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Hey tension is growing here. What do you think is going to happen?

spanish version as allways in the attachments








Ugh, so much tension


There will be bloodshed


I’m sweating more bullets with every new page

Super Shanko

Guess you die? But if she’s not there yet, just look busy.


Its quiet.....toooo quiet...

Super Shanko

Why do I get the feeling this will be a very dialogue heavy section?

Super Shanko

Look at Moxxie compared to Loona. He’s all jittery and she doesn’t give a fuck. XD

Dylan T

Schrödinger's Milly. She both is and is not there until you open the door.


It's quiet..too quiet

Nikolai Rayment

Anyone else hoping they fuck again in the office? Quick n dirty


Todos sabemos que posiblemente Millie esta sentada en la oscuridad y girará la silla como los villanos 😈

Roy Vulpes™

Haha, it's the calm before the storm.

Super Shanko

Moxxie: What’ll we do if she’s in there? Loona: You ever see that part in the movie where the people are running and one gets intentionally tripped by the other?


The more I see them together, the more I like them. A guilty pleasure


how did he get his pants back?


Wouldn't the door look busted if Millie was in there? Didn't they lock the door b4 they left?


Die. The answer is die. Or run and trip loona in hopes it gives you more time!

Richard Purchas

this would be a perfect moment for Millie to be in those spinning chairs waiting for the two in the dark.


Millie gonna force Moxxie on Loona again

Super Shanko

Where’d he get a little satchel at, and what the hell would he be carrying? That thumb drive is way too small and definitely with Loona.

Super Shanko

It’ll be kind of funny if Loona admits they did it, and then twists it into someway where she’s not at fault.

Super Shanko

I’d assume they all have a key, but if Millie was gonna try and catch them in the act, surely she’d sneak in on them. Also, air vents.

Super Shanko

Moxxie, you’ve had more than enough time to reconsider all of this, now just get in there and figure out how to turn this into a 3-way.