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Hey people, the comic is officially finished, the next page will be a final illustration and a small personal note. Thank you for supporting me for so long You're amazing. After a short break I will start posting the next comic. :D

I'll be reading your comments :D

Spanish version in the attachments as allways








Are you going to take a make and sell physical comic

Super Shanko

I think I speak for everyone here when we say that we’d gladly buy a physical book of this.

Nuka Man

This comic was absolutely fantastic!! I hope one day we can see Loona and Millie have an 'understanding' and Moxxie becomes the luckiest imp alive. Thanks for your wonderful work. Can't wait to see what comes next.


I wonder how many times loona is gonna rewatch that video when she's in heat


*Roundabout plays* Man what a comic! Can’t wait to see what you have in store in the future!!


Wow What a comic!!! I Joint to Patreon just to saw last pages, and to say thank you

Robert Splenda

Congratulations for the milestone Jizoku! Been following since the first page

Az WaRzEt

I hope the next comics was with loona again and millie 😁

Pro Mecha

It was fun reading the comic hope to see the next issue some time in the future until then. Thanks juziko