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"Come on... come on... where the heck is this thing!?"

Taichi Yagami muttered angrily to himself as he searched the ruins he had reached, not even flinching at the distant sounds of battling in the distance. Sighing to himself, he took another look at his Digivice, the orange glow still only a short distance away according to the map.

"Geez... even after everything there's still some Digimon that we need to fight... did defeating Apocalymon really change that much?"

He dismissed the thought, the boy finding it ironic that he was even asking himself that when the defeat was the only reason he was back in the Digital World to begin with. Sure it had been a shock when Gennai called him and the other Digidestined back, but he had been far more occupied by how good it was to see Agumon again.

Unfortunately, he had been so focused on this he had ended up missing a lot of what Gennai had to say to begin with, only really catching that they needed to use the crests to restore balance to the Digital World after the death of their final adversary on their adventure. Something else had come up though, Gennai having detected two unusual energy readings just before they had arrived, one of which was an exact match for his crest of courage.

Of course, he had argued to get it right away, even with the others being more concerned and cautious than him, all of them eventually deciding to let Taichi and Takeru check them out as fast as they could while they set up things with the crests. It hadn't taken him and Agumon long to find the source of the energy, the two of them having done way longer hikes during their adventure.

It seemed like nothing could be simple for them though, both of them ambushed by some territorial Digimon as soon as they arrived. It was definitely something they could handle, but was a large annoyance when the impatient boy wanted to find the energy source as soon as possible.

His digivolved partner was more than able to handle the situation though, leaving him to frantically search the area for any sign of the reading, the Digivice confirming it was nearby, despite it being more trouble than it was worth to find. Try as he might, nothing was turning up, slowly building up his frustrations more and more by the second, the ruins just seeming to be made up of old pillars and buildings with nothing that was really identifiable.

Just when he was about to call for help however, he noticed something from the corner of his eye, an out of place, wooden door in the side of a stone building. Taichi immediately ran towards it, keen to grab whatever was inside and get out of there so he could meet up with the others, carefully opening the door to see what lay beyond.

It was remarkably unassuming, Taichi surprised it wasn't more impressive. All he could see was a metal altar in the middle of the room, surrounded by large computer monitors. What confused Taichi the most though was what was floating above the altar; a familiar, spinning orange heart symbol formed of data.

"What the... the Crest of Love? What's that doing here!? The readings for this place were for the Crest of Courage! Did they read it wrong or something?"

He frowned in confusion, slowly walking towards the floating heart, even double-checking his Digivice that he had found the right item, the energy signal still remaining unchanged on his screen. The boy was certainly perplexed by this, but in typical fashion decided not to question it, assuming it would simply all work out later.

It would soon be the worst choice he could have made, any of the other Digidestined undoubtedly being able to stop Taichi from sealing his fate, whether through caution, or simply checking the computer data and seeing the records. It meant the boy had no idea what had been lying here for years, a copy of his friend that had barely escaped destruction by being drawn towards a hub for her crest, the data it had making what would normally have been an empty copy into one that was identical to the original.

It had laid dormant ever since, the physical form long since destroyed, the systems waiting for something to deposit all the downloaded data in, an opportunity Taichi was unknowingly giving to them. Soon he was right in front of the crest, unsure of just what to do as he thought to himself.

"So... should I just grab this or- huh?"

His eyes widened, the crest starting to flash in and out of existence as he took a few steps back, the heart soon vanishing as if it had never been there. Taichi looked around for any sign of it, lost and confused at what was happening until he heard a beep from his Digivice, looking down to see the heart symbol had filled the screen.

"Huh... I guess that's one way of getting it... now I need to get... out of... here?"

Something was wrong, he just knew it, something unmistakably feeling off, the odd feelings causing him to miss the progress bar on the screen in his hands, the download finally starting, Taichi's world sure to never be the same afterwards. He did his best to ignore it at first, slowly heading towards the exit, gasping as he did so, the boy wondering when it got so hot as he wiped the sweat off his brow.

For a moment he thought he must have been coming down with something, but it certainly didn't feel like any cold he had gotten before, the feeling having the opposite effect on his body. It felt like it had gotten more sensitive, the boy soon far more aware of his movements than he ever had been before, gasping again as the little body hair he had dissolved into code.

