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The guys are leaving the planet Proxima b after some unspecified business on the surface. Next stop - a G2V yellow dwarf star just 1.302 parsecs away in the direction of the constellation of Cassiopeia.

Please leave comments or PM me with ideas on what to name Eric & Dmitri's ship!



Thomas Polk

A very promising story!

S Munson

Is that the name of a real star or planet or something outer spacey?


It is! 😄 The clues are in the name itself as well as the "next stop" comment, but I might as well tell you that the G2V yellow dwarf star is Sol, The Sun, us! Proxima b is the closest exoplanet to Earth, circling in the habitable zone of the red dwarf star Proxima Centauri. Proxima Centauri (or Alpha Centauri C) is the smallest member of the triple-star system Alpha Centauri - and it's a good long way way from the other two bigger stars; Rigel Kentaurus (or Alpha Centauri A) is a little bigger and brighter than our Sun and Alpha Centauri B, a little smaller and dimmer. From there, our home star looks like an extra zag in the constellation Cassiopeia, which is a w-shaped constellation that can be seen from Earth's Northern hemisphere. I find stuff like that *extremely* interesting! 🤔 It also means that their next stop is HERE, the Earth! 🤠 Maybe Dmitri and Eric can do a meet-and-greet?