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Our as-yet-unnamed bodybuilder got a job modeling a line of work-out shorts. I wonder if anyone realizes that barbell is not a prop and weighs nearly a full ton? 🤔



S Munson

Some angles make him appear old and some young. Parrallavortexgram!


I know what you mean! I was trying to copy a specific character this time from a character I really liked by a guy I follow on DA. I tried to buy the character from him, but he didn't want to sell it. *His* character was a rework of someone in particular as well, so our new guy here is a copy of a copy. Can you guess who the original model was? 🤔

S Munson

Oh yah!!! I see him now!!! Old what's-his-face-guy-man!!!! ?????


Chris Hemsworth. Don't worry the copy didn't look that much like him either and then I copied *that*.

S Munson

I'm sure I'm the only one who couldn't figure that one out. And it was even Thor's Day yesterday... I'm outta the loop.


Just follow the mobius strip! You'll get there - eventually...

S Munson

Isn't that the guy who offered a red or blue pill to Keanu?


No, that's Morpheus (the Greek God of sleep, where the name of the drug morphine comes from). A Mobius strip is a one-sided 2-dimensional object embedded in 3D space.

S Munson

Can you do The Mobius Strip? It's quite a trip, to strip, to The Mobius Strip trip