He could feel his clothes brush and rub against him far more often than normal, the boy only just becoming aware of it, each step sending feelings though him that were increasingly odd, ones that a young boy wouldn't become familiar with until far later into his future. Taichi was sweating like mad, the heat getting worse as he leaned against a wall for support, feeling his head with his hand as he felt like he was burning up. He blinked frantically as the brown in his eyes started to lighten, a pleasant maroon slowly making its way inside.

"What the... w-what's happening? I-I feel w-werid... I need some... huh?"

Some sounds distracted him, the boy looking down at his digivice in shock, his eyes widening so suddenly that they stayed that size. He was filled with confusion and panic at what he was seeing, the familiar bars filling the screen as the harsh noises of the warming up systems echoed through the room.

"No way... I-I'm... e-evol-NGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG~??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The unusual feelings he had felt before were a teaser, and now Taichi had been plunged into them headfirst, the boy's shout of panic soon turning into a blubbering moan of pleasure as he bent over and hugged himself. It looked like he was going through a sudden growth spurt, his body pulled and stretched by invisible hands as he rapidly gained height, his clothes growing tighter as he became far too big for them.

He was getting older, years pouring into him as he was launched right into his teens, his hormones going crazy as his cock was erect in seconds, his first orgasm as messy as his first wet dream as he gasped and panted, the feelings rushing through him nothing less than heavenly as he spasmed against the wall.

His cock stayed just as hard though, the bulge almost fully outlined in the shorts that were now far too tight for him, the boy continuing to moan until his age finally settled at 18. Taichi was left a blushing mess, all his energy gone, his body never feeling so drained before, the experience far too intense.

"W-what the... what just happened? A-am I... older?"

It should have been impossible, yet the idea was certainly less far fetched than things that had actually happened before, the boy still taken aback by how pleasurable it had felt. His immature mind was still trying to process how on earth something could have felt as good as that, wisely deciding he would leave that part out when he explained this to the others.

Still, he needed a chance to recover from that first, even his mind feeling like it was buzzing with pleasurable aftershocks. Taichi hoped the weird fuzziness would go away after a few minutes, frowning in annoyance as he looked down at himself.

"Oh come on! There's no way I would look this weak when I'm older!"

Sure, he still had a bit of muscle in his limbs, but it wasn't much more than when he had been 12, almost as if that part of him hadn't been developed at all. In fact, now that he thought of it, his voice didn't sound aged up either. More and more things became noticeable to him as he narrowed his wide eyes in focus, the extending eyelashes fluttering as he tried to figure out what he was missing.

He absentmindedly opened the buttons of his shirt, hoping it would make it feel less tight against him and cool him down a bit while he angrily thought to himself, still annoyed at the lack of muscle, strength and general maturity. It had naturally led to him imagining what he thought he would have looked like, the "fantasy" seeming surprisingly detailed for something he had supposedly come up with on the spot.

He could see himself in them, a version of him that was older and mature, with a deep voice and strong muscles to match. The boy smirked despite his confusion, always hoping he would look cooler when he was grown up, unlike his current state, the memory confirming just how fucking hot Taichi had gotten lately.

"W-what? Did I just... why did I..."

Taichi stammered in confusion, blushing in response to a lewd thought he didn't even entirely understand, something that was only the beginning of the second phase as he once again found pleasure surging through him in harsh bolts. It was different this time, less of a full-body affair and more focused, a surprised squeal slipping out as they struck his feet.

The boy was unprepared for just how drawn out the following euphoria was, his toes spasming as it felt like they were being given a calming massage. It felt like delicate hands were gently pressing and putting force on them, lovely pops following every time as he gasped in confusion, his cock throbbing in sync with them, his horniness already reignited.

It was unreal how good it felt, his feet spasming as his shoes and socks suddenly felt too small, his eyes widening as kicked off his footwear, revealing feet that were certainly not his own. They weren't just small, but curved and delicate, increasing his confusion as he did his best to keep a clear head, something that seemed like it would be easier said than done.

"I-I... don't... my feet! What on earth is going on!? A-am I still... e-evolving!? B-but that looks smaller than before! None of this is... m-making sense! I-I..."

He clutched his head, Taichi still trying to hold onto the mental image of his older self in the vain hope he could somehow redirect what was happening towards that. The boy was so panicked and determined that he missed several key factors however, such as the view of the image being very odd, more of a memory as he kept up alongside himself as if he was having a conversation.

