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Those two are really still kids at heart - still go trick-or-treating every year!

I have the scene finished for the next set (it's s reprise, but I think you'll like it - I 'Halloweened' it up a bit), I just need to finish the rendering. That should be posted either tomorrow or Tuesday.

Meanwhile, enjoy these super hi-res images of Andre and Alex!



S Munson

👹They are so cute! 🎃 Can't wait to see what comes next! 😈 👻 I have an idea, but I wanna see it played out 💀

S Munson

You have issues with rendering, I have issues with floating emoticons!


Well, I don't plan to do an NSFW version of *this* scene, so I hope that's not what you were waiting for... That ghost emoticon floated over to the side of his own volition - ghosts are like that, you know!

S Munson

The scene just looked so tranquil that I just had a feeling that something was gonna jump out! I wasn't expecting you to do an NSFW, oddly! 👻👻👻👻