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Queue the cheesy dramatic music and pull out your handkerchiefs as the sad story continues..

I finally got everything all connected up on Friday, plugged in the UPS and received a "circuit fault" warning. A little checking showed this was the outlet and not the UPS device. So, it seems that the outlet that I am using is faulty. Unfortunately, it also seems that the only correctly installed outlets are all in the kitchen and the bathroom, so I must wait for an electrician to properly see to bringing the rest of the outlets up to code.

So, I am fighting with the landlord on this - who actually had the nerve to suggest that I run an extension cord from the kitchen to plug the UPS into. After an epic shouting match, I was finally able to prove to him that this was not possible and he finally relented to get an electrician in to see about needed changes.

The electrician is scheduled for the evening of September 5th and it is impossible to say if he will be able to fix it right away or not.

I will keep you all informed the best I can - and I will try my best to make it right.

Ever grateful for your patience and support, thank you!




I will continue to be here. I'm not going anywhere. Life comes first, do what you have to do and I'll be patient. 😊

S Munson

I'm with George!!! 😉


Really? He never said anything about you coming to visit him? 🤔 Just kidding! 😂 Thank you, my friend! 😎