The heat didn't seem to be getting more bearable, still remaining just as intense as he gasped in between his moans, sweat dripping down his sensitive flesh as his cock seemed determined to stay as hard as possible. His skin was roasting, his body shivering as right before his eyes his skin seemed to slowly pale, discarding its former tan bit by bit.

Worst of all was how good it felt, his cock unable to get enough of it as he felt every desperate throb, Taichi confused why it felt even better ever since he had tried to resist. Some parts of him seemed to be paling more than others, his legs spasming involuntarily as the muscles within were finally given some attention, his lower limbs soon coated in smooth, creamy, pale flesh, something about them looking frightfully familiar to him.

He came for the second time in his life from how utterly amazing it felt, groaning and moaning in frustrated pleasure as his muscles turned to jelly, his legs growing even slimmer than before, almost curvy in a way, the fat perfectly disturbed in an image of perfection. It scared him just how amazing it felt, his courage failing him as his hand scrambled for his Digivice, grabbing it before hopelessly pressing anything to try and undo what was happening, too panicked to notice the last of its orange washed out by an overpowering red.

Nothing he pressed seemed to do much of anything, his mind a confused mess as the feeling of wrongness only grew stronger, his thoughts barely coherent, every surge of pleasure scrambling them further. He looked down at his legs in shock, even noticing some nail varnish on his tiny toes, something that Mimi had recommended to her, the skirts she wore surely killer enough, especially with how short and fluttery they- no that was wrong!

"Ugh! W-what's going on!? T-this is s-so weirddddddddddd! W-why does it feel... s-so... G-GAWDDDDDDDDD~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

In his panic, Taichi had slammed down on all the buttons of the Digivice at once, something that had extreme effects as his slim legs slammed together, his body bucking as he unloaded another burst of cum, his cock feeling like it was being pleasured for the first time several times over no matter how much he came.

He didn't even notice the rest of his body paling slightly, not when it felt so much better in his face, the button mash having redirected the influx of corruptive Sora data into it. The changes washed over them, his lips quivering as his very features were recoded, shifting into new feminine shapes, losing some of their youthfulness in the process.

His narrower cheekbones removed any impression of boyishness, his body bucking as his jaw and nose collapsed seconds later, all size lost as they became small and girlish. Taichi didn't know what was happening, but for a moment, he didn't care, content to simply enjoy the feelings that came with his maturity, still finding himself annoyed that he didn't look like how he wanted, his expression shifting into a pout as his lips inflated outwards.

"Why does my face feel so s-small? I should look all cool and manly! Just what the heck is going on?!"

It felt oddly good to be thinking of himself while this was happening, the boy biting his lip as he did so, faintly tasting the cherry gloss that covered them as he imagined the ideal older him. He would obviously be far stronger than his current weak form, one that was mature and handsome, his loving arms wrapped around her waist, their faces close as he did that stupid cute smile she could never get enough of, god she could be such a romantic sometimes, why did this have to be a fantasy and...

"OK WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH MY HEAD!? T-THIS ISN'T NORMAL! I NEED HELP FA- fa- ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~!"

The pleasurable heat was only getting stronger, the boy giving an embarrassingly high pitched squeal as it felt like someone had lit a fire in his throat, the first tears slipping down his feminine features as he clutched it in shock. It was only then he noticed that the fuzziness in his mind was growing stronger, likely the source of the confusing thoughts and emotions as they were gradually installed, his Digivice's systems long since corrupted enough that it no longer cared about if his mind would survive his new form.

He coughed and gasped as the heat grew stronger, his throat burning as he flailed in panic, his unhelpful mind oddly imagining the feelings as something ramming down his throat. Taichi had no idea why the thought caused him to cum again, the white fluid bubbling from the heat as it splattered onto the stone floor, confused moans spewing from his lips as he felt like he was being suffocated by his own clothes.

To his relief, the wildfire in his neck finally started to subside, his voice box tingling in the leftover traces of ecstasy as he gasped for breath, not registering the vastly different pitch of his pants until he opened his mouth.

"M-man... what the hell happened- huh?"

He paused, blinking in shock, a cute little look of confusion on his face that looked like it was being washed with paleness, his brain incredibly slow on the uptake as he tried to process that the cute, girly, and terrifyingly familiar voice that left his lips was his own. It sounded older but it was unmistakable whose it was, the realisation hitting him at once as everything made sense, the crest, the paleness of his skin, and why everything changed looked so small and delicate.

