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This series was inspired by an image that flashed into my mind last week. There was a charged emotional component as well - but my grip on this single scene was very tenuous. So, I put on some music and started exploring this idea - trying to recapture the image and the feeling. One particular song that I had never heard before was on -  and during the drop, it all came back together in my mind again.

So, imagine this scene as from a movie. I don't know what happens in the scene before or the scene after, but they come together, one says to the other "Come back to me!" They kiss, run & leap onto their hoverbikes, and then fly off in different directions over and around the sprawl of the Cosmopolis.

This is the song that helped to inspire this image and helped it to gel in my mind:


Hope you enjoy!



S Munson

Transhuman? What that? Eric and Dimitri look Fantastic in their Power Armor Power Suits!!!


Transhuman, or trans-human, is the concept of an intermediary form between human and posthuman. In other words, a transhuman is a being that resembles a human in most respects but who has powers and abilities beyond those of standard humans. - Wikepedia

S Munson

Well dang! I lost that volume of the Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedia! T U V volume is gone....that's why I asked the human Wikepedia Man


I'll lend you my copy of the Encyclopedia: Fuck & Wankers - it's a bit more limited in the scope of subject material, but the T U V volume is intact!

S Munson

Oooooooooooooo!!!! I've never been so excited about encyclopedias before! You can keep your pages-stuck-together encyclopedia, I'll borrow it from a bathhouse library.