest chance of slowing them down (not stopping them, of course, nobody had any chance of that) and making sure they had no desire to, treating them all to the full Zelda experience whether they wanted it or not~

Other Zeldas were too lusty and horny to even try and be strategic or sneaky, instead barging into people's homes and changing them with their own two hands, smiling as the panicked screams turned to delighted squeals.~. She made sure not to leave anyone out, Zelda's wisdom a gift that should be shared by everyone, regardless of who they were before~.

She was a merciful goddess no matter the method, every Zelda preferring her own approach until their numbers were great enough, the Zeldas already subtly spreading themselves across the planet until everything was ready. They swarmed the cities first, everyone who hadn't been converted falling in a matter of hours across the globe, hundreds of newborn Zelda's coming into existence with blubbering screams of delight.

No one could hide from them, Zelda's wisdom meaning she had already calculated every means of escape or hiding in every area, a casual display of her perfection as those people bathed in her wisdom. In time, Zelda was outnumbering humanity and was only spreading, all the new princesses smiling as they continued to hunt the imperfect trash, for their own good of course~.

When she was finished, her kingdom would be free of flaws and the goddess Zelda would rule over a land of wisdom, as its one and only queen~.


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