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Hey everyone, some announcements for both Soulweaver & Ashborn readers.

Soulweaver readers:

As stated in chapter 1 on RoyalRoad, starting next week (April 8th), Soulweaver will release 3x a week, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Ashborn readers - a slightly longer message:

Over the past months, I've been working 7 days a week & recently, 13 hrs a day to write and edit ashborn, polish my outline, consult for a video game project, and also to spin up my new series. As much as I'd love to write Ashborn exclusively, I'm afraid it alone doesn't pay the bills, necessitating a second fiction and my consulting work.

This workload is unfortunately unsustainable for me, so effective this week, Ashborn will now serialize 3x a week, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, effective immediately.

I am also posting my holiday and vacation schedule for the year, which I'll put on the synopsis page as well. I may take more than is on here, but this should be pretty accurate, and if I do, I'll announce it in advance.

This decision comes after a lot of introspection and consideration, and rather than burn out, I want to act proactively so I can continue to bring Ashborn to you for years to come, at a high quality. Reducing my pace will accomplish all of those goals. Some authors on this site are in the habit of writing 365 days a year without ever taking a vacation. I strongly feel that this is an unhealthy practice, and the more authors do this, the more it becomes the new normal, pressuring newer authors to feel like they must do the same to compete. I've also fallen prey to this peer pressure. However, with this, I hope to break that trend and set an example for what I feel is sustainable and healthy for the long run.

As you all know, I have finished every story I have ever started, and I remain committed to that promise.

I thank you profusely for your patience and understanding!


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