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Dmitri's arm is locked in place despite the increasing power that is being diverted to the machine's armature - as evidenced by the screaming whine and brightening yellow-white light of the force field.

He blinks slowly and deliberately and when his eyes open again, Dmitri's left cybernetic eye had changed modes - not to its normal mode, or UV mode, or IR mode - but a configuration we've never seen before. His eyes widen and his gaze is focused intently on the armature against which he is fighting - almost as if he means to beat this machine in a staring contest.

And then a brilliant flash of cyan blue laser light briefly connects Dmitri's left eye and the power coupling of the device holding his right arm in its force-field grip. This is followed by an explosion as the power coupling is sliced open, its internal components melted and fused.

Dmitri's right arm snaps backwards as that arm is suddenly released. The cuff is dead, it's power light extinguished. Dmitri smiles as he turns his attention to the next field generator holding his right foot. He lasers its power generator, releasing his right foot, then turns his attention to the left foot, and finally his remaining arm.

Now free, he steps lightly away from the toroidal machine which he sees with satisfaction has gone dead. He smashes his two forearm cuffs together several times until they are both damaged beyond repair. The right one falls onto the floor broken into several pieces and the left one snaps open. Dmitri removes it and tosses it aside. He bends down to work on the leg cuffs. He tries not to breathe in the acrid smoke hanging in the air as he mentally reviews his next move.




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