"N-no... t-this... I-I can't be... I-I'm evolving into S-SORA!?"

Taichi couldn't help but squeal the last word out, his cock giving another twitch as it felt fit to burst already, his hormones running wild inside him as he blushed and gasped in panic. G-god this was so messed up, he was being turned into an older version of his friend! And he was getting turned on by it! Sora would never speak to him again after this! Fuck he needed to stop this before it could get any worse and why was she thinking about not speaking to Taichi again? He hadn't done anything too bad lately, and she liked to think she was mature enough now that she wouldn't get annoyed at a hair clip ag-


It was frightening how easy it was to slip into her line of thinking, the boy blushing as he realised why he was thinking such things, Taichi thankfully having no idea just how deeply she had fallen for him. Knowing him he probably thought she was still into Yamato b-but fuck he was so fucking handsome now too, she might have to ask them both if they wouldn't mind shar-


He snatched the Digivice off the floor, panicking as Sora's vocabulary infected his own, his fingers pressing anything he could find in a hopeless attempt to call for help, his hopes dashed as an error message appeared on the screen.

"User not recognised. Digivice functions can only be accessed by user.sora."

The only thing that made him panic more was the sight of his reflection on the screen, the shock of even his own Digivcie abandoning him soon joined by the realisation that his face was now a dead ringer for his friend’s. His features almost looked like they belonged to Sora’s older sister if she had had one, the resemblance uncanny and frightening.

He kicked his legs frantically as pleasurable twitches shot through his changing body, the bulge in his shorts straining and twitching like crazy. Brown tears streamed down his face, removing the last of his former eye colour as the maroon pools shined with a hidden giddiness that she always felt when thinking about her crush.

Taichi let out a blubbering moan, his hair hit next by the blazing inferno of the changes, the bar on the Digivice starting to get filled even faster than before, the data seemingly eager for the process to go faster. The messy, unkempt, spiky mess he called hair felt like it was getting the first proper attention in his life, hair product burning itself into the strands as they finally began to be flattened.

Even to the outside, it looked like his hair had been set alight, a beautiful orange spreading across it like wildfire as the brown was consumed, some strands not even surviving at all, any that failed to be made presentable burning away into nothing. It seemed like the spikiness had to go somewhere though, the tips of his hair curling upwards and adding to the cute, girly style.

He shakily felt it, holding back a moan at how soft it was, the boy's heart feeling like it might beat out of his chest at any moment. He was beginning to realise just how unstoppable this was, nothing he could do able to stop this from happening, especially when he was this far away from help.

Still, his courage flared up at the thoughts, a scowl filling his features as he reminded himself that he couldn't lose hope, having been in much worse situations before on his adventure. The emotion grew stronger at his thoughts, the boy confident he could make it through if he just oh god she could feel Taichi's hands in her hair, his fingers running through the strands, w-why hasn't he let go yet? Does he like how soft they are? Oh fuck it's just like she imagined it, how did it feel this good?


As he came again, it was clear that Taichi's courage stood no chance against Sora's love, the boy wailing as his seed was expelled, straining his shorts as his body thrashed and shook from the aftershocks, every orgasm feeling even better than the last. He convulsed uncontrollably, his mind fully focused on fighting the invading data as he shut his eyes from the sensations, not even noticing his goggles falling loose from his now straight strands.

They fell down his front, landing neatly inside his open shirt and directly covering his exposed chest, the material rubbing it quite nicely as he gasped in delight. His gaspes turned to moans as the feelings became more pleasurable, the goggles shifting against his chest, starting to feel nicer and nicer as the corrupting data bled into them, altering their physical properties to better suit his new form.

Glass gave way to comfortable cotton, the plastic softening as the goggles cupped his chest, the straps thinning as his moans began to increase in volume, the material feeling absolutely amazing against his nipples. It was a bra now, something that should have scared him, should have made him more panicked, but fuck all he could focus on was how amazing it felt, the sensations blowing his inexperienced mind as he totally didn't regret wearing one today, her mind still filled with shame at the time she'd purposely not put one on, the feeling of those two sets of eyes on her still making her shiver in desire to this day as she-


His nipples were suddenly feeling far better than they ever had before, the sensitivity through the roof as they tented his new bra, the skin of his chest paling dramatically as the cotton gently teased the reactive nubs. Taichi could already feel his own cock priming for another orgasm, his mind feeling less like his own by the second as the invading data continued to spread through it.

