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“What would you suggest we do, madam?” Garrison Commander Rohin asked, bowing deferentially.

Don’t ask me! That’s your job, isn’t it?

Only through pure strength of will did Maiya suppress the sigh she wanted to let out so badly. It had been this way since the beginning of the raid. Her presence had turned this veteran commander into a meek man-boy incapable of making decisions.

“Commander Rohin. I am but an observer, here to inspect the garrison and ensure Kin’jal’s interests are met. Nothing more. You are still in command. What would you suggest we do?”

“Understood, madam. I simply thought someone of your position would want to take control more directly.”

I really don’t! Stop pestering me!

“Give me your assessment of the current situation,” Maiya replied.

“The raiders have attacked the garrison from three of its four cardinal entrances. West. South. East. Our forces are holding up well, slowing their progress.”

“Casualties thus far?” Maiya asked, though she already knew. Runners had been reporting every minute on the current situation.

“No deaths, only minor injuries. The raiders have been careful to ensure minimal damage. They disengage quickly and avoid conflict where possible.”

Just then, another runner arrived to make his report.

“Sir, madam, report. East wing, we’re holding ground. Nothing amiss. Shall I relay new orders?”

Oh great. Here it comes.

“Madam Handmaiden,” Commander Rohin began, “what would you do in this situation?”

“I think this is your decision to make, commander, but if you must know, I would reallocate some troops from the eastern wing to the west.”

“True, the western wing is falling a bit too quickly, don’t you think? Very well. Relay orders to have six troops relocate from the east to the west.”

“Yessir!” the Balarian runner said, forming a fist to his chest in salute before running off as another runner took his place.

“Sir, madam. Report from the southern flank. I’m pleased to say we’ve nearly driven off the invaders.”

Both Maiya and Rohin furrowed their brows.

“How are they being driven off? We left a skeleton crew there. Even with Spear’s Edge, they shouldn’t be able to accomplish such a feat. At best, I expected them to slowly give ground.”

Got a bad feeling about this… Maiya thought, thinking of a certain blonde princess.

“Yes, sir. Tia and Spear’s Edge have successfully driven them off. She personally killed a half dozen invaders. After that, they seem to have abandoned their attack, instead focusing on the other wings.”

“Madam, I thought you’d instructed Spear’s Edge on this…”

“Oh, believe me, I did,” Maiya replied, grinding her teeth. She didn’t even have to feign her anger this time. That princess really knows how to get on peoples’ nerves, doesn’t she?

“I will deal with this myself,” she said, storming out of the command room.

Swiftly navigating the halls, it took her less than a minute to arrive at the scene.

Dead demon raiders lay torn open and skewered on the floor, and Tia fought with unbridled fury. Her attacks were wild. Even feral, and her party stood well back, afraid of getting caught in the princess’ mad rampage.

“Tia!” Maiya shouted, but the princess didn’t respond. Maiya could almost feel the hatred oozing off of her back.

“I’m sorry,” Haymi said, running up to Maiya.

“You were supposed to keep her in check.”

“We tried to stop her. We really did.”

“Nobody keeps our little princess in check when she gets like this, I’m afraid,” Vason replied. “Not unless we outright attack her. We’re bound by an oath, I’m afraid. Can’t exactly cross blades with our liege.”

“If I restrain her, will you interfere?”

Haymi shook her head.

“Then stay back and instruct any Balarian Guards who come this way to divert to one of the other wings.”

Maiya didn’t bother pulling punches. She opened with an Icicle spell aimed directly at Tia’s cuirass.

The spell landed, and while Tia’s armor bore the brunt of the impact, Tia fell face first.

“Leave us until I have this sorted,” Maiya said, addressing the veiled demon raider.

The lead demon nodded to the others and they broke off the attack, seeing greener pastures.

“Running away? Easy to murder prey in their sleep, isn’t it? What about someone who fights back? Come on! Tia shouted.

“Tiyana Matali! Stand. Down.”

Tia rose to her feet, glaring at the backs of the fleeing demons. Maiya walked around, putting herself in the middle of the princess’ vision.

“I gave you an order, Tia.”

“You can’t order me. Nobody can.”

Ahhhh she’s insufferable! Vir, why in the realms did you join a party with her at the helm!? Wait. No.

A sudden thought flashed across Maiya’s mind. Does he like her?

Vir had never shown much of an interest in Maiya, and to be honest, neither had she. Not really. They’d never seen each other that way. It was his business to like whoever he wanted. Just…

A knot formed in Maiya’s chest as her thoughts ran rampant.

Why her? What’s she got that I don’t?

“Well? You gonna stand in my way all day? Or can I go kill some demons now?” Tia asked, breaking her out of her reverie.

Grak it, why am I even worrying about this? And now, of all times?

Yet try as she might, she couldn’t squash the feeling. Like she was about to lose something terribly precious.

“You said you’d cooperate,” Maiya said softly, before firming her tone. “You don’t seem to understand your position here, princess. A word from me to Princess Ira, and I can make your brother’s life such a nightmare, he’ll be begging to fling himself into the Ash. I can easily send your countrymen into poverty. I can bankrupt your coffers and cripple your economy. Do you really want to make an enemy out of me?”

Maiya could do none of those things, of course, but Tia didn’t know that.

