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Where did that huge snow-beast come from?

And before anyone says anything - the title is not a misspelling - he works out a lot and so "abdominal" describes him better than "abominable".



S Munson

Oh!!! How abominable! Abdominal abdominally abominable!!

S Munson

I was astounded by how abominally abominable you have truly made him!


Awwww, maybe I can tame him.


You sound like Yukon Cornelius! :D {j/k} Try tickling him behind the ears. All furry creatures larger than a field-mouse love to have their ears scratched!


Lol. I'm a biologist working on conservation. I would try to keep hunters away and maybe this big guy here can be my abdominal snowman guard!


Yeah he can! Hunters that go where they're not supposta have a tendency to *entirely* disappear, along with their trucks, equipment, etc. Then, later, you sometimes find a football-sized hunk of super-dense metal that weighs a couple of tons, just sitting there out in the forest...


I admit I like my furry friend coming to my rescue when hunters try to intimidate me. Seeing him standing to full height and tossing big men (and trucks!) as if they were cotton balls is impressive... but it's even better when he comes running to me, picks me up with one massive arm and whimpers as he licks my neck. 😉