There was no reasoning with it, the change’s interference only growing stronger as it grew harder to distinguish what was Sora and what was Taichi, both identities blending together. The pleasure did little to help matters, his identity feeling like it had been put into a blender with Sora’s, one that had been unfairly balanced in her favour as he gasped, still fighting part of himself that wanted to give in, Taichi needing to get it through his thick skull that she would always get what her heart wanted if she put her mind to it.

He shook his head weakly, clutching it with his still male hands, covering his ears to try and block out the sounds of his own moans, sounds that soon transitioned into squeals as the sensations in his chest suddenly turned mind-numbingly amazing. The feeling of something lacking in that area was finally going to be corrected, whether he wanted it to or not.

Fat was being siphoned into them, small surges rushing into his chest in sync with his intense heartbeat, her love forcing them to grow bigger, the mental image of himself turned against him. He couldn’t stop his mind imaging his muscular arms wrapped around him, caressing him, loving hi- fuck this wasn’t right, this wasn’t right, why wasn’t he trying harder to fight this, he should be stronger than this, why wasn’t-


Part of him was ashamed at just how horny being turned into such a close friend was making him, but the majority couldn’t bring itself to care, his hands moving by themselves as he groped his growing breasts. His touch only caused more mass to rush in, his body eager to impress his crush as he was reduced to a shrieking mess.

It wasn’t long until his breasts completely filled his bra, the small b-cups feeling incredible in his hands, his love rising as she realised just how deep into this fantasy she had gotten. Sora swore she could feel Taichi's hands on her chest, the thought making her even more horny as she begged for more.

The shirt was far too small to contain his new breasts, his childish clothes next to be reprogrammed, the preparations for the upgrade beginning as the fantasies brought him over the edge once more as he came all over the floor. The release was different this time, his hips left tingling with the aftershocks of pleasure, his body left spasming as pressure slowly began to build within.

”I-I need to focus! I can’t let this... take me over! N-need to remember who I- AHMMMMMMMMMMMMM~!!!!!!!!”

His hips had finally reached breaking point, pleasurably bursting apart with two piercing cracks, widening into impressive, curvy sizes for a teenage girl. They felt too tight against his shorts, the boy left panting for breath as he felt trapped in his own clothes.

Taichi looked ridiculous in his outfit now, his breasts and cock completely visible through the tight fabric, which combined with the heat in his body only added to the pleasure of the changes. He didn’t dare imagine that it could feel even better, yet the changes continued to defy what he thought was reality, his eyes widening as he looked down at himself to see a glitchy aftereffect all over his outfit.

New shoes came into existence, cute, tiny little things that would fit her far better than the bulky boots of her old self, Taichi vaguely recognizing them as the footwear he had seen some older students wearing. The socks followed soon after, the changing boy giving a pleasured gasp as two thin, black socks climbed up his legs from the shoes, wrapping themselves around his slim legs.

The rest of his outfit followed, Taichi breathing a sigh of relief as he was finally relieved from the pressure in his shorts, the fabric loosening as it turned softer, fluttering slightly in the breeze as it became a cute little skirt. He hated to admit it, but his changed legs looked amazing paired with the miniskirt, the appearance seemingly designed to send his heart racing, something she was incredibly proud of, still remembering the blushing faces of her crushes when they saw her in it for the first time.

He didn’t get the chance to get used to the reduced pressure though, Taichi giving a blubbering squeal as the already too small boxers seemed to restrict themselves further, squeezing his manhood even tighter than the shorts ever did. The sounds he was making now were less squealing and more non stop squeaks, the lacy panties she'd chosen in case Taichi accidentally managed to look up her skirt crushing his cock for all it was worth.

He was crying tears of bliss as his shirt loosened, the tight jacket turning baggy, all colour bleached away by patches of relentless code, the buttons redoing themselves to cover his breasts as a cute little ribbon formed on his collar. As he looked down at himself in shock, Taichi’s panicked eyes widened even further, becoming aware just how much of an effect such tightness had on him, and just how close he was getting to Sora-hood.

His waist had crumpled inwards, any muscle he had reduced to mush as he felt the sexy, girly core in shocked silence, whimpering as he traced his hands across his newly arched back and feminine curves. Taichi hadn’t even noticed these changes, the suddenness of it all another blow to his confidence, the boy realising he didn’t know just how much longer he could last against this as the sound of his heartbeat filled his ears.