“Fine. What do you want me to do?”

“Go protect Commander Rohin.”

“I doubt he’s in need of any protection, with all the Balarian Warriors you’ve posted there.”

I didn’t ask,” Maiya said, fed up with the spoiled brat. Tiyana Matali truly was a princess in every sense of the word, except for the one that mattered.

She’s nothing at all like Ira… Maiya thought as Tiyana spun on her heel and stormed away.

Maiya sought the west wing. Having just received reinforcements from the east, the soldiers were actually pushing the invaders back, though they’d retreated far enough to yield several jail cells to the demons, who worked swiftly to break the prisoners free while their frontline warriors fought valiantly.

She paused, taking a moment to appreciate the Pagan Order warriors’ form. Where the Kin’jali arts were utilitarian in a basic manner, the Order fighters were equally streamlined, just that they used a range of tactics, from firecracker grenades to smoke gas to screeching whistles… and even sand.

Vir would get such a kick out of this, she thought.

One on one, the Order troops likely held the advantage against the Balarian Warriors, a feat few could ever accomplish. Moreover, the raiders moved with a beautiful efficiency Maiya had only seen among the Balarian Elites. They had done this before, and they were very good at it.

Despite this, their numbers were spread thin to attack three wings. While the raiders’ goal wasn’t to destroy, the jails were distributed evenly throughout the compound. To free all the prisoners, they’d have to penetrate deeper.

Fully staffed, even Altani forces would have a tough time cracking Garrison Nihira. To have held up so well with a skeleton crew barely a tenth of the norm, it spoke volumes to Kin’jal fortifications.

And we’re not even using the ballistas and traps.

“You, you, you, and you!” Maiya said, picking out four guards. “The southern flank is unattended. I need your help.”

“As you command, madam.”

The warriors swiftly disengaged and retreated, disappearing through the hall Maiya had arrived in. With a portion of their forces redeployed, the warriors began to give ground to the invaders.

Satisfied with the situation in the eastern wing, Maiya followed her new warriors back to the south, but the Order demons were nowhere to be seen.

Backtracking, Maiya returned to the central corridor that led to Commander Rohin’s command room. She was halfway back when her ears picked up sounds of conflict nearby.

Odd, she thought. There shouldn’t be any demons this far inside.

Taking a hallway, Maiya followed the sound to its source—the largest jail room, containing twenty-five demons.

“...another…coming… think you’ll pass.”

Maiya recognized that voice. Tia!

She broke out into a sprint. The sounds grew louder and louder.

Maiya stepped through the large door that led to the guardroom.

Tiyana stood with her spear pointed at a demon Maiya didn’t recognize, along with the rest of Spear’s Edge.

The demon prisoners huddled behind the raider. looking scared and lost. Half had their shackles broken.

Tia must have found him when he was in the middle of breaking them out.

The raider held his weapon—a katar—by his side.

Foolish, Maiya thought, her gaze passing over his exotic choice of weapon.

He’s facing down three armed opponents and he doesn’t even have his guard up. He’s not even in a combat stance. Amateur.

Perhaps her impression of the Order raiders being elites was wrong, after all.

Maiya’s sudden appearance broke their confrontation, and all parties turned to look. Haymi and Vason both visibly relaxed upon seeing Maiya, while Tia Tch’d and scowled.

That much was expected. What she hadn’t expected was the look of pure shock from the demon raider, who stumbled a step back before righting himself.

Why’s he looking at me like that? Is he targeting me?

Maiya’s eyes narrowed, and she reached for her dagger… then froze.

Her eyes drifted down to the raider’s weapon. To the hand holding it. There, on his wrist, he wore a bracelet.

A beaded bracelet that was much too familiar.



Time to die


High key hoping ekanai takes over (I hope I remembered that name right)

Caleb Reusser

Well, this sucks. Vir is going to be a lot less likely to let someone live in the future. His mercy has thrown the mission in jeopardy.

Siddharth Patel

Looks like curiosity will kill the cat lol. Especially if they heard the convo and already know that he's with the Pagan order. Tbh, I think she kinda deserves it for poking her nose in the business where it didn't belong.

Kaizen Androck

" I understand this section is somewhat controversial, but trust me"..why? it is fantastic

Vowron Prime

Okay GOOD! Hahah. Patron comments have been spicy, so I wasn't sure if people were enjoying it, or just hating on Tia (she def deserves to be hated on) hahah

good guy

I will be happy if Tia dies, but I ultimately don't care that much

M. Lebedev

" Leaping from the shadows to deliver a needed only a second to Leap to the next guard, delivering a vicious Empowered uppercut with his gloved hand." Something's wrong I can feel it.

M. Lebedev

How did they find Vir so fast ? Like there are a bunch of operatives going around, so how did they find Vir first ? Just dumb luck ? Also Vir's spatial awareness suddenly plummeted for no reason. I mean on a rescue mission he should always be using his Prana vision to scan for threats. And it's already been established that Tia's group has quite the distinct Prana signature.... Tho the dramatic effect is probably worth it xD

Vowron Prime

Prana Vision's resolution increases dramatically the closer he is. Also, prana armor interferes with it, though the scene here implies haymi wasn't charging the party's armor... though she prob ought to be.