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Well! It has almost been a year since I started my Patron page. Woohoo! 😁

I would like to thank all of you who have been following me - new patrons, some who have been here from the beginning - thank you so much! 🥰 I have been able to meet my goals for this page - I have been able to support other artists both here and elsewhere, I have been able to purchase lots of new assets for Daz Studio, I was able to purchase the Marvelous Designer program for cloth and clothing, and it really feels good to know that there are others who share common interests. I appreciate you!

I will be pausing billing for October as a way of thanking you all for your support! This does not mean that I will not be posting - I have been learning Marvelous Designer and Blender, I have several new characters in the works and many scenes that are October/Halloween appropriate that just need to be rendered. 🎃 There should be an increase in posts, in fact, there should be more than usual! (Although, I'll admit I may need to buy a new computer just so I can be rendering while I'm trying to figure out these new programs and running tests on concept ideas!)

Thanks again everyone! You are the BEST!


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