It scared him, the boy's determination starting to waver under pressure, his moans rising in volume as his cock throbbed in sync with his heartbeat, realising with a start it wasn't beating out of fear as she gasped in shock. Taichi's hands were running down her body, her eyes wide, feeling her lover’s cock under her panties, every instinct begging him to just thrust it into her alrea-



His cock was a slave to her wants, the boy squealing at the top of his lungs as a large chunk of it eagerly drove inside, cum exploding from the tip as his eyes glazed over from bliss, the panties growing tighter against his shrunken bulge. He could feel his desires shifting, screaming and crying as the changing thoughts edged his balls onwards, something pulling them deeper into the new opening.

It seemed like the more courage and confidence he lost, the stronger Sora's love for him became, Taichi losing himself in it, wanting to hold onto that image of himself in his mind, unaware at just how far it had shifted. The need was different now, the changing boy realising he wanted something much more than his identity now as he moaned in desperate denial.

"N-nooooooooooooo... I-I'm T-Taichi... t-this isn't... I-I want to... h-have his cock inside me~! WHAT NO, WHAT DOES THAT MEA- GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

He got a first-hand lesson on just what it meant, his piercing cries echoing through the room as his mind was bombarded by Sora's lusty wants and needs, his cock throbbing in unrivalled need as his balls pleasurably slid back inside him. All he could do was make mindless noises of ecstasy, his heart pounding in his chest as his convulsing body was hit by more coding, his broad shoulders slamming down into ones that looked far more girly and unassuming.

His heart felt like it was going to explode from Sora's love for him, the emotion overpowering both senses and rational thought. Her love seemed to be pouring everywhere, bringing new pleasures with them as his ass suddenly felt more amazing than he thought was possible.

Taichi's hands were on it in seconds, his fingers digging into the fat as he cried out happily, almost feeling excited as he felt Sora's thoughts taking over. He was loving it now, his resistance falling to her love, the boy more concerned with how she could feel her lover's hands on her ass, gripping it tightly as he seemed to let go of his worries and resistance, finally giving her what she wanted.


He certainly didn’t, the fading Taichi more than happy to please the rapidly emerging Sora as he continued to fondle her growing ass, sending sparks of bliss coursing through his body, squishy fat filling his hands to his increasing delight. Taichi threw back his head, screaming as loud as he could from how amazing it all felt, his mind almost completely submerged by Sora's never-ending love.

Thoughts were rapidly slipping in and out of his mind, Sora’s wants, desires, and memories corrupting his own as he gropped his growing ass tighter, wailing as it eventually grew big enough to push his hips out even wider.

”AH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH~!!!!!!!!!! I-I HAVE TO F-FIGHTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT~!!!!!!!! I’M... I’M... o-oh god I don’t know who I am, m-my mind is too f-fuzzy, it’s so hard to think, b-but something’s wrong so I need... n-need... I’m... AH FUCK~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

While her mind wasn’t sure of his identity, her heart certainly was, thoughts of Taichi making it race like crazy as his cock offered her another reminder, more of it thrusting inside as she bucked wildly. The pleasure was a flaming vortex, cooking his fading, immature mind with pent up horniness and euphoria to give it the best send-off imaginable, large chunks altered beyond recognition by Sora’s corruptive data.

She barely even noticed the flames of bliss coursing through her arms, the little muscle fading as it was evened out, his limbs slenderised into girly perfection as his fingers twitched with bliss. They pleasurably cracked down, losing the masculine broadness in exchange for the delicate femininity that had dominated the rest of her.

The bar on the Digivice was almost completely filled now, something that was clear just by looking at the almost girl. All that remained of Taichi was his tanned cock throbbing in the sea of paleness of her body, along with the smallest of presences in Sora's mind.

Even now he was still desperate to hang on, determined not to be erased and corrupted into an older version of his friend, barely able to regain control of himself from the invading data. It felt like he was moving underwater though, his movements and thoughts slowed, his identity a single piece of string trying to fight a raging inferno of love.

The futility of the situation was only emphasised, his cock twitching as more of it collapsed inwards, determined to satisfy Sora’s love as he cried and wailed in mindless ecstasy.


