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"Time to leave!" They came together, lips almost touching, but they hesitated for a moment. "Come back to me," he said, and then they kissed passionately.

Inspiration: https://youtu.be/QuZeE2ySaZc?t=116



S Munson

Extraplanetary futurescape

S Munson

I love the neon signs Brings some of these scenes together


That is the cyberpunk vibe! Like Ebisubashi-suji street in Osaka, or the Akihabara (Electric Town) part of Tokyo. I posted a few of these on the Discord server for the "Boost for Daz" service that I used to get these done more rapidly and in higher quality. Anyway, several of them said this series had a "Nar Shaddaa" feel to it. I hadn't heard of it - but it seems to be a Star Wars RPG reference.

S Munson

Nar Shaddaa is referred to as "The Smugglers' Moon", in Star Wars cannon. Became a criminal haven and gained the rep being the center of illegal ops in the galaxy. So dark alley shenanigan's happing all over the place, etc...so makes sense.


Yeah, and the pictures I saw online were very similar to this - except no aliens.