Screams spewed from his lips, Taichi's sanity feeling like it was about to cave in on itself as he frantically moved his hands down towards his tanned dick, desperate to hang onto the sole remaining piece of his identity. It was his final mistake, the boy only realising for a split second before his mind went blank, his intense terror fading to excitement as she felt Taichi's cock in her hands, the hard shaft feeling almost soft under her skilled, tiny hands, the thought making her giggle as she set about showing her crush how she really felt about him~.

Taichi's fate was finally sealed as Sora began to lovingly pleasure his desperately throbbing dick, thinning cum spurting from its tip as he cried out in pure lust. More and more of it was forced back inside of her, thrusting into her slit as she was fucked raw, the sheer intensity of the fucking more than enough to overpower the little Taichi that remained, finally breaking through his mental firewalls.

She screamed as the last of her old life was corrupted, tears of bliss streaming down her face, thrashing in a mindless pleasured frenzy, her mind unable to stop thinking of Taichi as clear fluids poured from her shrinking shaft. The only thing that made the experience better was her thighs, the mushed remnants of her manhood converted into jiggly, plush fat that was pushed into the growing pillows, filling them quite nicely as she gasped and squealed happily.

His cock was hammering into her, ramming itself deeper into her pussy, desperate to satisfy her unending lust for her crush. The fantasy was so intense, so perfect, Sora swearing it was bordering on reality as his cock thrust deeper into her.

Taichi had almost finished fucking her now, the bar stuck on 99% as his cock was reduced to a tiny, straining nub. Sora adored every second, her fantasy and lust finally reaching its climax as she lowered her hand towards her skirt, slipping it into her panties, hesitating for only the briefest of moments before finally pushing.



Sora squealed as she came, her fingers slipping into her new opening as soon as her cock had inverted, screaming as she came several times over, her evolution complete. When the orgasms finally did die down, she simply lay there, basking in the aftershocks of her mind-blowing orgasms, the peace she was feeling almost otherworldly as she just wanted to sink into this infinite dream forever more.

She didn’t know how long she laid there, only getting up once the pleasure had subsided. The woman stretched, sighing happily as she picked up her discarded Digivice with a wide, cheerful smile on her face.

"Hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~. Fuck, that felt good~. I really needed that... stupid sexy Taichi... and it's not like Yamato is helping..."

The woman muttered to herself as she straightened her clothes, hoping she could look presentable before heading back to class, dreading what she would do if Taichi, Yamato, or heaven forbid Mimi noticed anything that had suggested what she had been doing. It must have been an intense session even for her though, patches of her memory still feeling fuzzy when it came to some of the details.

It was while she was doing this that she noticed something, Sora pausing as she looked around the room, slowly becoming aware that she wasn't in her school. She blinked, a confused look covering her features as she placed her hands on her hips.

"What the... is this the digital world!? How did I... but... did my Digivice?"

She went to check it, nothing out of the ordinary as she checked the systems, everything seemed like it was working normally until she checked the time. Sora had always been unsure why something so basic had been built into it, but she was completely unprepared for what she saw.


It was all wrong, Sora knowing for a fact that it had been early afternoon when she'd left to relieve herself, not just before midday. But the girl found herself even more shocked when she discovered that this error was barely an issue compared to the date.

"2-2000!? But that was six years ago! D-did this glitch? Or did I actually..."

Sora didn't have much time to think about this, crying out in surprise as one of the nearby walls burst open, accompanied by three familiar shouts that filled her with relief.




"Oh good, the others! Maybe they can explain what's going on... I can't even believe I considered that though! I mean time travel? That would be..."

"TAICHI! Are you here!? We set up the crests ages ago! Did you run into anything? What on earth is taking... you... so..."

The young girl found herself lost for words as soon as she dashed into the building, her accusing tone turning to pure shock as she simply stared at the older version of herself that stood a short distance away, an identical expression on her face. Joe rushed in seconds later, along with their Digimon partners, his own words also dying in his throat at the sight he was met with.

For a moment no one said a word, nothing interrupting the tense silence, the Digidestined still incredibly shocked seeing a teenager that looked so much like Sora instead of their friend. The older girl was similarly left speechless, unprepared for seeing her own younger self and close friend standing right in front of her, the sight looking like it had been torn right from her memories, the sheer shock and confusion finally causing her to break the silence as she shrieked at the top of her lungs.


Safe to say, there was a lot of explaining to do.


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